Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 236 The Archmage's 'Foresight'

Chapter 236 The Archmage's 'Foresight' (4 updates)
The magic power in Flora and Matt's bodies was still in a state of excitement, and the high-frequency violent fluctuations showed that their promotion was not over yet.

Promoting from a formal mage to a high level is a process of finding the direction of specialization, and reaching a master, in addition to further specialization, is a process of completely finalizing the direction of development.

Arriving in front of a small secret room, Ren said to Flora: "Although your greatest talent lies in the law spell of [Enchanting System], as a teacher, I still say that relying on the power of others, your magic will never be stable. This is your last chance, go for it!”

Flora looked at the empty secret room with the door open, not to mention furniture, not even a chair. The only thing that existed was a [Tesla Coil] that was constantly emitting winding electric light.

Flora's heart felt warm, and she knew that this was specially prepared for her by her master in advance.

Trying to control her magic power, Flora bowed deeply, then turned around and entered the secret room, closing the door.

As for Matt, this guy is still eating!

Ren looked at him with a pampering feeling as if an elder was afraid that the younger one would be hungry.



"As for you, open your belly this time and eat as much dragon meat as you want! Anyway, eat when you are hungry. Go to sleep when you are full. When you wake up, exercise as you like."

What Wren prepared for Matt was a comprehensive suite with kitchen, dining room and fitness room.

Facing the chef and his disciples, Ren opened a box without saying a word.The shining gold coins inside dazzled their eyes.

Here, don’t talk about a thousand gold coins!

Ren said with murderous intent: "I only have one request for you - work 24 hours a day to ensure that Matt's dragon meat meal is uninterrupted. If you do it, the money will be yours. If you can't do it! Then go to hell!"

"Hiss!" The chefs gasped, and then their eyes became fiery.

Whether it's a burp, or whether it's a chance to get rich by risking it, and earn this huge sum of money that normally they can't make in their lifetime, a chef will choose!
After arranging the promotion ceremony for the two disciples, Renn glanced at Downs and Harry: "Enough is enough."

When these two guys heard this, they immediately lowered their heads in resignation.

"We can't kill all the demons. Withdraw the frontline base. If necessary, we can only do this with my consent in the future."


The ape demon Kabasha can be said to be the most miserable lord in the Abyss. Not only does he live up to his name, but he also provides all kinds of face-saving output to little humans.

He had previously wondered why the previous lord would abandon his own territory and go fight to the death with another lord.Later I realized that if I didn’t leave, it would all be tears!

I don’t know how many times I have thought about how to fight with humans.

But he had endured for hundreds of years to find such an opportunity, and it would be a pity to give up like this.

So, I endured it unconsciously.

Humans just want to kill Kabasha's little brother, and they won't pay him!
Isn't this a literal rape?

All right!They are really explosive!

You can't resist, you can only learn to enjoy it.

Brother Ape Demon has really learned a power called [Conservation (cowardice)].

It's not easy. Today, those hateful human and drow traitors are finally gone.

Kabasha felt a sense of trance that moved him to tears.

As soon as he went out, his eyes were filled with the reflection of heavenly light, which almost blinded his monkey eyes.

What else could he do?Continue to recruit cannon fodder to turn this land that has lost the power of good into an abyss of chaos and evil.

I just don’t know how many demons will die during this process.No one knows that there is a big devil in Baator Hell who is paying close attention to this scene.

"Wonderful! So exquisite! As expected of Ren Tesla, this move is truly wonderful." His neutral voice echoed continuously in the inner hall of the Demon Palace.

A female voice interrupted: "My lord. This is..."

"Do you think Tesla is willing to offend all the demon lords of the abyss, rush into the bottomless abyss, and transform the abyss into a lawful and neutral physical place, just to train the poor mages under him?"

"Isn't it?"

"Superficial! Too superficial! He is a man who takes one step and thinks ten steps!" The devil lord gushed: "On the surface, he is to deal with the invasion of the orcs and warn all the devil lords in advance, whoever dares to cause trouble, I Not only can you kill him, but you can also overturn his lair."

"Indeed, no demon lord now looks down upon Kabasha and Nedwill before."

"Actually, Ren Tesla definitely has a bigger plan!"

"That is……"

"Go away! That's not what a pawn like you deserves to know."


When there was no one else in the Demon Palace, the big devil, who was surrounded by mist, said to himself in a deep voice: "That must be a legendary target. He (it) must first be strong enough to shock everyone from all walks of life, and preferably Or from the evil camp, maybe it's better to be alone. Then who is this poor guy?"

Here, Ren, who was guarding his two precious apprentices, had no idea how many people had been frightened by his eldest son Downs' feat.

"What? The Physics School is finally willing to come back to the Devil's Mouth? No loss, right?" When Barbarossa XIII heard the news, he almost dropped the gold cup in his hand.

The palace minister replied: "No! Not only was there no loss, but it seemed that there was profit. Karl's two best shadow dancers reported back. According to the fluctuations of aura and magic power, it seemed that Master Tesla's fourth and fifth apprentices were promoted to masters at the same time. Now. Archmage Tesla is willing to withdraw the Space Magic Tower to the Devil's Mouth."


People are more mad than people.

The two empires, together with so many small countries, killed and injured over [-] elites every year, could barely withstand the sea of ​​demons in the mouth of the demon.

Do you look at others?
It is no longer a question of whether you can withstand it or not.

They just killed him casually!

Obviously, as long as the physics school is happy, they will kill a few more demon lords to sacrifice to the heavens.

Didn't you see the report?

They have already surrounded their fortress with the land of heaven, and they deliberately did not completely demolish the fortress, and they were swarming around the devil's birth point every day.

Even the second-rate public-funded students have become high-level mages!

Barbarossa XIII's heart ached so much - this is Tesla's fault.The family members will be trained into high-level masters, and the self-financed students will be taught casually and then let them go.

No, next time Tesla recruits students, be sure to increase the money so that he can raise a master priest for the Barbarossa royal family.


What’s interesting is that Ren didn’t know it yet, but a group of kings had already prepared small coins and were crying and begging him to accept them.

He waited for a long time, first Flora was promoted perfectly, and he waited another three days for Matt to be promoted perfectly.

Looking at the system prompts, Ren finally felt like he was rich.

(End of this chapter)

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