Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 74 You are such a Harry! ?

Chapter 74 You are such a Harry! ?

One of the characteristics of Towns' opponent is his speed.

Trained under Renn, he is obsessed with lightning magic. When he kills enemies, from beginning to end, in many cases, everything is over in the blink of an eye!
A mage like Harry who is strong in defense and weak in attack is destined to have no chance with the instant kill style.

But no one thought that Harry would develop in the direction of [Mill King].

An abyss violent demon just bit the invisible wall in front of it, and immediately encountered the most ruthless rebound.

For adventurers, it is 'well known' that since the bottomless abyss is mostly a place filled with flames, most demons are of the fire type.

At this time, whether it is adding fuel to the fire or pouring cold water on the hot pot, the reaction will be quite wonderful.

When the first water column shot into this improvised wind element space, the Abyss Storm Demon had not yet reacted. After all, this was just ordinary water, which would make them uncomfortable but not fatal.

The essence of cold salad is to cool it first.

Harry slightly adjusted the element transmission of the [Physics Network], and what was poured in became a bitterly cold mixture of ice and water.

Zero-degree water is enough to cause harm to these demons who are accustomed to living in flames.

As the water element poured into this small space was transformed into frost element, causing its temperature to drop to one hundred degrees below zero, good news finally appeared in the system prompt of a certain unconscious legendary archmage: [Congratulations to the host, your disciple. Leigh Winston realized the level 2 evocation magic (Quenching Prison)! 】

The original [Quenching Prison] refers to the sudden drop of an area to extreme cold. Until this moment, it was still reasonable.

Who knew that those demons began to go crazy under the pain.They hit Harry's wind wall crazily. Harry was in a panic for a moment, and Anne immediately screamed in fright.

Nothing is more heartbreaking than the screams of your own sister.

Harry gritted his teeth and decided to add more ingredients.

I saw him changing the light-sensitive gesture, his hands reaching out for virtual grips, and flipping over violently.

As their family of three watched, the entire huge box made of wind elements suddenly turned upside down, and of course the half-filled ice-water mixture poured over.

For the abyss violent demon inside, this is earth-shaking.

"Ho ho! Goo goo goo..." The angry roar was filled with water before it was finished.

For humans, the worst thing to do is choke on ice water.

For these fire demons, this is like pouring strong acid into their stomachs and pouring it on their faces.

If you just take a bath, the strong abyss violent demon can ride on the body of a weak companion to kill the fellow Taoist but not the poor Taoist.Stir it up, there's nothing you can do about it.

After a brief period of daze, each abyss violent demon began to struggle violently. Their eyeballs kept rotating due to extreme fear, trying to find an escape passage in this space that was sealed up, down, left, front and back. It was extremely anthropomorphic. The wolf's face was full of horror.

At this point, Harry's magic has mutated and has become a self-created magic [Salad Devil] in someone's system.

The abyss storm demons were desperately tearing at the wind wall. The power they unleashed to survive in a desperate situation was obviously beyond Harry's expectation. In addition, turning over the entire wind element box consumed a lot of magic power. Harry actually felt like he couldn't control it. a feeling of.

Harry realized that he had to do something.

At this moment, the senior brother's tireless teachings came to mind again.

"Master means - if we can afford the price, then we have to decide whether to use it or not."

At this point, the foreshadowing is recycled!
Harry dedicated a small part of his energy and asked [Physics Network] to add materials to his wind wall.

It is essentially a simple wind wall made up of a high concentration of wind elements. After Harry added a power called [Order], it became a mixture of wind wall and order wall.

The demons in the world of Kaos are all from the Chaos camp. The [Wall of Order] is as effective as the [Anti-Chaos Array], preventing chaotic creatures from attacking and moving.

This thing that is barely called the [Wind Order Wall] has an immediate effect!
The demons who were violently rebounded screamed and tried to stay away from the wall.

retreat?Where can I go back?

The frost elements continue to increase rapidly, and they are like swimming in a pool of sulfuric acid.

The corrosive pain covering every corner of the body drove them to attack the prison wall that imprisoned them again.

Impact again, bounce back again.

Repeatedly, the skin of the weakest abyss demons has been corroded by the frost, revealing the bluish abnormal muscle tissue inside.During the fierce struggle, the water became turbid.

This 'cold salad' is a bit like throwing a bunch of living creatures into a meat grinder.

"Ouch! Gugugu..."

Muffled roars came through the water and the wind wall.

Harry's mother had already fainted from fright.

Annie had never seen such an extremely bloody scene. The poor girl in this village had only seen violent things since she was a child. Now she had witnessed the bloody scene of her brother punishing the devil so cruelly. After getting through the initial psychological torture, little Annie actually felt that her brother had done a great job...

"Annie, don't look! Your brother and I didn't torture these demons on purpose." Harry said something he didn't even believe.

Why is he only proficient in protective magic?

After all, he practices magic just to stand out, to have money to buy good things for his family, and to protect his family at the same time.

Why do you feel a little bit out of practice now?

More than a dozen Abyss Demons were tortured alive by Harry for 10 minutes.Their powerful vitality has now become a burden.They screamed, mentally conveying a message to Harry - give us a good time!Kill us!

Harry couldn't laugh or cry: I want to kill you quickly too!I really can't attack magic!
Finally, Harry suddenly thought that he could still use the master's convex lens.

After the light of heaven passed through the wall composed of the wind and the power of order, it finally descended on this demonic mixture that was corroded to the point of peeling off its skin.

'thanks! '

Can you believe it! ?These are actually the last words of a group of abyss violent demons!

Harry is stupid.

When Downs arrived, all that was left on the scene were icy pillars that were almost permanently frozen.From the outside, it is almost impossible to see the demonic body tissue.Only through careful sensing can you discover that this thing is actually a large pile of demonic residue that has been thoroughly stirred and even purified with [Light of Heaven].

"Brother, I..." Harry, who had killed an enemy for the first time in his life, was in a state of confusion.

Tang Si was stunned for a moment, then grinned: "Hahaha! I wonder why Master chose you as his apprentice? You are nothing like me. Now I finally know that it is not the same family that does not belong to the same family!"

"Huh? What?"

"Master uses devils to build walls, and you use devils to erect pillars. Sure enough, a great master needs a solid foundation."

When Harry heard this, he knew that his senior brother had misunderstood. His face fell instantly: "No, senior brother, I really never thought about torturing them."

"Wow! You can create such a masterpiece unintentionally. Could it be that you are the true successor of Master in this regard?"

"I, I..." Harry found himself being painted darker and darker, and almost burst into tears.

"What are you explaining? Master said that explanation is cover-up, and cover-up is useless."

The one who really dealt the fatal blow was Ren, who rushed over as soon as he woke up.

Looking at the demon pillars that had been stirred evenly and purified again, and then glancing at the prompts in the system, Ren was surprised and lost his voice: "You are actually such a Harry!?"

At this point, this counterattack has become an art!
(End of this chapter)

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