Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 489 Don’t kill the envoy

Chapter 489 Don’t kill the envoy

The wheel of fate is still rolling forward, its power is surging, and it is unrivaled.

Throughout the ages, countless creatures have been crushed under this big wheel.

Today, perhaps add a race called orcs.

The tricks played by the physics school were discovered by the orc chiefs.

To be honest, if hundreds of thousands of people just disappear, no matter how bad you are at math, you will still come back to it after all.

When the chiefs gathered together, their faces were all pale.

On one side are the unreliable orc gods. A group of shamans shouting "Your people are here" for a month without getting any response.

On the other side is the imminent crisis of genocide.

No matter how obsessed the shamans are with worshiping gods, there are still some brains among the chiefs.

When I went back to my clan to gather together, I immediately realized something was wrong.

Proxy war, this is another cultural output of a certain master. The disciples thought it was very appropriate and continued to use it.

While the orcs were catching him blind, no one expected that Drow would give the physics school a big job.

Sending assassins is not easy, because the area around the imperial capital is the core area of ​​the Barbarossa people, and there are [Anti-Evil] and [Anti-Chaos] magic circles everywhere. The key is that the opponent is a mage organization, and it seems to have been changing the properties of the land recently. Even goblins who go to dig holes in the five provinces of the North can be easily caught.

But the goddess was not here, so the power of faith originally dedicated to her was wasted, and more of the power of faith was stolen by Ren.

A goblin's death often kills his entire family.

This time the drow decided who was the true leader of the metahuman camp and came directly to the door.

Okay, for some reason the cave is flooded.

The question is, how to kill it?

After asking about it, the chiefs were dumbfounded.

If the Knight Goddess is still alive, it is she and Ren who share the power of faith.

In a sense, Marndrow and the Tyrin Knights are all agents of the School of Physics. They have their own beliefs, but they are used as weapons by the physics school.

"The School of Physics is a despicable and shameless church! It must be destroyed!" a chief shouted!

Don't even think about sending a large army. The orcs have the ability to kill the entire Barbarossa Empire, so there is no need to drink from the northwest wind in the north at this time.

To exaggerate, almost all knights in the Knights are agents of the Physics School. Quite a few knights believe in the Knight Goddess, but because they have memorized a bunch of laws of physics, they are blessed and blessed by the [Li Zi Hui].

The real headquarters of the Physical School is said to be in the center of the Fulong Mountains, and the core country is the Principality of Marino. The two places are separated by the entire Barbarossa Empire, nearly two thousand kilometers from north to south. In addition to the five newly captured provinces in the North, they are all densely populated areas, including the Imperial Capital of Barbarossa.

The clan square that used to be packed to the brim is now only 40% crowded at most.

The orcs who tried to fight tunnels with goblins were very injured.

When Downs heard that the Drow conservatives actually had the guts to send an envoy, he was stunned for a moment.

Orcs, you look at me, I look at you, and when you open your mouth, you shout that so and so is dead.

Flora next to her snickered: "Brother, Harry and Brother Barend have already taken action. It's normal for the conservative drow to come to us. It's impossible for them to be stupid enough to fight a proxy war with the Marnd drow. 'Bar?"

If we think about the Physics School's actions to kill people in the North, there is no need to ask who the mastermind is.

You heard that right, big job!

The drow envoy was taken to the manor outside Marino City. Downs and Flora, along with several disciples, met him in the main hall.

This is a male drow. Although men's status among drow has never been high, if all the gold decorations on this guy were stripped off, he would probably weigh one or two kilograms.

That extravagant outfit looks like a nouveau riche in the human world.

The other party opened his mouth and squirted violently. "Humans, all of you kneel down!"


The masters of the physics school are all filled with questions.

This male drow with a face as dark as the bottom of a pot put his hands on his hips and even leaned back slightly so that Downs could see his equally dark nostrils. He continued to spray with such arrogance:

"This is your last chance! I offer you your most sincere apology for offending the followers of the great Spider Goddess - Drow. Kneel down and beg for mercy, and pray to become the slave of Mistress Shiraguis. Yes! Atonement is to free your souls. The only way out is to endure eternal suffering in the kingdom of the Spider Goddess!"

No matter how well-mannered Tang Si was, he was still laughed at by this bully. The mixture of sneer and anger on his face made other masters feel what it means to be "wonderful".

"Did you make a mistake, Heipi?" Downes stood up from his seat, and the winding and twisted electric light was already surrounding him.

If the other person is shameless, then there is no need to give him any shame.

Anyway, both sides are sworn enemies, so there's no point in breaking up.

"Haha! Using the power of mortals to do blasphemous things, your physics school can only go so far."

"You continue to speak, I listen. I guarantee that every word you say will become the suffering you will endure next!" Downs gritted his teeth and cracked his knuckles.

This messenger is really strong and not afraid at all.

He continued to put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "Mother Shiraguis has obtained all the divine favors of the Spider Goddess. Next, you will bear all the goddess's wrath. Tremble! Despair! This is not the case for those of you who know how to use two elements. A magical spell that a third-rate magician can resist! Hahaha!"

Then, he was hung on the southeast branch.


The Marino people were surprised to see a black human stick hanging on their city gate.

He kept fluttering on the city gate tower, and his tongue was cut out.

Even so, he still used his unclear voice and vicious eyes to spread his malice to everyone who passed by.

"What did this guy do?"

"Oh, what kind of mistress of his wants the Physics Faction to surrender and make the whole sect their slaves?"

"Bah! This bitch! Does he still have the nerve?"

Nowadays, with the growth and whitewashing of Ma'ndro, many people know that there is such a group of drow who obey the orders of the Physics School to ensure the safety of the mountain tunnel between Lamancho City and Marino. But they didn't know how badly the conservative Drow in the underground world had been beaten.

By the way, the Physics School's approach of "the two factions are fighting, and the two factions are not going to kill each other" is also quite ruthless.

The foul-mouthed envoy had to wait for three days before another drow from the drow envoy took him back.

This time, the world's stereotype of the school of physics that "everything will be repaid" has been further consolidated.

For the major sects, this operation was too frightening.

Regardless of how ferocious Ma Enzhuoer was, the Physics School even sent second-generation disciples to support him in the underground battle. If we really want to investigate, the physics school actually has another trick: claiming that this is the personal behavior of the disciples, and then denying the blame and disowning the relationship.

After all, Renn did not openly promote the banner of one of his own gods. At the same time, the training of mages was divided into two types: self-funded and public-funded. When pressed, you don't have to admit it.

Hanging a goddess's messenger grandly on the top of the city has another meaning. It means that the two sides have completely broken up and entered the stage of open divine warfare.

Don’t forget, the Spider Goddess is not a god, she is the God-King of the Drow God System!

If it were Ren En, his handling methods would definitely not be so harsh.

But no outsider knew that this was actually the arbitrary decision of a second-generation disciple. Everyone thought this was Ren's instruction.

(End of this chapter)

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