Chapter 225 Counterattack Plan
"Hey! Have you heard about that big operation?" Almost the same day that Renn confirmed that the Physics School would participate in the counterattack on the first line of defense of the Devil's Mouth Fortress, the news spread throughout the Devil's Mouth.

More than 20 generals from all over the world spread the news by word of mouth, and soon everyone knew about it.

Regardless of whether they were regular bureaus from various countries, whether they were death row prisoners sent here to serve as stormtroopers from various countries, or volunteers who came here voluntarily because of their mission, they were all in a commotion.

One after another, the bosses of their own troops were encouraged to come to Marshal Carl Ellis to inquire about the news and invite a fight.

"Report..." A knight leader came over excitedly. Before he could finish his words, the guard stepped aside with a wry smile.

The former battle hall was already packed with people.

The [-]-square-meter hall was full, and even the corridor outside couldn't accommodate people.

So quickly that the Marshal lost his temper and drove everyone outside to the small square, and then gave a public speech on the second floor terrace.

"You little bastards, stop asking! I'm here to give a unified answer." The marshal has been in charge of the defense of the fortress for many years, and his words are absolute.As soon as he opened his mouth, the people below immediately fell silent and cast their fiery eyes on the marshal.

"The rumors this time are not outrageous. Yes, there is another tide of beasts in the north of Barbarossa." As soon as he finished speaking, Barbarossa's soldiers immediately became slightly commotion, and quickly calmed down.

"According to the request of Emperor Barbarossa XIII, we should recover the first line of defense as much as possible, rebuild the complete city defense, and then transfer Barbarossa's troops back. But -" the marshal suddenly emphasized his tone: "Retract the line of defense This is the prerequisite for all subsequent steps. Otherwise, even if the orcs invade the Imperial Capital of Barbarossa, the people who should be here must die here even if they die, and no one will be allowed to go back."

The harsh and tough words calmed down the somewhat restless heart of Barbarossa.

If a human empire of the lawful good camp were to collapse, it would certainly seriously affect the world structure and make countless people feel sad.If we have to compare the survival of the metahuman camp with this, we can still figure out who is more important and who is less important.

Marshal Karl continued: "We are very lucky. In the original discussion between me and the staff, we had to fight hard even if we only relied on the power of the devil's mouth. Now the two emperors have invited the support of the physics school for us. Yes. ! You guessed it right! It is the legendary archmage Ren Tesla who single-handedly killed the demon lord Griffith a while ago and sent his head. He and his disciples will participate in our operations throughout the entire process. "

This time, the audience was boiling.

"Long live! Praise the Emperor!"

"Praise to the school of physics!"

"Master Tesla! You are indeed our patron saint!"

The various discussions soon became unified by a slogan.

"Ren! Renn!"

"Physics! Physics!"

"Long live physics——"

The two emperor's envoys following Marshal Karl showed wry smiles. They believed that this scene was exactly what the emperor did not want to see.

Karl didn't care, and his proud soldiers didn't care either.

Whoever can kill demons better than them is their best friend.

Obviously, Archmage Tesla is more powerful than the two emperors in this regard. This is the gap.

A hundred years ago, as the gods fell together and lost contact, the divine power declined significantly, and the imperial power rose again.If there are no major changes now, the nobles will not hand over their power easily.

But in the extraordinary field, the nobles have no say.Once a large number of beings beyond mortals attack, the one with the biggest fist has the final say.The emergence of Renn Tesla has given people some bad signs. This is not directed at Renn personally, but because everyone is afraid that the era of gods competing for hegemony will return again.

It's really hard to say.

But the more outrageous things endanger the survival of all races in the entire meta-human camp, the stronger everyone's reliance on powerful extraordinary beings becomes.This process is almost irreversible, and this is what makes the kings feel most helpless.

In any case, the crisis at hand left the kings breathless, and there was no such thing as internal fighting.

With the implementation of Marshal Karl's order, the entire fortress was completely mobilized, including the troops resting behind the fortress and re-entered combat readiness.

As commander-in-chief, Carl Ellis has a lot to consider.

For example, the support from the physics school is not working, or the hips suddenly stretch.And the attack intensity of Shuangshi or demons suddenly increased.

The marshal and staff must take all possible factors into consideration to maximize the success of the recovery plan.

In fact, Marshal Karl has calculated almost everything, except for the upper limit of Rennes' combat power...

April 4th was an ordinary day in the world of Kaos.

The Devil's Mouth, a ruined place, looks like a huge cave from a distance, but it got its name because of the ominous red light that constantly glows from inside and the demons that burst out of it day and night.

On this day, more than 20 soldiers were ready to go.

The vanguard troops were even more nervous, because their worst-case scenario was that as soon as they left the gate of the second city wall, they would encounter a demon legion and kill them.

But when everyone looked at the huge dwarf chariot parked inside the city gate, they suddenly gained courage again.

There is no such thing, because this two-story-high four-wheeled chariot driven solely by force has a huge ramming corner on the front of the vehicle - made of Griffith's head.

The heads of demon lords are the source of their courage.

On the city gate, Marshal Karl looked into the distance with his telescope and saw only a few scattered demons between one and two lines of defense. There were no large groups of demons rushing in from the distance. He no longer hesitated and ordered: "Time's up! Let's go!" "

As the giant suspension bridge was lowered, a total of three giant city gates, one large and two small, suddenly opened.

The knights rode out on horses that had been rigorously trained and could even charge at demons.

The rumble of horse hooves shook the land that had been soaked black with blood and evil.

The rangers scattered out, ignoring the few demons between the two lines of defense, and quickly rushed through the huge and broken gaps in the distance, fighting to the outside of the first line of defense that had been abandoned more than 20 years ago. .

The scattered demons in the rear will be wiped out by an elite team of adventurers.

At the same time, a large number of infantry swooped into the remains of the first line of defense.

Although everyone calls it a ruined wall, no matter how dilapidated it is, the intact part of the city wall is still 40 meters high and 15 meters wide.If the breaches ranging in length from 20 to 50 meters are successfully repaired, and if the abandoned mage towers can also be activated, this will be the most beneficial addition to the Devil's Mouth fortress group.

(End of this chapter)

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