Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 541 I only recognize Brother Ren!

Chapter 541 I only recognize Brother Ren!
Compared to the ecstasy of his die-hard allies, a ridiculous thought arose in the mind of the Sun God Pelor - Are you also the Sun God, Renn?
The last time the Light Legion suddenly received a supply of divine power, it had already aroused great vigilance in the Chaos camp. It can be said that this time the Chaos generals pricked up their ears, spread their perceptions, and waited for the world that did not know whether to live or die to send divine supplies, and then tracked them in reverse and destroyed the damn supply base.

Who would have thought that when supplies arrived, they would come with a sunspot storm?

Ordinary beings are not aware of the impact of these electromagnetic waves at all, because the planet's magnetic field will block this erupting solar storm. However, those who have spread their perception outside the planet's atmosphere have suffered.

For a time, countless high-level chaos demons let out extremely shrill screams and died suddenly on the spot.

The Chaos General, Warmaster, and even the Chaos Lord were dumbfounded.

What's even more shocking is that it didn't take long for the changes on the opposite side to be confirmed by news from the front line.

An orderly soldier said something, and the translation meant - Maharaja! It’s not that we didn’t work hard, it’s that the other side suddenly hit the target!
Nearly ten legions from the good camp suddenly exploded, cutting down all the Chaos Demons on the opposite side.

The thundering angry voice of the Chaos Lord came from the Chaos Throne: "I don't want to know how much the loss was. I just want to know, have you retreated?"

"No!" It has to be said that the messenger understands the culture of chaos. He said slyly: "Thirteen of our legions successfully transferred in, and several good camp legions have slightly improved their tactical positions."

Yes, this hearty counterattack once again [improved] the front line of the army of order.

Because the Three Gods of Light have branches in multiple worlds, no, they are branches. The three of them are fighting forces supported by the power of faith from multiple worlds.


I have to admit, ginger is still spicy.

This is where Peiro's shrewdness lies. He has only replenished about 6% of his divine power. Under normal circumstances, he should maintain the 'energy-saving mode'. He was stunned with 100% "power" momentum.

It seems that this is when the good gods suddenly connected with an extremely core parish planet and received full support from an extremely powerful space-type god.

Several battle groups that were once separated by the Chaos Demon were once again connected together.

The arrogance and arrogance of using divine power suppressed even the restless allies, not to mention Chaos.

Normally, Peiro, a righteous gentleman in the divine world, would not do such a thing to deceive his allies, but the situation was so compelling that he had to use Ren's promise, which felt a bit illusory, as the basis, and deceive on this basis. Those allies in the neutral camp, or even the evil camp.

Under the momentum of such a great victory, several evil gods who had been ready to run away fell silent.

Nowadays, we only rely on the world of Kaos and the millions of devout believers. Unless those guys create an impossible miracle and pray for three hundred years in one moment, they can't even hope to fill the Sun Temple with divine power. .

"It doesn't matter, this just gives us the opportunity to integrate the order camp and suppress all dissent!"

To be honest, not to mention that the Legion of Light only obtained one-fifth of the power accumulated in the outer temple of Kaos World over the past century. Even if they took it all, this amount is far from enough for a powerful god to restore him to his heyday. combat power.

Perro looked at Tyr, who was overjoyed, and suddenly said: "Don't be too happy, there is news from Renn, the next supply will be thirteen days later. And the amount will be less than this time."

Not long after, Perro released the news. Although the wording was quite polite, the core meaning was the same - do you want to obtain the power of faith supply? Listen to me, you will have a bright future!
This will kill the evil gods.

To be fair, if it weren't for the chaos a hundred years ago that ignored the good and evil gods and refused all communication, only killing and killing, which evil god would be willing to listen to your sun god?

I was helplessly tied into a chariot to fight against Chaos, but I didn't expect to do it again a hundred years later?
The evil gods were furious. The situation is stronger than the gods. If the good gods can continue to supply and even return to their full strength, then they will not only defeat Chaos, but also the Evil God Group.

The evil gods finally figured it out. Now that the supplies for the good camp were complete, they couldn't run away even if they wanted to. Once they escape, the good camp will definitely kill them before Chaos does.

The obedient ones can drink some soup, and the disobedient ones will be finished now.

Trouble is tangled, the evil god's kingdom has endured for hundreds of years, and no one has much divine power left. Under this situation, they really have no room to resist.

All they could do was kneel down and lick the Sun God Pelor in humiliation.

Pelor was sober, and secretly communicated with Tyr, the god of justice, his die-hard ally: "At most, we can find the most obedient evil god in the third batch as a model for obtaining divine power. But the drow and orcs cannot give it. Because they can't give it."

Tyr slowly typed out a series of question marks.

"Ren Tesla killed the drow and orcs. He beat them to the point of almost annihilating them."

"Hiss--" When Pelor told the secret message from Luna, Lord Tyr took a breath of cold air.

Cruel, this is really cruel!
Having said that, it was great that Ren had accomplished what Tire wanted to do back then, but now he is not suitable for the stable order camp!
The two good buddies discussed it and decided that the third batch of supplies would first be supplied to the chaotic, kind and neutral gods, and then a typical obedient evil god would be created to appease the gods.

After sending away Tyr, Pelor actually had another doubt, that is: both Ren and Luna he sent said that they had used 20% of the power of faith reserves, but after some calculations, he found that he actually Received 27%! ?
That’s ridiculous!
All the gods know that the power of faith is transmitted across the stars. The farther the transmission distance, the greater the loss.

No one can avoid the energy loss caused by this kind of directional transmission. Moreover, according to the divine power attributes of the gods, the transmitted faith power will be diluted to varying degrees and mixed with various impurities.

To be honest, they were all at the end of their rope. Even if Ren said he gave away 20%, he only got 2% in the end. Let alone Pelor, any other god would have pinched his nose and admitted it.

However, the feedback Pelor received was that it was generally 20%, and the average power of faith received was around 18%, with the lowest being 15%. This wastage rate is so low that it makes the gods laugh.

Although Peiluo knew that Luna had changed jobs as agreed, he couldn't help but send an inquiry.

Three hours later, the crack window in the world of Kaos opened. He got a reply from Luna.

[My Lord said that he happens to be quite familiar with optics, and the transmission loss is smaller than other types of divine power. Moreover, he thinks that you are the sun god. When transmitting energy through refraction of stars, he brought you some relatively pure solar energy by the way. . He asks you if you like it. If you don’t like it, it won’t come with it next time. 】

Pero quickly said: [No, no, no, I really like it! 】

Haruka remembered that before starting the Chaos Crusade, all the gods ran to lick the Goddess of the Magic Web. With her help, the loss of divine power transmission is minimal.

But God is more angry than God.

Compare shopping, you have to throw it away!

Now Perrault just wants to say: Who is she? Not familiar! I really forgot.

I only recognize Brother Ren!
(End of this chapter)

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