Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 494 The Destruction of the Spider Church

Chapter 494 The Destruction of the Spider Church

Renn:? ? ?

Seeing this, Ren, who was originally confused, finally guessed part of the truth - the magic web goddess and the spider goddess are mortal enemies. The spider goddess created a shadow magic web to steal the power of the magic web goddess. And the Goddess of the Magic Network can get along with powerful gods, so how can she be a good man and a woman of faith?

She had already made up her N counterattack or attack plans.

Unfortunately, her sudden death rendered most of her plans useless.

Obviously, the micro-plane hitting the opponent's outer temple is one of the plans.

Ren is so embarrassing!

If he can float out of any plane and smash the outer temple of another god in the vast space, the chance is absolutely ridiculously low.

Not to mention hitting it, he probably wouldn't even be able to find this extremely secretive evil temple with optical invisibility.

Even if this kind of thing was written into a novel by a third-rate writer, it would probably be so criticized by readers that it would make them unable to take care of themselves.

This is the [Deathrattle] of the Goddess of the Demonic Network, and that is another story.

He who knows a being best must be its enemy.

A real war is not a live broadcast on the earth, so there are so many real-time pictures.

It can be clearly seen from the optical images transmitted back from the scene that the black temple, which is full of distortion and appears to be arranged in the center of the spider web in the void, is getting closer and closer.

He missed a point.

Everything is set up in advance.

This is the final picture.

Wren is just the butterfly fanning the hurricane of destiny.

This operation directly paralyzed the automatic defense system that should have been functioning to some extent.

Only the word "hit" came from the illusory screen.

Renn could only judge from the feedback sent back from some things that should be regarded as sensors in the Magic Network Goddess system.

It can only be said that every boomerang in the world will definitely find its due target.

There is no more gorgeous fortress artillery bombardment or anything like that, there is only the Kaos version of 'Mars hitting the Earth'.

No, wait! What about defense systems? What about dodge? What about the shield?


Ren stared at the rapidly changing numbers on the speedometer. When the classroom-level micro-plane used the magic power of Ren's magic pool to increase its speed to two hundred kilometers per hour, it was foreseeable that the impact of the impact also increased to the maximum.

Although the Goddess of the Magic Web threw herself into a hole in the ground, how could the Spider Goddess be any better?

The divine power originally accumulated in the outer temple of the Spider Goddess can also be used by the 'automatic counterattack system' to bombard the micro-planes it collides with.

Not wanting to die, a certain drow mistress, in desperation, hoped to shock the Physics School by killing people to establish her authority, so she used most of the divine power of the spider temple in the outer plane to do so.

In fact, at this moment, Renn still didn't think this would succeed.

In the last few seconds, Ren could even see clearly the furry exterior decorations that looked like spider legs.

When Ren saw the live broadcast, he was confused.

"There was a collision...the opponent's temple was shattered...a sudden decrease in the quality of the opponent's temple was detected...oh, was it hit in half?"

The sensor left behind by the Goddess of the Magic Web is a bit like a radar system. It can probably detect that every fragment exploded from the Temple of the Spider Goddess has a mass of at least two hundred tons.

But on this 'radar' screen, it looks like pieces of flying snow floating gently in the air. They seemed to continue to disintegrate, and eventually even the fragments could not be detected and identified. Renn discovered that the largest temple ruins began to fall towards the Kaos continent.

"This... Kaos world will not beat me, right?" Ren was extremely embarrassed: "This, the first time is always a bit painful. Kaos continent, you can just endure it."

In fact, Renn still underestimated the role of world will.

When such a medium-sized plane of nearly 10,000 square meters plunges into the main world, it feels like two soap bubbles, one large and one small, seamlessly fused together.

Immediately afterwards, the Spider Temple that turned into a comet continued to disintegrate in mid-air. Ten kilometers above the ground, everyone can still barely see the outline of the temple.

At a distance of five kilometers, no single wreckage would be larger than a tank.

In the last one kilometer, there was only fist-sized debris left.

At the same time, the drow matrons, who had long since deeply connected their souls and wills with this outer temple, let out the most tragic wails.


This scene is very similar to the situation of the masters when the magic network goddess fell. The aftermath of huge magic and divine power invaded the mistresses through spiritual channels. The amount of energy completely burned their spiritual seas in an instant, followed by their bodies.

In front of the other drow, the curvaceous black female body melted into candle-like grease at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then spontaneously ignited, rising into blue flames.

"Ah! Mistress...the mistresses were killed!?"

"The kingdom of the Spider Goddess was bombarded by Ren Tesla?"

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

"Why is it impossible! Wake up, the goddess has fallen! She was killed by Ren! Mandro will also come after her immediately."

Those male drow who have no magical talent do not have enough common sense. They can't tell the difference between the temple in the outer plane as a receiving station and the real kingdom of the gods. When they saw the fall of the 'kingdom of god', the matrons became miserable. When called for sudden death, they immediately fell into extreme confusion and fear.

The separation of birds and beasts has become inevitable!

They screamed and abandoned their duties and beliefs, scurrying about like frightened rats in a gutter.

It is hard to believe that there are some elite sword dancers among them who participated in the extremely cruel [Violet War] with the elves three hundred years ago.

No matter they faced rude orcs, powerful elves, brave and fearless dwarves, or even the arrogant dragons, they never flinched.

These elite drow are considered to be iron-willed, ruthless, and the most elite emissaries of the Spider Goddess.

Now this legion, which represents the last strength of the conservative drow, collapsed on its own before it could fight its final battle.

Anyone who has a slight understanding of the church system will understand this situation. When all the priests who spread the faith burp, and the skitarii collapse, then the Spider Church is doomed.

It has disappeared into the forest of races in the world, and its reputation and all memories of its past have completely disappeared from this land.

Unless the Spider Goddess can quickly return to her position, use her supreme divine power to cripple her opponents and show her power, then she will have a chance to gather believers again and keep her position as a god.

Otherwise, even if she comes back alive, she will quickly fall from her original medium divine power to weak divine power, and even end up being killed and perished.

(End of this chapter)

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