Chapter 520 Physics Rain God
Ren didn't know how much trouble his words caused in the hearts of his disciples.

Master, where is the lawful neutrality that your old man promised?
Although the Chaos Demon is not a thing, why do you think you want to kill the entire Chaos Demon clan?

Your 'generation'?
Who doesn’t know that you are an alien god? You have a lifespan of five thousand years, after all. You are chasing Chaos Demons in all planes throughout the universe, and you still claim to be [neutral]. Doesn't this seem a bit inappropriate?

Ren didn't know that his disciples were madly complaining. As a young man who had just turned eighteen years and 120 months old, he didn't feel there was anything wrong with him when he used the term "a generation".

Because he grew up in a different environment, Renn didn't feel that his words were excessive at all.

Tang Si and the others were born in a kingdom that was neither weak nor strong, so naturally they would not have the arrogance of the people of such a big country.

As a descendant of Yan and Huang, Ren is very lawful and neutral most of the time. This is like what people in China would say when they see a war in another country, "So many young ladies have died, so many handsome guys have died, my heart aches, don't fight", but when they put their heads in the sand, there is only one sentence left -

Fuck him to death!
Everyone else is kicking their noses in the face, so if they don’t take action, are they still waiting for grass to grow on their own graves?
This is why Ren's actions seem quite extreme. Most of the time, he and the physics school he leads are harmless to humans and animals. If he is really offended, no one will get good results.

Ren's speech was so domineering that the disciples were immediately distracted and did not realize the key to master's mastery of the demigod Chaos Demon's divinity.

This is like encountering a mountain of rubbish code that cannot be solved. In addition to slowly dismantling the garbled code one by one, there is actually a simpler and more violent option - I don't want to play anymore, delete the library and run away!

Soon, on the fifth day after Barend killed a demigod-level Chaos Demon, the Church of Light also revealed that it had killed a Chaos Demon of the same level.

"Destroyed, but not completely. If these extremely polluting mental fogs are contacted by living creatures, they will still be harmed. But this is the void, a place where most beings in the world will not set foot. We stay Just monitor it, if you leave it alone, these mental energy groups will eventually dissipate on their own."

It was Archbishop Antonio who secretly came over and asked Ren if there was any way to deal with the divinity of Chaos. Because this thing will be a disaster to anyone who lets it go.


In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this one is definitely weaker than the Sweetland one, not only in terms of size, but also the divine reaction is weaker by more than one level.

It doesn’t cost any money to ask anyway.

It's a pity that this time it was a bit tragic. This hunting brigade jointly formed by the Church of Light and the Church of Justice, even though more than 3 legendary powerhouses were sent out, still paid a heavy price with 11 dead and injured.

They are still eagerly waiting for Ren to provide the coordinates. The price here has not been negotiated yet, so there is no point in adding more money.

What Ren is doing now is [Delete Database]!
Directly smash the divine fragments (hard drives) containing a large amount of chaos'garbled code', and you won't even have a place to store it. In this era when chaos cannot create a Kaos version of the Internet, physical destruction is not a kind of destruction. ?
The disciples looked at the chaotic evil talisman that was flying everywhere after being shattered and finally hovering in the void, and they were all stunned for a while.

For the lawful good camp, it is their duty to eliminate demons and defend the law, so there is no question of whether it is worth it or not. What's more, after this battle, a paladin was promoted to legend, and many other young strong men also showed signs of breaking through to the legendary level.

Of course no one would say it.

After Flora was instructed by her master to extend her right hand to the messenger of the Church of Light and rub her index and middle fingers with her right thumb, the messenger was completely speechless.

Except for Ren and his second-generation disciples, no other existence in the world knows how Ren deals with these chaotic gods.

Downs: "Master, this chaotic divinity... has been completely destroyed?"

In the end, it was the hardworking Church of Justice who was responsible for temporarily sealing the fragment of divinity.

It was early March, and a small accident put the Knights and Physics in trouble.

"O omnipotent God of Knights! Please protect us and give us nectar." A group of farmers who were panicked because of the drought in the land ran to the Knights Temple to pray to God. This sounds nonsense, right?

This scene happened to take place in the newly built Knights Temple in the five northern provinces of Barbarossa.

The eyelids of the great knight stationed at the temple kept twitching: "Why don't you go to the Earth Temple? This matter belongs to the Mother Earth Goddess!"

The Earth Mother Goddess is in charge of agriculture, and her priesthood also includes [Earth]. She is a professional counterpart no matter how you think about it.

But the old farmers cried sadly: "Pastor Dadi said that the land in the five northern provinces is very fertile, no problem, but there is nothing they can do if it doesn't rain!"

The great knight is embarrassed, the god of knights cannot care about the weather!
The gods related to rainfall in the world of Kaos are a bit troublesome:

First of all, the water elemental god is an elemental god, not a human being.

Secondly, the God of Nature is in charge of the balance of nature. His followers are druids and wood elves. He is moody and only cares about the natural world and does not care whether humans can grow crops and eat enough.

Finally, there is the Lord of Storms. He likes to make trouble, and he is also an evil god.

If the Earth Mother Cult can't handle it, then in theory no one can.

Looking at the old farmer who kept kowtowing, the knight also knew that this winter wheat harvest was related to whether the five northern provinces could be self-sufficient and form a positive food cycle. As a result, he gave a suggestion that should have been quite misleading: "The responsibilities of our God of Knights do not include agriculture! How about you go to the physics hall next door?"

There is no way, there are territorial divisions between sects. The Temple of Knowledge does not have locations in the five northern provinces.

The question is, if the God of Knights doesn't care, will the God of Physics take care of it?
This is wrong no matter how you think about it.

An outrageous scene happened. The old farmers collectively went to ask the lecturer in the physics hall, but they were not rejected immediately. After reporting the matter to Renn at all levels, the matter was revealed.

Flora looked at her master's subtle expression, and her heart skipped a beat: "Master, you really have a way, right?"

The corners of Ren's eyes twitched.

Not bragging, he really has a way.

Renn was born in a magical country, a country that boasts that "man can conquer nature".

It’s old news that the 155 howitzer can physically exorcise ghosts.

As for whether it rains, that's a trivial matter.

As long as you catch a rain cloud, I will make it rain for you if there is no rain. In the past, there was an incident where a certain province carried out artificial rainfall too harshly and failed to leave the rain clouds to its brother provinces, and was sued as a result.

Some people may ask, can this matter be mediated?
It really works!
A document was issued from above: 135 is for the Western Province to fire, 246 for the Eastern Province, let God take a break on Sunday.

That’s ridiculous!
Ren casually looked at the distribution of rain clouds in the Land of Legendary Physics through the system, and found that most of the rain clouds drifted from south to north. He sighed: "Alas! This time the orcs will suffer again."

(End of this chapter)

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