Chapter 222 Beast Tide (1 more)

It can be said that everyone in the palace meeting hall was shocked.

Well, here comes the problem.

Who is Ma En?

New alien god?

In any case, there seems to be no reason to kill these drow!

What Ma En did was so impressive that it made the heads of the knights go numb.

It's easy to judge people by their appearance in this world. After all, certain races have that kind of virtue.Dark elves have long been known for their cunning and cunning, and they are a hardcore race of chaotic evil.

It's really rare that one or two outliers appear, which make people look at them with admiration.

Those few guys who can be called "individuals" also worked ten times harder than ordinary drow to be recognized by the people around them and spread their reputation.

This can only be said to be an individual case.

What is this now?
Group whitewash?
No!First of all, let’s not talk about whether their camp will shift back in the future. Even if this is a temporary operation, can the Spider Goddess allow it?

Or did the Spider Goddess really burp in the last war?
The death of a powerful and chaotic evil goddess is definitely good news for the good camp.

What's more, the Spider Goddess represents not just herself, but the entire drow pantheon.

It's just that Barbarossa is a little sad. As a good and lawful camp, they absolutely can't attack people from the same camp.

Regardless, this is good news.

Barbarossa XIII made a mature and prudent decision: "Ask them how they changed their alignments. If possible, we can get them too, which can reduce a lot of trouble. In addition, ask the Physics School what's going on."

Asking is asking.

As asked.

The drows frankly confessed that there was a bad guy who spread a set of viral ideas in the [Psychic Spider Web] dedicated to drows. Anyone who dared to peek into that thing would be mentally tortured repeatedly.Either be driven crazy or even commit suicide, or join if you can't beat them, and fully accept the Marn thoughts of the lawful camp.

As for who is Ma En?

We don't know either!
The last guy to do this kind of treacherous and insidious psychic web happened to be the Spider Goddess.
Her Shadow Demon Network had deceived many masters who were originally neutral.

Feng shui has turned, and the Spider Goddess used the Shadow Demon Web to corrode people's hearts. Now her family members [Drow] are suffering from it.

This outrageous operation is simply the biggest news of this century.

Do you think this is a good thing?Of course it's a good thing for the good camp.No matter how bad it is, the two factions of Drow will be fooled into thinking.

Do you think this is serious?This is definitely not serious.

Fortunately, I asked the Physics School and received a reply quickly.

"Master Tesla's original words are - Ma En and I are from the same world, but we are from different factions and are allies. Their power has influenced the drow, I don't think it is a big problem. Ma En has this power. If you Fang felt it was difficult to handle, so he sent Zhuol to the Mara Tunnel and let us take care of it."

Listening to the messenger's message, Emperor Barbarossa had a strange expression.

Archmage Tesla can be regarded as endorsing the Ma En faction.

The old palace minister noticed a detail: "Them?"

"Yes, when the Archmage described 'Marn', he used the word [them]. I have confirmed it repeatedly." The messenger said.

The old palace minister sighed: "Obviously, there are more alien gods than the physical school!" The emperor was silent for a while, and then asked several major sects: "Do you of the Temple of Light, Sun, and Knights have any opinions?"

The leaders of several good sects had grim faces. Look at me, I look at you. Finally, the leader of the Light Sect came out to salute: "We are waiting for the gods to have no divine revelation or oracle for the time being. However, according to the principle of offensive and defensive alliance of the good camp, We welcome all forces fighting evil to join our alliance."

"so be it."

In any case, there is no need to send precious knights into the Underdark to fight the drow. This is the best news.

Knights are never afraid of head-on confrontation.

The bad thing is that in the underdark, humans who lack vision really suffer all kinds of disadvantages.

Drow are born with [dark vision] and can see things in the dark as if they were in daylight.Humans use torches and various lighting props in those ghostly places.The Underdark has a corrosive effect on light. In the past, a torch that could shine ten meters away in the dark could only reach five meters in this poor place.

What's more, in the eyes of the drow rangers, the humans who light the torch are simply living targets.

Forget about the frontal battlefield, the biggest headache is logistics.

The drow have a hundred ways to attack human supply convoys.

To fight against the drow, it is best to use the help of races that also have [Dark Vision], such as the underground dwarves and dwarves. However, the main force of the dwarves is used to guard the Devil's Mouth and cannot be spent in such a place.

A possible war disappeared without a trace, which did not bring doom to Barbarossa.

However, another piece of news made Barbarossa XIII's nerves suddenly tense.

Barak has been carrying the mouth of the devil all year round, which does not mean that Barbarossa does not have his own troubles.The [Beast Wall] on the border of the northern wasteland is a lingering piece of bad news.

Once upon a time, Barbarossa had five border provinces in the north in addition to its existing borders.

It's just that these pioneering leaders were all lost when the Barbarossa Empire failed in three wars with the orcs 90 years ago.

After the Age of Ending Law, Barbarossa, who had lost his magic, could not defeat the tribal alliance composed of multiple orc clans in a competition based solely on muscle. He abandoned his helmet and armor along the way and retreated to the Red Blood River, only to rely on the favorable location to hold on.

Every time they see the fertile black land being wasted by orcs and used as pasture for six-legged cattle, the hearts of the knights bleed.They seemed to hear the cries and whimpering of their ancestors.

Now, the orcs are here again.

The biggest feature of their attempted southward invasion was that they began to move their hunting grounds southward, closer to the fortresses and protective walls built by the empire along the banks of the Red Blood River.

Upon receiving the news, Barbarossa XIII hurriedly contacted Emperor Karak.

Savings version: "Brother! My backyard is about to catch fire, and I don't have that many troops to accompany you in the Devil's Mouth. Why don't we two shed some blood and ask that guy from Tesla to help get the first crack at the Devil's Mouth?" Defense line. I can draw back the two knights."

The other person: "Just what I want!"

In this way, a new py transaction proposal was put on Rennes' table.

The first sentence at the beginning is [From the royal treasuries of our two countries, I can select a treasure for you. 】

"Oh? Are those two old guys so willing?"

Sophia was open-minded: "The 'beast tide' that happens every 15 years is coming again."


"Those damn orcs are like endless weeds, killing one crop after another! Every 15 years, when there are too many people, they come to our human territory and go crazy. Once they seize the land, they use it to raise herbivorous beasts. The pastures. If they can’t grab the land and consume the population, it’s also a victory for them.”

(End of this chapter)

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