Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 228 Introduce yourself again

Chapter 228 Introduce yourself again (1 update)
Just as Karl was about to speak, a rough and loud voice sounded outside.

"No problem! All your requirements, Mr. Tesla, will be met."

Outside the mage tower, a handsome dwarf appeared.

This is an extremely tall dwarf, with a width and height of 1.8 meters.His black armor is not a showman, and the golden crown in the shape of the Wuzhishan Mountain on his head shows his impressive status.The most exaggerated thing is his mount, which is theoretically an Amer ibex.

It's just that the goat's size is not much different from that of a bull. A conservative estimate is that the goat's weight will not be less than 800 kilograms.

It's like everyone is Shiba Inu cheems, and your whole muscular version of cheems comes out.

A dwarf, too tall to be a dwarf, rode a majestic goat.

It's eye-catching in itself.

Coupled with the opponent's guards who looked extremely elite at first glance, the opponent's identity was about to be revealed.

"Huh? Your Excellency is..." Outside the mage tower, Ren's mage eyes opened.

"My name is Alga*Ironhand, the leader of the Ironhand clan, and a king under the Karak Empire!" King Dwarf said proudly.

"Please come in!"

The dwarf was all familiar with himself. He walked into the mage tower with two personal followers, and it was clear that Marshal Karl was standing.After entering Ren's study in the mage tower, this guy pulled up a stool and sat down.

"Squeak!" The stool let out a pitiful cry as it was tortured by this large dwarf that felt like it weighed half a ton. It was just a few seconds away from being dismembered.


"You need to replace the chairs here with stronger ones. I will come here often in the future." Allega said with an indifferent expression.

Anyone else would most likely think of him as a bully or something.

Oh, it's a dwarf, that's okay.

There was a smile on Renn's face. He held his chin with one hand and asked: "Come here, Alga, do you have anything good to give me? [Meet all my requirements] This sentence is not something you can say casually." That’s right.”

Regardless of whether Lei has the strength of a legendary archmage, at least his record is real, and empty words cannot convince Ren.

Allega seemed to glance at Karl next to him.Are you afraid of Karl snitching?

No, this should be more like a demonstration.

Alega looked a little careless, and he laid out his conditions in a carefree manner:

"First, we ask for your complete [ballistics] theory. Second, I hope that you, Archmage, will personally take action to return all the mage towers in the Devil's Mouth to a controllable state. Third, my eldest son Feng Da Ke can cultivate at least a master level magician with the resources of his inner disciples. Fourth, before Feng Da Ke can become a master level magician, the Physics School must ensure that there is at least one master level or above magician stationed at the Devil's Mouth. Finally, I want you to help I kill a legendary dragon."

Allega's requests sounded more outrageous than the last. Not to mention Ren, even Flora frowned and squirmed a few times. She wanted to interrupt the other person with words, but Ren secretly stopped her with a gesture.

Seeing Ren's calm expression, the Dwarf King grinned: "Of course I know [the value of knowledge]. In exchange, I can give you a legendary mage tower. Mr. Tesla!"

Marshal Karl suddenly exclaimed: "Is it that..." Alega's eyes were extremely firm: "The mage tower of the legendary archmage Chahok!"

"Oh? You mean sending it away?" Ren's eyes became calmer.

"Of course, because Chahawk is my younger brother! Back then, our country devoted all its efforts to build his mage tower. However, when the end of the Dharma era came, he suddenly died. Until today, no other existence knows that, in fact, there is still I have a magic key that can directly access the Mage Tower."

Renn was so excited!
Renne and Downs had fully experienced how troublesome the ownerless Mage Tower was in the Madeira Mage Tower.

That's just the automatic defense system of a high-level mage tower.

Under normal circumstances, except for the dead ghost mage back then, no other person knew the perfect way to crack a certain mage tower.Even their disciples don't know.

Succession of a mage tower often occurs only when the previous owner foresaw his own demise and made arrangements in advance.

Even if he, Lei, reaches his current strength and status, he still can't say that he can 100% forcefully crack a master-level mage tower.One bad move will cost a precious disciple, and even Ren himself.

This is a truly legendary mage tower!

In this situation where the magic inheritance is cut off and there is no way to build another legendary mage tower in a short time, this is almost the only way for Ren to obtain this thing.

Fortunately, Renn has seen big scenes (at the player level): "As long as your son Von Dak has the qualifications for the first four conditions, I can guarantee that they will be met. As for the fifth condition..."

When Ren said this, not to mention his disciples, even Alega was so nervous that his heart almost hung in his throat.

The dwarf king was afraid that Ren wouldn't be able to handle it, and he was even more afraid that he wouldn't agree.

Fortunately, Renn smiled and said with an attitude of 'I won't pretend anymore, I'm showing off my cards': "For the second time, I would like to formally introduce to you, I, Renn Tesla, happen to have a person recognized by the will of the world. Title [Dragon Bane].”

After the words fell, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Even a well-informed man like Marshal Carl Ellis could not help but tremble in shock: "Wait! According to the law [what you do will be remembered by the world]. You must have killed at least 5 Only legendary dragons and at least 100 pure-blooded dragons, including all dragon species, can hold this title."

Not to mention the marshal, even Allega was trembling all over.Not out of fear, but out of excitement.

In fact, when Renn dared to openly sell dragon meat burgers, he had guessed a little bit.Now that it was confirmed from the person involved, he could hardly suppress the ecstasy in his heart.

The more calm Ren showed, the more shocked the two people on the other side were: "Okay, last question, the name of the unlucky dragon that I want to kill is..."

King Alga tried hard to maintain his sanity: "The last difficulty. That guy's soul is in hell. If you don't kill him in hell, it will be meaningless."

In fact, when Alega said this, Ren probably had an idea in his mind. The expression on his cheek was even more intriguing: "Bato Hell is very big! It is very troublesome to find a small lizard."

The two people on the opposite side instantly grasped the key point in Ren's words - it was not a question of whether he could be killed or not, but a question of whether he could be found or not.

The pride and confidence shown by Renne almost caused internal injuries to the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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