Chapter 477 The Bells Ring

"Broken? How could it be broken? Woohoo! I still like the goddess very much!" Looking at the 'heartbroken' goddess statue, Elizabeth was in a hurry and at a loss.

However, whether she found glue to put the statue back, or she 'secretly' approached the uncle in logistics and asked him to buy a new statue of the Goddess of Light, she could never get the same wonderful feeling as before.

What's even better is that before Ren even waited for the logistics officer's report that Sophia lent him, he noticed it when he saw the little fat man's prophetic dream that night.

In [Future Vision], Elizabeth's image is no longer related to the Church of Light, but instead becomes more 'bright'.

Hi! Just ask someone who carries a large battery on his back and two fist-sized light cannons on his shoulder armor, and turns on the lights to shine on people. Is this bright enough?

In another scene, this guy actually put an old-fashioned tungsten light bulb into his mouth.


She didn't dare to use force, for fear that if she bit the glass hard enough, she would cut her tongue and lips.

Even if Ren only saw that look with his mouth open and tears streaming down his face, he couldn't help bursting into laughter.


Please forgive me for being unkind, but this is really funny!

He really didn't know what the idiot who swallowed the light bulb was thinking about.

Renn also noticed that there seemed to be less chance of the Holy Emblem of Light appearing in the academy?

"Uh, shouldn't I have done something to make the Goddess of Light of Hope hate me?"

Lane decided to make up the vote.

One day later, Antonio, the newly appointed Archbishop of Light, looked at the visiting Flora with an embarrassed face.

"Wait a minute, your Excellency, you mean that Mr. Tesla did something that caused Ms. Elizabeth to give up her belief in the light. It may affect our interests, so I couldn't bear it and specially selected a few with the qualifications of saints of light. Give me your seedlings?"

This is outrageous.

To put it another way, if Antonio didn't send the other person to the stake, he would at least blast him out of the cathedral.

Those who are partial to birth represent the strongest allies of the physical school.

When Flora received this job, she also had a toothache. Unfortunately, this was a direct order from her master. The foreign affairs minister of her school had no choice but to act as a lobbyist in person.

"Don't be afraid to speak out. My master predicted some things. Among them, Elizabeth became a god. In order to protect her, the master asked her to give up her faith."

The amount of information here was so great that after listening to it, the new archbishop was stunned for several seconds before he realized what was happening. The back of his robes was completely wet.

"Wait! Let me figure it out..."

In theory, there is nothing wrong with Lane's operation. Elizabeth, this saint, was given up by the Church of Light, so Renn definitely had good intentions in accepting her.

After all, two archbishops looked after this child, brought her into the church, and then watched her wander around happily all day long. Everyone still has feelings for her.

Then, after Elizabeth joined the School of Physics, she did not give up her belief in the goddess for a long time, which is very rare.

The key point is that if she still retains her function as a goddess's divine prop, she has attracted the advent of divine evil.

Doesn't this mean that the Goddess of Light of Hope fell into trouble in other worlds, and even degenerated into an evil god, eventually involving her own candidate saint?

Again, if someone else said this, it would be tantamount to declaring war. This is a fancy way of interfering in internal affairs.

Antonio knows very well that Renne is the golden thigh.

He sent his personal disciples to solemnly warn the Guangming Church, which meant that the Guangming Church was the one facing the disaster. Comparing the miserable situation of fighting, guarding, and the Church of Wealth in the cave, Antonio's whole body was in bad shape.

He adjusted his clothes subconsciously: "Thank you for the reminder. I will send people to protect those potential saints."

Flora breathed a sigh of relief when the other party said so: "I'm just afraid that you might think we care too much..."

"No! What happened? After experiencing the battle with the Mind Flayer, we have already become the most solid allies. We will definitely take the warnings from our allies extremely seriously."

Flora sensitively noticed something: "Your Excellency, Archbishop, has something happened recently?"

Antonio hesitated for a moment, then spoke: "An unconfirmed news. Another god may have fallen. In the southeast, a large number of churches of the [Art and Reptile] Church were 'erased'."

"Erase!?" Flora opened her eyes wide.

"Yes! It is erasure in the sense of existence!" The archbishop emphasized the words: "If we didn't know that the legendary strong men in this church have a lot of sincerity, and they happened to be hit by Lord Peter who was passing by last month, we really wouldn't know , the Kaos continent lacks such a god and church."

After that, the archbishop summoned the legendary paladin Peter and told what happened.

Peter: "I took a cleanup team to the city of Philos on a mission to defeat a viscount who worshiped the devil. When I passed by, I discovered that the small temple was disappearing. Most of the paladins who passed by me did not notice this change. Only the Another master-level paladin and I found that the entire temple was like flying sand, disappearing into the air when a gust of wind blew."

Flora was shocked.

The God of Art and Reptiles is a relatively unpopular deity with weak divine power. His main followers are bards and various reptiles.

No matter how unpopular this guy is, he is still a god recognized by the Orthodox Church.

It's just that he does whatever he wants and is in a chaotic camp. His followers range from good to evil, and they are in almost every camp.

"This is the second god to fall within a year. Obviously, something must have happened to the gods in our unknown realm." Antonio was a little helpless. His master ran away at the right time, and he took over the blame as soon as he came up. : "If Mr. Tesla knows something and is willing to share it with us, please let us know as soon as possible."

Flora has no further information!

The master didn't tell her, and she didn't dare to ask.

How dare a mortal question a genuine God of Outland?

Is it something that mortals can just ask about the affairs of gods?

She smiled bitterly and said: "If Master informs me, I will inform you as soon as possible."

After Flora left, that night.

Throughout the Kaos continent, there are thousands of large and small temples that believe in different gods. Regardless of whether they are good or evil, lawful or chaotic, the prayer halls echo the uniform voices of priests in their evening prayers as always.

The priests wearing different robes have long regarded praying as a daily habit. They feel that praying is as normal as eating and breathing.

It has been a hundred years, and the god I believe in seems to be completely dead.

It seems that for some reason, the prayers of mortals can no longer reach the realm of the gods, and naturally there is no clear response from the realm of the gods.

But that night, every high-ranking priest and bishop-level priest clearly heard the voice of their own god in their mind.


The vague voice seemed to contain great pain and struggle.

At midnight, temple bells across the continent are ringing——

(End of this chapter)

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