Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 481 This is the battle between gods!

Chapter 481 This is the battle between gods!

Exactly how many orcs were killed in the war in the Far North in the past two months? Except for a certain archmage named Lei who used systematic statistics, no one in the world knew the total number.

Renn even had time to kill two former assistants who had become greedy and overpaid their heads and then dared to receive more money from Renn.

Renn originally thought that this secret method of reducing the opponent's population could only be effective on the mentally retarded race of orcs.

In fact, he found that he thought too highly of Drow, who was known to be highly intelligent and full of conspiracy.

When the matrons who believed in the Spider Goddess could no longer dominate the underground world and became loyal ministers one after another to become Maundrow, they did an even better job than Ren.

In addition to pointing the butcher knife at their former compatriots and today's backward diehards, the drow who cheated on their loyal subjects also performed various miraculous tricks. For example, Akdina strictly prohibited the continued enslavement of other races.

Now, a lot of former mistresses have turned to enslaving their own compatriots.

"You don't want Lady Akdina to find out that you don't completely believe in Marn, right?"

On the surface, everyone is equal and slavery has been eliminated. Privately, a bunch of former mistresses have converted to Christianity and are still playing a big game. Even human countries have discovered that female drow who were poisoned to become idiots were thrown into the slave market and auctioned...

The other two are the fallen elves and the highly intelligent spiders.

"I am reporting to Mr. Tesla that there are no conservative drows in the underground world. We will cooperate with the adventurer team to ensure that there will never be a conservative drow organization with more than 50 people on the continent of Kaos." . However, on the other side of the bottomless abyss, please be more careful."

He set up his kingdom in the bottomless abyss that no good god wanted to set foot in, and mixed it with many demon lords.

Only spiders with high intelligence are difficult to deal with.

Theoretically, the 66th level of the Demon Web Hell of the Bottomless Abyss is the Spider Goddess's "earthly kingdom".

Yes, this is just theory.

The 66th plane overlaps itself and looks like a big net. A dizzying network of tunnels interconnects in complex irregular shapes. Each tunnel is lined with an entrance to a plane where the Spider Goddess is worshiped.

Originally, the underground was a paradise for dark races. When the Physics School used a large number of magic eyes and mage eyes to support these human adventurer teams from the ground like Barbarossa's Rangers, the results suddenly increased like a snowball.

Before the Age of Ending Law, the Spider Goddess also knew that she had many good deeds. If she placed the Kingdom of God on other planes, she would probably be attacked by a group of hostile gods.

Regardless of whether it's black or not, sometimes nobles just want something novel.

The number of fallen people is not too many. After all, there is a hundred-year window period, and the elves have almost wiped out the traitors long ago.

This in turn stimulated the bold adventurer team to join Ma'ndro's lineup and cooperate with Ma'andro to attack the conservative drow.

"Yeah." Renn sent Akdina away. He knew that the biggest traitor of the dark elves had no way to deal with the bottomless abyss where a large number of Spider Goddess believers were entrenched.

There are three basic believers of the Spider Goddess: Among them, the dark elves (drow), who are the main force, have been completely harmed by Ren intentionally or unintentionally. If he really returns, he will definitely suffer from the lack of believers in terms of the power of faith. The vitality is severely damaged.

Then, driven by the high auction prices, the Church of Fortune, which had lost its headquarters, vigorously intervened in this industry and offered high-priced bounties for the old-school drow.

After more than two months of fierce fighting, Akdina, who was then a nobody, can now stand up tall and repay Ren.

When the goddess was at her peak, this was an impenetrable fortress in another sense.

Those are all old almanacs.

When the entire 66th floor disappeared with the Spider Goddess in the Age of Ending Law, a large number of spider followers of the Spider Goddess also disappeared. Now only a huge number of giant spiders are left living on the adjacent 65th and 67th floors. According to the confessions of those mistresses who switched jobs to Ma En, if the time was put a hundred years ago, the average IQ of the demon spiders was much higher than that of the two levels of demon spiders now.

Now... IQ is generally in arrears.

Most demon spiders only have the most basic primitive hunting instincts. Most of them cannot weave giant webs and only know how to hunt in the most primitive ways, such as hiding in the sand and suddenly jumping out, suppressing the enemy with their terrifying huge claws, and even poisoning them. No need, just tear the prey raw and swallow it into the stomach through the mouthparts.

Too many demon spiders lack sufficient IQ to communicate with drow, so that demon spiders that can perfectly understand the orders of the mistress have become a rare commodity, and are even regarded by drow as the messengers of the Spider Goddess.

In turn, this also presents a trend of decline.

When did even a demon spider with some intelligence become a rare commodity?

In that era when the Spider Goddess appeared frequently, bestowing various blessings and divine revelations, as long as she cast a magical spell, those huge and ferocious spiders would immediately transform into the most loyal and powerful defenders of the Spider Church.


Ha ha!

The opponent's natural flaws in intelligence made Ren make a very risky move.

One day at the end of October, the land on the 65th floor of the Bottomless Abyss was as hot as ever. Unless it was a demon with a considerable degree of fire resistance talent, any outside existence, let alone a demon or a demon spider, would stand in this red Mature people are easily roasted on the earth.

On a seemingly ordinary day, the chaotic sky suddenly cracked.

This strange scene attracted the attention of a large number of demon spiders around.

Without any warning, the sky suddenly started to rain lightly. This is normal in the continent of Kaos. In a place where there is a high fever and almost a bottomless abyss where demons have fire resistance, this is simply an unheard of thing.

Hundreds of demon spiders, the size of a house, stood silently in the increasingly heavy rain. The rain stirred up a layer of mist on their dark bodies covered with sharp burrs.

The frost element exuding a cold aura turned into waves, extending in all directions of the plane one after another.

The icy aura vigorously clashed with the fire elemental power in every corner of the plane, and there were sudden storms and even more extreme hail weather everywhere.

But no matter what, the frost element sprayed out from the weird crack collided with the fire element in the plane, and then backed up even more powerful space cracks. Near the space crack, a large number of huge ice cones and ice spikes appeared, at the junction of the human and demon realms. It forms a huge forest that looks like an ice sculpture.

As more frost elements spurt out from the cracks, the biting cold wind seems to be about to drive away the hot air and become the dominant force in this layer.

Infernal spiders that could not adapt to the extremely cold temperatures began to die in large numbers.

These demon spiders without the ability to cast spells have no way to deal with this large-scale elemental invasion. The entire hell quickly fell into a state of ecological collapse.

This is what happens without the blessing of the Spider Goddess. Without a strong floor leader, the situation would be unstoppable.

In this way, when Ren was taking the initiative or secretly to deal with the orcs and drow, when Archbishop Antonio asked his master for advice, the former archbishop sighed deeply.

"Child, this is the battle of gods!"


(End of this chapter)

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