Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 498 "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"

Chapter 498 "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" (Happy New Year!)

Renn: Even if you want me to invite you, I can't invite Edison! I don't know any legendary spiritualism on earth, and I don't have any holy relics to summon him here!

Antonio: Oh my God! Ren Tesla was so kind. In order to avoid conflict with our local sect, he was actually willing to help us convince God Edison to give up coming to the world of Kaos! ?

Of course, this is also the charm of language.

[He doesn’t have to come] This can be understood as [He was originally going to come, but if you pay enough, I can prevent him from coming].

When he thought of this, Archbishop Antonio felt his scalp was a little fried: No, you really plan to move the entire physics department here together.

For the physics school, the major forces cannot be said to lack understanding. Even though the school of physics has not disclosed much information, it is known that there are super powers such as Newton, Archimedes, Edison, Einstein, Tesla and so on. Each can grant varying degrees of increase in magical power.

The scope of physics is so broad that it can be said to cover all aspects of daily life.

If they really want to come all over, will it conflict with the clergy of more than half of the gods in the world of Kaos?

This is also the most painful part for Antonio.

What makes the archbishop sulky the most is that among the orthodox churches, only the Church of Light and the Physics Sect have overlap in the clerical field. The ideas of the Knights, the Church of Justice, and the Physics Sect are not related at all, and there is no conflict at all. This means that the Church of Light cannot even find reinforcements and can only talk to Renne alone.

Antonio thought: It’s too much of a concession, and I can’t explain it to the people below. But if we don’t give in, the [Sword of Reason] from the School of Physics will turn around and hit our family on the head every minute, which is not good.

After thinking for a while, the archbishop whispered: "The history of the Church of Light is also famous in the Kaos Perpetual Calendar. I wonder how it compares with your sect?"

It felt as if I had fallen into the mouth of a historical behemoth, being sent between its fangs at an extremely fast speed and chewed repeatedly.

He couldn't help but pray in his heart: O goddess of light of hope! Please give me enough faith and courage to help me break through these obstacles and know the truth of this different world!

Just hearing these three Chinese characters with a perfect accent, Antonio suddenly felt the wind in his ears begin to blow violently.

Renn raised his eyelids: "Would you like to learn more about "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"?"

I don't know why, just hearing the name gives me a "desperate" feeling like a drowning person being pulled into the bottom of the abyss. He really didn't want to compare these three words with the long history of the world of Kaos. He was afraid that he would go crazy with pain after knowing the truth, or that he would feel scared every day from now on.

Just in case someone was talking about something from a scripture, Renne had no choice but to use his ultimate move.

He couldn't help it.

"Please." Renn looked at the archbishop stepping into the pit coolly.

Antonio took a deep breath: "Please allow me to use [Knowledge of Legends] to understand the meaning of these three words in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"."

His duty told him that he must have a deeper understanding of the forces behind the true god of the outside world so that he and all local sects could make correct judgments.

Than history, right?

Since you don't want to 'set aside the controversy', I have to say 'since ancient times'.

He suddenly realized that he was not being blown by the wind in the physical sense, but that he was being sucked into the strong wind called [History of Another World].

"Ah!" the Archbishop exclaimed softly.

Although he was clearly indoors, he felt like he was standing on the top of a mountain and could be blown away by the strong wind at any time.

If this is falsehood, you can use the truth to expose this lie;

If this is weakness, one should use strength to prove one's worth;

However, what if this is true?

The archbishop was indeed tricked.

The moment he turned on his spiritual vision, countless information flooded into his brain. Even with his astonishing strength as the Archbishop of Light, we can only get a glimpse of it. There is too much information, and it is impossible to see the whole picture because of the isolation of the world's barriers. Antonio at least remembered one [Pangu Kaitian].

No matter how many times he recalled the shocking power of splitting the chaos with an ax, it would still make his heart palpitate.

No one can explain the origin of the Kaos continent, but the other party's ancestors have the astonishing power to carve out a place of order from chaos.

Can't compare!

There's no way to compare!

Comparing his own perpetual calendar with his opponent's "Book of Mountains and Seas", Antonio only felt that his blood, his soul, and the history he was proud of would all be trampled under his feet and then smashed to pieces!

An extremely outrageous bloodline from another world...

The mysterious block font...

All in all, Archbishop Antonio had to believe in the fact that Renne possessed a more noble and powerful bloodline of God, and he and the entire Church of Light were witnessing the invasion of a powerful sect!

No, calling it an invasion is not the right word.

Renn has used the gentlest way possible to gain the recognition of the world will of Kaos and establish good relations with all local orthodox churches.

Antonio would never forget that Ren was willing to give them dignity because they were still willing to talk.

The guy you can't talk to? Disgraceful stuff?

Behold the Spider Goddess!

The Spider Church, which had been lingering on the mainland for unknown ages, was destroyed in this way.

Facts have proved that Ren is the same as the previous God of Justice. Without exception, every outer god is an extremely terrifying existence.

They can forcefully tear open a hole in the rules of the world and open up space for the inheritance and development of their own sect.

Antonio couldn't even admire such a great and powerful being. He really wanted to give himself a big mouth.

If we look further ahead, even if it only describes the story of his conversation with Ren, thousands of years later, perhaps even such a conversation record can be regarded as sacred and be praised by bards through the ages.

When he thought that such a terrifying and benevolent being could communicate with him on a relatively equal footing, Antonio felt deeply frightened and extremely lucky.

He knew he had to be decent.

If he is not decent, the other party will help him be decent.

What's more important is that he vaguely saw many ridiculously powerful but extremely cruel beings in the legends of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

What does this mean?

This means that Renn’s School of Physics is already the most talkative one. If Renne withdrew, maybe another pantheon of gods with a focus on conquest and destruction would come over, which would be unbearable.

Antonio quickly bowed and saluted: "Thank you God for your guidance. But the matter is so important that I need to go back and discuss it with other bishops before I can decide. But God, please rest assured, I believe that the spread of physics in the world of Kaos will go smoothly. Even if After our three gods return, I have great confidence in convincing them."

"Yes." Ren agreed casually.

The archbishop hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Then, can I mention the name of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" to other sects?"


(End of this chapter)

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