Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 259 The big dwarf fights the evil dragon

Chapter 259 The big dwarf fights the evil dragon
When the [Colorful Dwarf] wears the skin and head of a colorful dragon on his body, what do you think of the colorful prince who also has five colors?
No matter how much the colorful prince dislikes seeing his weak distant relatives.How do you make him feel when the other party peels off the skin of his seven aunts and eight aunts and sews them all on his body?
It was Renn who was obviously the one who was cruel.

But it was Barend who committed the grievous death.

What is the ultimate taunt?

This is the ultimate taunt!
After [Colorful Prince] let out a huge dragon roar, Colorful's wings flapped, and the atmosphere above the valley shook slightly.

Unexpectedly and within reason, he rushed straight towards the Color Dwarf like a meteorite falling from the sky.The wild turbulence generated when the dragon flapped its wings even created a terrifying small storm within half the academy.

If Renn hadn't raised his hand and used his stronger control over the wind element to instantly reduce the intensity of the storm, not only would the apprentices have been blown around, but even the rows of newly built classrooms and dormitories would have been completely destroyed. , no matter what happens, he will be blown off the roof.

Over there, seeing that their master really had no intention of taking action, several disciples took a deep breath.

Towns was the first to take action!
He did not ask for help, but directly used his authority in the physical network to mobilize the twelve nearest electric towers to blast at the Colorful Prince.

Twelve rays of lightning that pierced the sky and the earth collided with the swooping dragon in mid-air.

At that moment, most of the valley was dyed purple-blue by the exploding lightning.


Even though the Colorful Prince possesses most of the characteristics of the Great Devil, he is immune to fire and poison, and has good resistance to ice damage. However, he has no additional resistance to the wind element including thunder and lightning attacks.

The huge clone of the Colorful Prince suddenly became a little blurry at the moment it was struck.

Obviously, the damage caused by the lightning strike was a bit beyond what this clone could bear.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon's body, which was once a little transparent, was densely covered with colorful lights. The overlapping layers of colored soul power immediately made the dragon's body become more solid.

Not only is it solid, its overly huge body has also shrunk!

This was not the first time for the disciples to fight against a powerful evil creature. They knew that the Colorful Prince had stepped up his game.I don’t know exactly how much he added, but at least there were more soul fragments than he just put in.A smaller body does not mean that it has become weaker. On the contrary, the closer the clone is to the body shape of the original body, the more terrifying it can exert its power.

In two breaths, the Colorful Prince's clone had shrunk to a wingspan of only 40 meters. Although it still looked huge, it couldn't be bluffed, he was serious.

Just when the colorful dragon body was about to pounce in front of the dwarf colossus, the Colorful Prince played a very smooth hovering pendulum.

His torso almost stagnated in mid-air, and only his long tail inherited almost all the momentum of his dive, drawing a huge semicircle with a radius of nearly 50 meters in mid-air, and slammed into the dwarf colossus.

This is a classic dragon strategy.

Even though he is the legendary Titan, there are many tragic cases where he drank in hatred in front of the giant dragon's move [True Divine Dragon Tail Swing].

Under the gaze of the two-headed dragon, the dwarf colossus controlled by Barend showed agility that was incompatible with its rough and bulky body. The thick left arm wrapped in dragon skin just moved, and a large shield made of a black dragon head appeared. Just like this, it was barely in front of the spikes on the dragon's tail.

"Hmph!" The two dragon heads made disdainful mocking sounds at the same time.

In the eyes of the colorful prince, this dirty and blasphemous big toy will be finished in the next second.Because this ordinary dragon head has lost its vitality long ago. No, even if this guy is still alive, his dragon face cannot withstand the blow of his dragon tail.

He miscalculated!


Strange sound!
A mysterious arcane power spread in front of the shield.Even though the ferocious dragon face was distorted as the Colorful Prince expected.

However, it's just crooked.

The huge force of thousands of tons did not completely act on the shield, but was directly transmitted to the ground in a way that the colorful prince could not understand.

Even if it is transmitted, the destructive power produced is smaller than he imagined.

Centered on the place where the giant dragon and the dwarf colossus fought, the huge force spread in all directions. However, the strange sense of stagnation coming from the earth caused the spider web cracks caused by the destruction to only expand to a radius of less than 20 meters on the earth.

This is seriously inconsistent with the destructive power of the Color Prince.

This scene made Harry breathe a sigh of relief.

His protection specialization, coupled with the power of the physical network and the legendary physical land, finally allowed the dwarf colossus to successfully withstand this blow.

If the Colorful Prince fails to hit with one blow, then it is time for the disciples of the Physics Sect to fight back.

On the large dragon head shield, the crooked dragon head seemed to be suddenly filled with vitality. It seemed to come to life. It suddenly opened its bloody mouth and bit the colorful prince's tail in one bite.

Before the two-headed dragon could use its strength to break free, a huge trap suddenly launched at the feet of the dwarf colossus.

A dazzling lightning shot into the sky.

It is like a towering tree that cannot be hugged by 30 people, reaching straight into the sky.

As the lightning rises, it inevitably collides with the colorful prince who is surrounded by a large number of various elements.

The elements in the air are condensed to the extreme, like a huge block of ink that cannot be dissolved.They collide but cannot blend together or infect each other. They can only splash freely in the sky, competing for every inch of space.

Along with the explosion of elemental colors, there was a deafening explosion.

The elements themselves are energy.

But in the fierce duel between the natural elemental control and the acquired thunder and lightning restraint, the final result was acquired victory.

Because the magic driven by Downs and Harry jointly conforms to the laws of the world!And it’s Tesla’s thunder and lightning, the leader of the school of physics!
Without their knowledge, the power of Thunder, which was superimposed with a lot of super-magic expertise and faction blessings, had already exceeded the level expected by a master.

"Impossible!" [Colorful Prince] and the two dragon heads screamed in unison.

No!This is the truth!
The power of thunder that is connected to the entire physical network is like the most organized army.Soldiers named [Wind Elemental] stood shoulder to shoulder one after another, fighting the enemy bravely, tearing apart the elemental defense line of the colored prince, and eroding the dragon skins of different colors on his body.

"Ahhh!" For the first time since the war began, the Colorful Prince let out a shrill scream.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, the dwarf colossus tightly grasped the battle ax also named after Tesla, split the chaos, let the bright purple lightning spread over everything, and rushed towards this road called destruction and plunder. dragon.

This evil figure is a mixture of indescribable colors, as if the body is pieced together by the torn limbs of countless colorful dragons, forming an extremely chaotic tone.

And the light of the thunder battle ax shone brightly, splitting the chaos into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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