Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 504: New melons always come unexpectedly

Chapter 504: New melons always come unexpectedly

Just as the combat power of the major good churches spread across the continent and they were busy putting out fires everywhere, Tesla Magic Academy and Marino Territory presented a scene that was completely different from the increasingly chaotic situation outside.

As a small principality with only 100,000 people, almost all the Marino people revolve around the few thousand people in the academy.

Think about it, there are 3,000 people in this crash course alone. Most of them were civilians with slightly inferior qualifications, who were not qualified to be a public student or even an assistant for Renn. Because of the need of the situation, the kings and nobles of various countries gritted their teeth and paid a large sum of money to Ren.

As a result, these thousands of people enjoyed at least knight-level treatment.

Due to the large number of people, the Principality of Marino had to import a large amount of ingredients from places like La Mancholin next door, which in turn boosted consumption in the surrounding areas.

The nobles of various countries have the duty to protect their territory and cannot leave without authorization. This does not mean that they cannot send their heirs out. This meant that on one side, the great nobles themselves and their legitimate sons stayed in the territory, and on the other side, they tried to find ways to give money to send their own children, even those with no magical talent, to Rennes as self-funded students, and they also paid three years of tuition fees in one breath.

At first Ren didn't want to accept it, but later he understood.

This is protection money!

The child was sent to Renn to prevent his family's bloodline from being cut off.

So I saw a strange scene. The noble children of the two empires and a bunch of kingdoms were eating and drinking in Marino City. They didn't make trouble every day and obeyed the law very well. They just held dances and dinners every day. This in turn promoted Marino's influence in disguise. The city’s high consumption.

This scene of peaceful singing and dancing is in a bit of a weird contrast to the panic scenes in other countries - the place near Marino is very safe, and more than 500 kilometers away from the academy, there are Chaos Demon attacks happening everywhere.

It's not that the Chaos Demon deliberately avoided Ren's territory, but that the Legendary Physics Land was too buggy.

All factions hope that Ren will continue to show his holiness, but Ren has no choice but to adhere to the tradition of the Rabbit family and come up with [The truth is only within the range of magic, but I have the final say when I use the truth].

The bosses of various factions were simply speechless.

There are mage towers all over Marino's territory, plus those red dragon heads hanging at the gates of the town's first-level city walls. This is confidence!

The envoys from all the families rolled their eyes.

Even though Ren was so domineering before, in fact, the only territory under the direct jurisdiction of the Physics School was the Principality of Marino. Now, with the addition of at least one Iron Hand clan, the total area is only 20,000 square kilometers, which is not even as good as many grand dukes.

Flora, who is in charge of foreign affairs, used the same rhetoric again: "Our school is a lawful neutral camp. I will not offend others unless they offend me."

A discerning person can understand it at a glance.

At this time, the flexible base line of the physics school comes into play again.

Devils, demons, dragons, drow, and orcs expressed that they had something to say—yes! We all believed your evil deeds!

All I can say is that you can do whatever you want if your fist is hard enough.

Archbishop Antonio couldn't help but complain: "Master Tesla has almost transformed that place into the kingdom of God on earth, right?"

The powerful ability of order in the physical land effectively resists the erosion of the power of chaos.

What is confidence?

In fact, the major orthodox churches really want Ren's big leg to come forward and control the situation, so that everyone can feel at ease.

Here comes the advantage of Renn not focusing on false reputation.

When trouble strikes, his family is not the boss in name only. The nobility and state religion here are naturally obliged to be on the front line.

The result was like Barbarossa's five northern provinces, where the knights were the ones fighting the Chaos Demon, but in the end, there were even more people wearing the Li emblem. The bosses of each family are a bit itchy.

Time has entered February, and spring is about to begin with flowers blooming. There is a high probability that there will be no new melons to start the new year.

But new melons always come unexpectedly.

On this day, Antonio, the Archbishop of Light, began to fall asleep after finishing his evening prayers.

He could clearly feel that the power of faith generated by the prayers of devout believers was sent to the Temple of Light in the outer plane as always, but unfortunately, as always, no response was returned from above.

If it weren't for the fact that a limited number of clergymen could still use divine magic during a fixed period of time, it would be as if their own gods had never existed.

This old church of ours is far less generous than the new sect of Physics, which is quite embarrassing.

After being slapped in the face so many times, Antonio also developed a thick-skinned attitude of 'As long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.'

Nothing should happen tonight...

But as soon as he fell asleep, he heard an illusory and distorted roar - the sound was like a magical sound transmission that was interfered by great elements. Not only was the sound intermittent, but it also had clear changes in tone. It was like the cry for help that Chuanyin sent out when he was on a small boat on the sea and was constantly being hit by storms.

Antonio murmured to himself: "Isn't this an evil invasion?"

It would be outrageous if the evil sect could corrupt the mind of an Archbishop of Light in the sacred cathedral.

Before he finished speaking, the link was established, and an unclear picture broke into his mind.

The scene in front of him kept shaking violently and irregularly, and it took a lot of effort for Antonio to adjust his eyes to this scene.

When he saw certain details of the blurry figure in the scene clearly, he felt as if his heart was being clenched tightly by an invisible hand.

There is a Holy Emblem of Light on the opponent's chest armor!

A pair of slender jade hands held a flame.

There is no doubt that this is the holy emblem of the Goddess of Light of Hope, one of the three gods of light!

The other party's pure white wings show that she is an angel under the goddess of light of hope!

And she was no ordinary angel. Even though her armor was damaged in many places, her whole body was covered in blood of different colors. It was impossible to tell whether it was her blood or the enemy's. Antonio recognized her identity by the three-layer golden flying wing pauldron on her shoulders.

"Luna* loves Archangel Thadis!?" The place where the archbishop knew her was the mural in the cathedral.

She is the legendary strongest angel guarding the goddess!

What made Antonio extremely horrified was that the archangel, who was known to be able to fight against inferior gods and evil gods, now had only one wing behind his left shoulder left of his holy white wings, which was stained with platinum blood. Her right shoulder.

How miserable this is!

Her pretty face was filled with anxiety, her red lips opened, and intermittent words came from her voice: "The god of fire... has fallen! The light of hope... is almost annihilated! Capra... Shagoth... Kaos... ...Also...can you hear me? Urgent need...evacuation...coordinates!"

Antonio finally understood the name of Kaos, and with a sudden inspiration, he summoned up all his energy and strength, raised his arms and shouted: "Kaos is here! Kaos Light Church is here!"

Archangel Luna seemed to hear it. She turned her head, stared in the direction of Antonio, and shouted hurriedly: "The world... moves!"

(End of this chapter)

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