Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 24 Coming? 【Blessing】!

Chapter 24 Coming? 【Blessing】!
Ren's head was buzzing.

Before the time travel, people often said, "Wuling's magical car has unknown power. It gets stronger when it encounters a strong force. It has never been compared in data and has never been defeated in actual combat." '.

Now Ren suddenly felt like that.

In fact, he estimated that his combat power was not as good as one of his good disciple's fingers.

On the surface, he is a rare legendary mage in the world! ?

Even if he has the ability to demonstrate physical experiments that sometimes works well and sometimes fails, normally he would never be able to achieve this kind of status.If any part of his pretense goes wrong along the way, he will be called a liar.

He also didn’t want to think about the kind of life where the title was [Stories that seven young ladies and Internet celebrity girls have to tell, one by one], only to trick people into downloading and then finding out it was "Calabash Baby". After all, this kind of life can happen at any time. The feeling of being struck by lightning while pretending to be too good is really bad, but Ren is probably the man in the world who is least afraid of being struck by lightning.

You said this luck has come... It seems to have come, but it seems not to have come.

Probably, this vague feeling is the legendary [Tathagata]!

(Ahem! That Tathagata that is not Tathagata Buddha.)
At this moment, the cartilage box was filled with cold cold water, and the miserable fire bat elite poked its head out of the box like a drowned rat.Its narrow eyes opened timidly and looked at the mysterious man who was playing with the terrifying thunder in his left hand, but no magic power overflowed from his body.

Every cell in its body and every corner of its soul is filled with a factor called [fear].

No reason, just because of the dragon's power that caused it to fall.

On the head of the white dragon that was charred black due to the tragic death, the fire bat could clearly feel the unwillingness and fear of this predator at the top of the food chain before it died.

Although it is only an elemental creature with low intelligence, it can clearly see through the remnants of the white dragon's corpse that the man who killed the white dragon was the man in front of him who controlled the power of thunder.

A legendary strongman who should not appear in the mortal world!
After exchanging glances with Ren, the fire bat actually lowered its head. In this way, it humbly expressed its submission.

This extremely spiritual move even made Renne come back to his senses from his disciple's crazy theories.

"How can I have such a powerful layout ability... Oh?" ​​Renn turned his eyes and looked at the fire bat elite who made the most humble gesture: "You actually understand human nature?"

As if he sensed that Ren had the idea of ​​taking the fire bat, not far away, Bole was scratching his hooves uneasily.

Originally, Renn had no idea about this fire bat elite who was chasing the wind-controlling horse.

When he thought about it, why didn't he have any resentment towards the Wind Control Horse?

He can't bear the cold pond now and can't get out of the valley. If this sunny and rainbow little white horse is willing to ride for him, he can go out of the valley on a Pegasus without having to act like a master.

Thinking about it again, Ren remembered that all the famous magicians in the game liked to have magic pets for fun, so a sarcastic expression appeared on his face.

He decided to visit the grave and wait.

"Little Bat! Do you want to live? Yes. Offer your soul fragments to be my demon pet and let me change your name. Otherwise, just die." The majestic voice carried a sense of overwhelming oppression that could not be refused.

This is the judgment of the strong!

This is the declaration of the winner!

The fire bat instinctively felt aggrieved.

It subconsciously refuses to surrender.

After all, the only person in the world who can make a fire bat succumb is the most powerful arcane fire caster. Obviously, the man in front of him does not have this condition.

It almost made that hissing sound that represented rejection, and used ultrasonic attack as its final resistance.

But before the last moment, it carefully sensed the other party's soul, and suddenly an unexpected discovery made its whole body stiffen.

It recalls a very tiny detail.Just when he was attacked and deprived of a large amount of fire elements, it felt the power of the original law of the world.

It was indeed another young man who cast the spell, but it could feel that the power of the law recognized by the fire element world came from the man in front of him who controlled thunder and lightning.He... is definitely not as weak as he appears.

It was this mysterious application of the law of fire elements that made the fire bat change its mind.

In front of the two of them, Fire Bat nodded solemnly.

The next second, a translucent shadow actually separated from the fire bat and floated in front of Ren.

For a moment, Ren was also stunned.

I'm just talking, have you really surrendered?

The system prompt just popped up: [Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the surrender of the legendary Fire Bat King Dicka* Mingyan. The other party is willing to give up his soul fragments. Will you accept it and take it as a magic pet? 】

Ren's left eyelid twitched wildly.

Did he really never think that this thing was actually a legendary fire bat?
Of course he knows that among World of Warcraft, big size often means strong strength.But before the system judged it for him, he really didn’t know that this thing was a [Legendary]!
Warcraft, how should I put it, has the title of [Legendary], which means that it is definitely the top among its own species.

[Legend] It also depends on what kind of legend it is.

Just like a legendary army ant, it may be able to bite an adult human into a bloody mouth, but if it really fights, it can be killed with a hammer.

Different types of creatures have very different upper and lower limits of strength.

For another example, a standard five-man legendary team often cannot handle a legendary red dragon.

Despite the fact that this Fire Bat King is called a legend, in the game, a team of high-level professionals with an average level of about 6 can actually fight it.

On the other hand, the benefits of using the Fire Bat King as a demon pet are also obvious.

The fire bat, an elemental creature, has an ordinary template of level 3. Apart from its high agility and fire attack, it has no bright spots in combat. It is the kind of character that a team with some experience can easily kill.

But as long as the fire bats are not used as the main attacker and are instead used as scouts, the situation will instantly open up.

The fire bat's skills are: [Hide], [Listen] and [Reconnaissance].

When it reins in its flames, it blends easily into any environment.

With it as a familiar, the mage has an additional wide-area reconnaissance radar.

After thinking this, Renn no longer hesitated and answered softly to the system: [Accept it. 】

The next second, everyone saw that Ren stretched out his right hand from a distance, and a ray of light emerged from the shadow of the fire bat, which was sucked in by him.

"Huchi! Huchi!" [Bole] snorted dissatisfied.

Towns took it for granted.

Then the fire bat crawled out of the water tank and heard its new master's fate (declaration) and name (sentence).

"Originally, I wanted to name you Bruce Wayne. But you are too ugly. When I see you, I want to beat you. Anyway, you have the character [bat], so you might as well call me [Laifu]. !”

[Laifu] stiffened, feeling that its new master really didn't like it.

Beating up your demon pet on a cloudy day is just idle time.

Ahem!It turns out that this kind of thing is probably true...

Laifu suddenly felt that his future was bleak!

(End of this chapter)

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