Chapter 422 The Hidden Saint

[Priesthood] is a profession that represents the responsibilities and missions of a god or deity.

This is easy to understand. If Ren is the god of mages, he must cover all mages. Mages basically must believe in him and provide him with the power of faith. If he is the God of Thunder, then the [Storm Lord] who plays with thunder and lightning, and even the electrician will have to hang out with him.

[Godhead] is a character attribute that represents the power and authority of a god. A godhead character can have multiple godheads, each with different abilities and influence.

For example, if Ren has the godhead of a mage, then this godhead will give him powerful spellcasting abilities and make him the ruler of the elements.

Theoretically, the more godheads Ren has, the stronger he will be. And he is the strongest in the field with this godhead.

[Divinity] is a special attribute of the godhead, representing the essence and characteristics of the god or spirit. Divine characters can also have multiple gods, each with different abilities and attributes.

For example, if Ren wants to be the god of physics, his essence is [physics], the theoretical knowledge based on the laws of the world.

Even though Renn uses a lot of thermodynamic magic, he understands and uses heat energy, rather than the power coming from the flame itself like Vulcan.

What's interesting is that this knowledge only comes from the games Renn played before, rather than the news he got from this world.

All methods of conferring gods have been strictly kept secret by the major orthodox sects. Even if there are rumors, the orthodox sects will work together to suppress them.

This knowledge was completely recognized by the system based on Ren's game knowledge, and then comparing the deeds of various mortals on the road to become gods. After comparison, it was finally recognized by the system.

In a sense, this knowledge itself is beyond the cognitive scope of 99.99% of the indigenous people on the earth.

At this point, Renn must also carefully consider which path he should take if he wants to become a god.

The road to becoming a god is absolutely bloody and cruel.

There is only one god in a priesthood. Either he can become a god or he can be destroyed. There is no third way.

From the very beginning, Renne mistakenly went towards the path of the Magic Web Goddess. This was undoubtedly an empty track with no competitors. This is why the Orthodox Church is generally friendly towards Renne.

This is a typical case where water from a well does not offend the river.

If we follow the old path, if there is a real chance that Renne will take away the three old divine positions of Magic Network, Prophecy and God of Mage, it is unlikely that there will be a backlash from other sects.

The problem is that [physics] is too broad.

If you really want to master all physics, your imagination will be wonderful, but the result will be cruel.

Think about it, electricity has to fight with the Lord of Storms, optics has to dig into the lifeblood of the Church of Light, mechanics has to draw a dividing line with the God of Knowledge, thermodynamics has to have a heart-to-heart talk with the God of Fire, the above four gods and their sects, what the hell are they? Gods with powerful divine powers sit here.

This does not include the strange overlap with the responsibilities of other gods.

Even if Renn gave up on grabbing the fragments of the godhead of optics, mechanics and thermodynamics, just because he called himself Tesla, he couldn't give up on electricity.

With the Storm Lord's character of an irritable old man who is ready to massacre cities, and this guy's classic chaotic evil camp, if Ren wants to become a god, unless this guy doesn't return, there will be a battle between the two sides.

After clarifying the priorities, it is not difficult to understand that Renn took the initiative to distinguish the priorities with the Knight Sect and continued to cooperate.

Ren held his cheek with his left hand, gently tapped the table with the back of his right finger, and began to mutter to himself:

"It can be seen that in the world of Kaos, priests with too few certain characteristics are often useless. This kind of godhead brings little divine power to the gods. The god of thieves who relies on thieves for food is destined to be unable to obtain powerful divine power. That one."

"However, even a powerful deity like the Goddess of the Magic Network, if she overturns in a certain field and lacks the opportunity to make amends, she will still fall when she should. Therefore, the aspects involved in the priesthood are too narrow, which is definitely a bad thing."

"On the other hand, if the clergy has a wide range of believers, it can certainly absorb more power of faith or divine power, but it will also conflict with other gods because the number of believers is too wide, which will lead to a divine war and even make the whole world the enemy."

"It's a double-edged sword."

"The priesthood of the gods is not static. The same is true of the godhead. If I really want to take the path of becoming a god, then the priesthood of the Goddess of the Magic Network will be my basic plan. On this basis, I will try my best to collect the ownerless fragments of the godhead, and then transform them into ones suitable for physics. school of thought.”

Considering this, Renne basically figured out the path he wanted to take. "Oh! If possible, I really hope that [Legend] is the pinnacle of power in this world. That would be great. Everyone is harmonious and harmonious, and there is no need for nuclear peace or nuclear aggression."

The imagination is beautiful, the reality is very skinny.

Mr. Lei now no longer dares to set a flag casually.

However, as our family has a big business, there are some things we have to guard against.

After thinking about it carefully, Ren called the tool man Sanders.

"Sanders, please let the idle wanderers and shadow dancers go out for a walk. Don't reveal their identities. Just passively inquire about whether there are more rumors about the death of gods, or news about the appearance of demigods."

Sanders' eyes widened, and he knew instinctively that something big was going on.

The master's master in front of him is always so far-sighted.

Since gods are involved, one has to be extremely cautious.

"Sir, is something big going to happen?"

Renn was noncommittal: "It is precisely because of the uncertainty that I need more information."

Sanders was anxious for a while, then couldn't help but ask: "If you are in danger, can you wear the badge of the School of Physics?"


The calm answer gave Sanders strong confidence.

The more powerful the potential enemy, the more dangerous it is. In many cases, one cannot rely on hiding and escaping skills to save one's life. The talisman from the ultimate thigh is the key.

Renn's guarantee gave strong confidence to the followers of the rogues in the Physics School.

After sending Sanders away, Renne unexpectedly welcomed the envoy of the Knights Religion.

The visitor started with a 90-degree bow, which is extremely rare in diplomacy between Orthodox churches.

"This is... Your Excellency is being polite."

"It's not serious! On behalf of all the great knights, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your generous helping hand."


Ichiban flattered him as much as a knight could say, and at least Ren was in a good mood.

"I wonder what the envoy has to do when he comes this time?"

"We just received a secret information - the Holy Son of the Church of Justice was assassinated."


"This is probably not a mistake. It seems that the evil sect has organized itself and started frantically attacking the saints and saints of the major orthodox religions."

This news is a bit scary. The only role of the Holy Son and Saint Daughter is to be used by the true God to possess him and descend. Other than that, they are just mascots.

So, could it be that those bastards have received divine inspiration and want to deal with the saints and saints of the orthodox religion?

But what does this news have to do with me, Ren?

The messenger came up secretly: "Sir, Miss Margaret Tallin is actually qualified to be a saint."


(End of this chapter)

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