Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 532 Continue to deceive

Chapter 532 Continue to deceive
[Knowledge of the Divine] is the god-level version of [Knowledge of the Legend]. To use this, you must have at least legendary strength, because this is to check the family background of a god.

Most of the time, this practice is blasphemous to the deity.

You would also be unhappy if your eighteenth generation ancestry was investigated.

The most standard way is to inquire in a roundabout way, because the gods can sense their own existence in this world. Many times, it is fine. It is simply because the gods are too lazy to pay attention to you.

When meeting the gods, this practice most often represents a kind of beauty called flying dragon riding on the face. Not to mention peeking into the past, even if you look at someone impolitely, your eyes and even your soul will probably be burned off.

Of course, it would be another matter if the gods actively allowed it.

Luna took a deep breath and bowed again: "Please forgive my offense!"

Renn seemed to accept the direct gaze of the other party's golden eyes with great magnanimity.

Ren didn't know that Luna came with the determination to die.

In the worst case scenario, this kind of transfer is just a one-shot deal, and you become a hero, and if you lose, you will be on the memorial wall.

Unexpectedly, the first title that popped up in the middle of her mind made her a little nervous, and she could not hide the shock on her face covered with frost.

"Oh? I accept your bow."

Well, actually not very low-key.

This great god's achievements in the world of Kaos are like the green leaves that set off the red flowers above. On the surface, these achievements are not impressive compared to the titles at the beginning, but as a former Kaos person, no one understands the weight of these achievements better than Luna.

Luna did not hide her shock and the heat in her heart: "I just represented the great Sun God. I cannot damage His majesty. But this worship only represents me who was still a mortal back then. I have become the Great God of Light. Archangel, your greatest wish is to sweep through hell and the abyss. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, it has never been possible."

Regardless of the fact that Ren's outrageous titles like "Destroyer of Worlds" were obtained by playing games, at least the things he and his disciples did in the world of Kaos were real.

This is just the beginning!
[The Fourth Natural Disaster], [The Immortal], [Conqueror of the Galaxy], [Supreme Humanity], [Alien Gourmet], [Star Eater], [Terminator of Billions of Stars]...

He can bear this prayer!

You know, the Chaos Lord opposite has just received this title.

If compared with the above-mentioned titles of "Dia Zha Tian", the achievements of this terrifying alien god in the world of Kaos can be described as extremely low-key.

To Ren's surprise, Luna bowed deeply to him.

"Oh?" Ren was actually asking, why didn't you pray just now and why are you praying now?

The situation was going smoothly now, which was beyond her imagination. She thought that she was the archangel of the Goddess of Light of Hope, and that she came to contact him on the orders of the powerful god Sun God. She had nothing to fear.

【Destroyer of Realms】!
If you haven't destroyed three-digit worlds, you won't be able to get this kind of cosmic-level terrifying title.

[The Weaver of the Laws of the World of Kaos], [The Redeemer of the Drow], [The Eternal Sorrow of the Orcs], [Evil Dragon Meat Connoisseur], [The Abyss Raider], [The Hell of Baator] Strategist], [Mind Flayer Destroyer]...

Ren raised his eyebrows and said leisurely: "Tell me about the battle situation on your front lines. No need to hide it, just tell me directly."

If another person said this, Luna would have to maintain her own dignity and say it in a more flattering way.

For Ren, she felt that it would be a kind of blasphemy to conceal the situation of the war from him. Admittedly, she could sense that the god named Ren was not as powerful and powerful as she had imagined. But ever since she spied on that scene - he was fighting a strong enemy, but accidentally died suddenly, and immediately came back to life, she understood that there are always some beings in the world who like to play games with the world. He has countless incarnations and clones, and can die countless times without any impact on his true body.

The only thing she couldn't figure out was why every time he died, a bloody word "cai" would appear in the sky.

It does not matter!

This extremely mysterious [God of Physics] has proven himself with his supreme teleportation skills and exaggerated achievements.

If she had even the slightest doubt about his strength, that would be the greatest blasphemy. She didn't allow herself to think so.

Since Ren asked, she really said so.

"The situation of the Alliance of Order is very bad. Since our Rangers were surrounded and annihilated, as many as 26 gods have fallen, and without the power of faith to supply them, the gods have begun to think of escaping. Especially those evil gods..."

She recounted the century-old war between the Gods of Order and Chaos in a pleasant voice. Little did she know that Renn, who knew almost nothing about the outside world, took this opportunity to frantically obtain information.

On the surface, Ren was extremely calm. Even hearing that the Chaos army was so terrifying didn't make his heart waver at all.

In fact, Ren was so panicked that he felt a magnitude 10 earthquake in his heart. Not to mention that the evil gods wanted to escape, he himself would have wanted to escape first if he had the chance.

Oh my god! The world of Kaos is too scary, I want to go back to Earth!
Fortunately, actor Rain has already developed perfect facial expression control.

What's more, as the [True God of Physics] recognized by the world of Kaos, how can an angel spy on his soul fluctuations?

Anyway, the calmer he became, the happier Luna felt.

She almost believed that as long as this ridiculously powerful 'God King of Outer Realms' took action, the gods of order in this world would be saved. Unknowingly, as she was telling the story, her voice started to sound a little lighter.

Even with the narration tape showing the mental images, Luna spoke for a full fifteen minutes before she finished speaking.

After exposing herself, she actually felt relieved.

Finally, she concluded: "Since God Tesla is willing to write laws for the world of Kaos, he must be willing to contribute to the protection of order. Then I dare to ask if God has any arrangements..."

Speaking of this, she became cautious.

Ren wanted to roll his eyes: What arrangement? What other arrangements can I make? If there was a way, I would even want to run away. Now I am just a cannon fodder-level god with weak divine power. Do you still expect me to go to the front line to help you as a line-filler? Pooh! Don’t even think about it!

Lei Dahuyou said slowly: "It's a bit difficult! Most of my power is still in the original world. Besides, in order to adapt to the laws of the Kaos world, it has taken me almost two years to regain so much power. A small amount of power.”

right! As long as I claim that my strength is incomplete, no one can force me to take action.

Luna was stunned for a moment, and then realized: the god king opposite was so powerful that the barrier of the universe could not transmit all his power.

She said nervously: "Well, the Chaos Lord may not be worthy of your personal intervention, but can you at least help transmit the power of faith accumulated in the world of Kaos to the front line?"

Huh? Having said this, Renn was no longer sleepy.

If the Gods of Order were his agent, he wouldn't mind selling some weapons from the divine world behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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