Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 218 The stalemate of power

Chapter 218 The stalemate of power

It is impossible for the frontline soldiers in the Devil's Mouth to understand the struggle of Emperor Barbarossa. The soldiers who came to this hellish place only had very simple logic in their minds -

Behind me are my compatriots, my relatives and friends, and my family!
I must defend this line of defense!
Otherwise they will all die!
Whoever helps guard the Devil's Mouth is my brother!
When a team of Pegasus knights urgently airlifted the bull's head over, all the soldiers who were not on duty came out to see God. No, it was a miracle.

"This thing is so big!" Against the sun, a soldier put his hand on his forehead and squinted at the sky.Even though Griffith's big head has not been completely lowered, and the Pegasus Knight is still at least 50 to [-] meters above the ground, everyone can still get the approximate size by comparing the head and the Pegasus Knight.

When four Pegasus dragged a huge net and slowly landed the demon lord's head with huge bison horns in the open space behind the fortress, the scene erupted into loud cheers.

"Hahaha! Die! Die!"

"Fuck the devil!"


"Brother I died because of the stupid attack on the giant bull demon!"


There were cheers, cries, and curses. Regardless of whether they were regular troops, volunteers, or hired adventurers, the fortress's garrison officers vented their emotions in various ways until the commander-in-chief of the fortress, Karl* Marshal Ellis appears.

He gently raised his right hand and pressed it softly. The noisy crowd quickly calmed down and listened to the words of this great man who had guarded the fortress for many years.

This middle-aged marshal with gray hair and beard was a feast for the eyes.

"I am a rough man! More than 20 years ago, the first line of defense fell and the previous commander-in-chief, Mr. Livingston, was killed in action. I took over this burden from him. From that day on, I only know who will help the world resist the devil. He’s my friend! Everyone says that, right!?”

"Yes! That's right -" the soldiers let out a tsunami of approval.

Marshal Karl continued to fire: "Although your Excellency is not here at the moment, I still want to grandly introduce to you our new ally - the legendary archmage Ren Tesla of the School of Physics! It is he who is at the critical moment. Lure out the giant bull demon lord Griffith at all times and kill him, allowing us to maintain the second line of defense. Comrades, let us offer our most sincere thanks to Lord Tesla. Cheers——"

Another burst of cheers sounded, and everyone started shouting in confusion.

"Oh oh oh-"

"Praise the Archmage!"

"Hahaha! Thank you, Master Mage. It's all thanks to you that I saved my life."

"Boss Karl, when will we have a mage ally?"

Marshal Karl had a smile on his face with Chinese characters: "Then it depends on when the noble gentlemen at the rear will put down their dignity and invite them over."

None of the kings knew that Marshal Karl had done a big job for them this time.

"Everyone understands that the Physics Faction supports us, so we must use our voices to get new allies to join as soon as possible. I hope that our Mage Tower, which has been dusty for hundreds of years, can operate again. I am here to launch a petition asking the Physics Faction to join -"

The marshal waved his hand, and soldiers came over, pulled out long and wide strips of cloth, and wrote joint letters to the soldiers.

Originally, if a time traveler was from the good camp, he would be kidnapped by morality.

Thankfully he wasn't.

Now, the Devil's Mouth has gathered the elites of almost all countries. Many generals and army commanders were previously from noble families, and the kings did not dare not listen to their voices.

In particular, Marshal Karl painted a bright prospect for the kings.

In the document, he wrote: [If we can get the support of the physics school, we are 90% sure to regain the first line of defense that has been lost for many years.If the first line of defense can be successfully repaired, the current rate of manpower and material losses will be reduced by at least 30%.If we can obtain further high-level mages, especially protective mages, and restart the mage towers on the defense line, our defense line will be twice as strong as it is now. 】

At this time, the kings could not sit still.

This is an autographed letter from the most powerful god of war among the nations who has guarded the mouth of the devil for more than 20 years.Why are countries in such financial distress?

To put it bluntly, it was dragged down by the explosion in military spending.

If we don’t provide enough military spending, we will destroy the country.

If nothing else, once the Devil's Mouth is lost, the Karak Empire will be the first to be destroyed.Barbarossa next to it is not much better. After all, the border between the two countries is a medium-sized river. Other than that, it is a flat plain with no danger to defend.

Once the devil wreaks havoc on the black soil of the Barak Plain, the largest area between the two countries, without saying anything, the grain output of the two countries will drop by 3% that year, and many people will starve to death.

Well now, with the opportunity of Archmage Tesla appearing, it would be a lie if the kings are not moved.

But Emperor Barbarossa was a little unwilling to give up his command, or influence, over the Physics School like this.

After King Cervantes personally tested it, asking a certain archmage to build a mage tower was a different price. It is estimated that if he or his disciples were to stay in the Devil's Mouth, the other party would ask for a higher price.

What if we only take down the first wall of the Devil's Mouth?

Barbarossa XIII was extremely troubled.

It’s not like they haven’t tried to express their feelings, such as handing over a petition signed by more than 1 soldiers to the School of Physics.

Who knows, Ren En will give them a standard [read only but not reply].


That was Wren's reaction.

For this reason, Flora asked Ren.

Wren declined to comment.

When there was no one around, Ren crossed his legs and sneered at this matter.

"The Dog Emperor just wants to hold on to his power. I really have to relent and agree. I am the most honest scalper who has been used to death. It is not impossible to help [Devil's Mouth] improve the combat environment. The problem is saving money. The emperor has the nerve to just put the pensions and military expenses that have come down into his own pocket, instead of digging them out and giving them to the school of physics that has the most power?"

You can't let this go.

Whoever is cowardly and soft-hearted is a dog.

There is absolutely no way Wren can be a dog.

Then the only one who can be a dog is the emperor.

Before the two emperors figured out who their younger brothers were, the Thunderbirds didn't care about them.

Isn’t it nice to continue teaching disciples and upgrading the system behind closed doors?
The emperor is actually quite difficult.The two countries have indeed obtained a group of excellent mages, and their level is obvious to all.These precious little ones among the nobles can serve as the backbone and even the commanders of the mage group formed in the future, but unfortunately they are not strong enough to affect the situation at the Devil's Mouth at this time.

It can be said that both emperors felt a little embarrassed.

No one knows whether Archmage Tesla surrendered first, or whether they, as emperors, surrendered first.

Who comes first, the accident or the future, has always been a big question.

No one expected that Rennes would receive an unexpected assist.

(End of this chapter)

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