Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 291 [Legendary Physique]

Chapter 291 [Legendary Physique]

To be honest, Saint Elizabeth's agility is not so low.A guy who can climb from the window sill to the roof with pull-ups has a lot of agility no matter how low his agility is.The key is that these guys are mostly children from poor families and are really not used to wearing long skirts.

Farming, working as a maid, and doing all kinds of hard labor, how could you get used to wearing a dress like this that can be used as a mop?

Ren was speechless. He couldn't watch Elizabeth use her white front armor as brake pads, right?

It's so embarrassing for a majestic saint to stop with her breasts whenever she stops.

Especially in order to maintain balance, her jade arms were swung like small windmills.The two Paladin bosses not far behind her were already trying to pounce on her.

At this time, Ren, who couldn't see anything, had a mental thought, and two dazzling blue illusory mage hands appeared out of thin air, holding Yili's silly armpits.

This prevented the tragedy of the saintly lady throwing herself into the street in public.

Some people may think that this kind of anime-style flat ground is full of the smell of tea.

Only Ren knows that this is really stupid.

If you don't understand this, no wonder you get slapped to the end.Maybe there was a bishop who really couldn't stand it and voted in favor last night.

"Thank you... thank you!" Yili blushed stupidly.

"you are welcome."

This scene made the two legendary paladins secretly sigh in relief.Renn gave Elizabeth a hand, also expressing his support for her.However, Her Highness Grana, the second saint who was following secretly at the back, was very uncomfortable to watch.

Perhaps because she was afraid that Ren would be unhappy, even though Grana was the second saint, she still avoided appearing in Ren's sight.As pitiful as she was, she was shoved into the VIP table and was given the seat at the back of the Bright Church seats.

A chair is the only remaining respect for her.

She didn't even dare to get angry.

She was repeatedly warned that the perception of legendary powerhouses, especially mages, was already so high that a person of her level could not imagine it.You know, high-level wizards can only be considered apprentices at Tesla Magic Academy.

In this way, Renne has the female knight Margaret sitting on her left and the saint Elizabeth sitting on her right.Although they are about one meter apart from each other, everyone can see the closeness of the two major sects to Renn.

They just chatted about everything, waiting for the dwarf to cry and laugh inside, and toss about the dwarf version of the Great Dance.

Ren was suddenly curious: When Elizabeth was like this before, no aristocratic children or housekeepers dragged her into the utility room?
"Elizabeth, did you look like this before?"

Yili blushed stupidly and lowered her head: "I was not so beautiful before. When I was a maid, my face was full of pockmarks and my skin was also very bad."

Ren: No!etc!Can clergymen of the Church of Light also work part-time in the medical and cosmetology business?
Noticing Ren's surprised gaze, Elizabeth hesitated: "Thank you to the divine power of light for driving away the dirt on my skin and healing the small holes in my skin."

Ren: "..."

Damn it, this is the first time I heard that holy light can remove freckles and blackheads.Before he traveled through time, I don't know how many women would have gone to praise the Holy Light for this matter.

The chat didn't last long. Everyone saw Ren started chatting, and everyone took turns to come up and say hello.In particular, Barbarossa's envoy rushed over and asked Ren if he could help get the mage tower in the northern province.

Orcs generally have low IQs, and their race naturally loses 2 points of intelligence, but they are so good at dancing!

The shamans knew that the Mage Tower might be taken back by humans. Just because they couldn't tear it down didn't mean they didn't do anything.They used a terrible blasphemous ritual that even gave the Church of Light a headache after seeing it.

Not just anyone can take this job.Renn directly declined: "Wait until I take over the Iron Hand Clan's mage tower."

Barbarossa's envoy reluctantly withdrew.

Of course Barbarossa XIII wanted to regain the five northern provinces, but unfortunately the victory at the Red Blood River was a victory for which he was not prepared.At the beginning, no one expected to win such a beautiful victory. As a result, no resources were allocated for the expedition. Food and civilian labor were urgently mobilized, which almost drained the manpower and materials of several provinces in the northern border area of ​​Barbarossa.

The stop of the Northern Expedition does not mean that the defense work has stopped. Although it is not that urgent, it is best to get the mage tower in advance.

Now I can only keep dragging it on.

At this time, the sacrificial ceremony inside had reached its climax.

The Iron Hand King of Alga walked up to the pre-built wooden platform, walked up step by step holding a large basin of colorful dragon blood, and then poured it on the stone statues of his parents.

The people of the Celestial Dynasty are like "they never forget to report their family sacrifices to Nai Weng", but what about the dwarves?
Bath in the blood of mortal enemies!

This kind of gameplay with a strong sense of grudges is what Chaozi particularly likes to play.

Then, in this world where gods and demons are either manifesting themselves or showing off their evil deeds, this operation was completed!
"Mom and Dad, we finally killed that bastard of the Colorful Prince. Although my son didn't do much, I really tried my best..." Alega was nagging while dripping with dragon blood.

The appearance of the ancestors may not happen once in ten years as all the gods come together.

First, Feng Da Ke, who was looking up at his father from below, felt the rapid increase in soul power in the environment. Then Alega also noticed something strange. The air was filled with a holiness that he had not seen in a hundred years.

The last time, it dates back to before the Age of Dharma Ending.

I felt as if I was in the Hall of Heroes of the Iron Hand City that had been destroyed. The heroic souls of the Iron Hand clan's ancestors used the holy elephant as a coordinate, casting appreciative glances from another world, looking at Alga with gratified eyes. , staring at the heir of Iron Hand, and also looking across space at Ren, who was bragging and spanking outside the hall.

Not only this Hall of Heroes, but also hundreds of temples in the entire Iron Hand City had similar responses - in the prayer hall today, the dwarf priest also led the believers in collective prayers.For hundreds of years, the priests have long been accustomed to the days when their prayers went unanswered. When the icon of the dwarf ancestors glowed with the unique silver light of the heroic spirits, they were collectively stunned for a moment.

Immediately the dwarf priests fell into ecstasy.

"Praise the ancestors!"

"Praise the ancestors -" The iron-hand dwarf reacted and knelt down.

The dwarves cheered wildly, and the bells in the Hall of Heroes rang—

However, it was Ren who was even more confused.

The spectators on the VIP stage were surprised to see the earth-colored light lingering on Ren's body.

Ren stood up instantly: "This is..."

The system refreshes the screen like crazy:

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained (Praise of the Dwarf Ancestors): Your legend among the dwarves is +5!You gain a dwarven racial talent bonus—Constitution +2!Since this is the blessing of the dwarf ancestors, extra constitution +1. 】

[Congratulations to the host, your initial physique has reached 23 points and you are automatically promoted to (Legendary Physique)! 】

(End of this chapter)

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