Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 467 Reactions from various families

Chapter 467 Reactions from various families

There has not been such a large-scale disaster in the past ten years, no, in a hundred years.

The mind flayer fleet and the flying dragon riding on the face are all major events that can affect the entire meta-human camp. It can be compared to the large-scale invasion of demons from the Devil's Mouth.

This situation of frequent troubles can easily make people think of the word "the troubled times are coming".

Thanks to Flora's live broadcast, various countries and major orthodox religions were able to receive the breaking news that the nation-destroying dragons had been annihilated by the physics sect as soon as possible.

Sure enough, throughout the ages, regardless of plane, first-hand news is the most shocking.

After being relayed by the bard, it seems to be somewhat false and artistically processed.

Even if the School of Physics no longer deliberately intensifies its propaganda, and everyone in the world knows that the three major churches of combat, protection, and wealth are in trouble, the real leader is still the emerging School of Physics.

As the saying goes, only when the tide goes out do you know who is swimming.

Several battles in a row have at least proved that the physical school is the most powerful, not counting the Light Church, but the other three major churches have all had their pants stripped off.

There is no need to ask how the secular nobles choose, right?

Especially when the Kingdom of Swetland was almost destroyed, the kingdoms with insufficient strength were even more panicked.

First of all, the recent King Cervantes directly sent his prince to secretly visit Sofia, expressing the hope that the Physics Sect could substantively bring the entire Kingdom of Cervantes into its sphere of influence, just like the five northern provinces of Barbarossa.

This proposal was rejected by Sophia.

"We have good cooperation with the Church of Light and are strategic partners. We will not do anything to seize the foundation of our allies. If you insist, we will negotiate with the Light Archbishop Hibbert in a friendly way. Open a school as the third church. Note, it is a school."

"Ah yes yes!" What else could the prince say.

If you can't hold your thighs, why don't you let us pull the hem of your physics school clothes like a child?

If something goes wrong, we are still the hometown of your disciples Downs and Harry. Ren, you can't just ignore death, right?

This is actually just a formality.

The headquarters of the Church of Light is not in Cervantes. Not to mention the distance, if something happens, it will definitely be too late to save the situation.

In fact, it is most ideal to tacitly give up some of the actual control of the diocese when the Bright Bishops shrink their front line intentionally or unintentionally.

Who doesn’t know that you, Ren Tesla, are the real big daddy?

With Cervantes taking the lead, Renn smoothly sent an envoy to the Cathedral of Light.

Archbishop Hibbert looked at the so-called envoy of the School of Physics and was speechless for a long time.

"Are you the messenger?"

Several bishops nearby saw the black line on the archbishop's forehead.

"Yes! Master Ren said so."

"Then... where are the documents or things that prove your identity as an envoy?"

"Ah!?" Elizabeth exclaimed: "Do you still need this document? He asked me to come, so I came."

Bishops: “…”

Damn it, this kind of mission is just like a child's play. However, Elizabeth has a special status. She is not only a former saint, but also Rennes' personal maid, so she doesn't know how personal she is.

With this relationship alone, the bishops could not block the door to prevent this guy from entering.

Archbishop Hibbert's mouth twitched: "Let me ask you what Mr. Tesla asked you to convey."

"Nothing! He asked me to ask if the School of Physics is allowed to open a school in the Kingdom of Cervantes?"

After waiting for several seconds, the Archbishop couldn't help but ask: "No more?"

"No more." Elizabeth showed a natural and innocent expression, which choked the bishops half to death. "Really?" The archbishop still refused to give up.

"No, he just asked me to come and ask. It doesn't matter if he says no."

"...Okay, we understand. Mr. Messenger, please go down and rest first. We will give you a reply as soon as possible after discussing it."



"Archbishop, I still want you to call me Elizabeth."

"…Okay, Elizabeth."

The bishops argued all morning but did not come to any conclusion.

Only Archbishop Hibbert and his disciple Antonio closed their doors to discuss with their families.

"Antonio, what do you think this is going on? Do you think Ren Tesla is really forcing us to marry him?" the archbishop asked his disciple, which was actually somewhat of a test.

The next archbishop thought for a while: "I heard that Prince Cervantes went to Marino to get him, and then Ren sent Elizabeth?"

Although the archbishop knew it, he still cursed: "Damn Cervantes!"

This of course refers to the king.

Antonio touched his chin: "Teacher, actually I think it doesn't matter whether you answer or not."

"go on."

"It's just because Elizabeth is the one everyone knows, so it doesn't harm the relationship. It depends on what we think. If we want to borrow more power from the physics school in the future, this must be done. If we still want to maintain the world Let’s not give in to the momentum of the First Orthodox Church, look for opportunities to show off our reputation, and at the same time find ways to satisfy the Physics School in other places.”

"Very good! Antonio, you have grown up completely. I announce that I will abdicate at the end of this month and completely hand over the responsibility of archbishop to you. As for how to decide, that is your problem as the next archbishop."

"..." The corners of Antonio's eyes and cheek muscles were twitching slightly.

He had a strong hunch that his teacher saw that the situation was not going right and hurriedly took the blame and threw the burden on him.

However, the teacher is seventy years old and has already reached the end of his life. It is blameless to retire.

The Church of Light chose to delay, but the Karak Empire was much more straightforward. The emperor sent a messenger and said bluntly:

"If the Physics Faction wishes to accept the Iron Hand Clan, and the empire is willing to break up peacefully with the Iron Hand Clan, as for how to arrange the Iron Hand dwarves, that is your sect's business. However, my emperor hopes to continue to maintain good cooperation with the Physics Faction and continue Work together on the defense of the Devil's Mouth."

Emperor Karak was very courageous.

The Iron Hand clan has a small number of people, but it is one of the main arms suppliers and the elector of the empire.

Releasing an Iron Hand clan would undoubtedly greatly affect the power structure of the entire empire.

In this regard, Lane just said lightly: "The physical school has no intention of getting involved in mortal government."

The School of Physics, which had just established such a prestige, did not take the opportunity to expand its territory of faith, which puzzled all the big guys.

Even Towns specifically asked Lane.

Ren sighed. If he were truly invincible below the god level, he would immediately shout to the world, "Open the door, free trade!"

No, I made a mistake, it should be "Open the door and learn physics from me."

Helpless, he is just a false god of foreign lands!

The bigger the territory, the greater the responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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