Chapter 126 125: Fighting

Jianghu was not peaceful this past winter.

There are many rumors that the two sword-wielding women picked many masters along the way, especially sword masters.

But no one knew their names, and they seemed to have no clear goals, just wandering around casually.

A few were killed, many were just point-blank.

After carefully examining those people, those who are interested will find that they seem to be imitating Ximen Chuixue - Ximen Chuixue never kills people without reason, and few people have enemies with him.

When Ximen Chuixue wanted to kill people with a sword, he had to find those masters who had betrayed their friends or committed many evil deeds.These people may have never met or interacted with him before.

Just like Zhao Gang in "One Sword Conquers Nine Provinces", he was an upright and loyal man who was killed by a man named Hong Tao.

Ximen Chuixue did not know Zhao Gang or Hong Tao, but he rode on horseback for three days under the scorching sun to avenge Zhao Gang, whom he had never met, and killed Hong Tao.

In his opinion, killing and being killed is a very sacred thing, so every time he fights with someone, he must fast, bathe and burn incense - no matter who dies by whose sword, this matter is sacred. .

This is his world. When he decides to kill someone, it is either life or death. There will be no third way.

The sword is strong and straight, this is his way of swordsmanship.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled very strangely. This matter was actually very strange. There were many women who admired Ximen Chuixue, but it was really rare for them to act like this.

He smiled and said: "Do you think you are really imitating Ximen Chuixue, or is it a coincidence?"

Huamanlou said: "You smell so bad, don't get so close to me."

Lu Xiaofeng stopped laughing immediately.

No one can still smell the fragrance after digging more than 600 earthworms in the mud. Even after taking several showers, the smell is still there.

Ordinary people may not notice it, but for a blind man, besides the ears, the nose is the most commonly used. What’s more, he is a blind man who often stays in a building full of flowers. Not only is his nose much more sensitive than ordinary people, but he is also sensitive to odors. Also sharper.

Lu Xiaofeng jumped up and wanted to take a bath for the sixth time.
There is a fundamental difference between the two people who emerged from the bloody turmoil nearly a hundred years ago and the people who live in the now regulated world.

In other words, it took a long time to cultivate one's self-cultivation before being able to cover up the bloody body.

My hands are stained with blood, not just words.

When he first arrived, Gu Changsheng noticed that something was wrong with his mentality. He left corpses on the ground outside Qingyi Building and went straight to the door to beat Huo Xiu to death.I think Jiang Yuyan's Blood Rakshasa came from this way.

Lin Zi and the others were right when they were at the Haiyan. Shopkeeper Jiang was a bit scary when he was alone, but they were only half right. Shopkeeper Gu was about the same when he was alone.

Lying on the dry straw, Gu Changsheng listened to the drizzle outside and thought about the root cause of this matter.

After thinking for a long time, she finally understood that Jiang Yuyan had always wanted to show her good side. If the person who needed her to show restraint was not around, she would become a blood Rakshasa again.

A character who is similar to Lu Zhongyuan, her rule from the beginning is that evil people are not considered human beings.

No matter how you look at the current changes in the world, they are inseparable from the rise of this group of people.

If Jiang Yuyan hadn't come over, the chaotic world of Peerless Shuangjiao might have been wiped out in another 20 years?

Gu Changsheng put his hands behind his head and thought deeply. It would be good to be a living seal. At least Jiang Yuyan wouldn't cut the world in half out of curiosity...

Jiang Yuyan put her hand on her body, and Gu Changsheng's breathing immediately became long and steady, as if he was fast asleep.

Since we are almost out of the fight, we should retain the last bit of dignity and not know anything while sleeping... Although it is still shameful, at least I can keep my face.

"Wake up."

Jiang Yuyan pushed her arm.

"What are you doing?" Gu Changsheng opened his eyes sleepily.

"It's fun when you're awake," Jiang Yuyan said.

Gu Changsheng sat up angrily, his long hair covering half of his face, "Don't go too far!"

"Are you panicking?"

"At first you were pretending that you needed Qi to relax your muscles and bones, but I didn't even expose you!"

"It seems so." Gu Changsheng still had two straws stuck on his hair. Jiang Yuyan raised her hand to help her pick it off, and said slowly: "Then you can continue to pretend to be asleep."


Gu Changsheng took a deep breath, "Looks like we need to fight."

"If I don't fight you, I haven't recovered yet."

"So you still know."

Gu Changsheng picked up the sword on the ground with his toes.

Hit your sister as early as possible.


True Qi exploded.

The sword light flashed again in front of the dilapidated Taoist temple that had been silent for many years.

Looking from a distance, there was movement in the Taoist temple on the barren mountain at the end of the stone path, and the sound of weapons clashing could be heard from time to time.

The rain was disturbed by the true energy, causing tiny water droplets to splash.

In the darkness, two figures passed each other from time to time. Each collision of swords, palms, and fists would make a muffled sound.

After a long time, it gradually became quiet in front of the dilapidated Taoist temple.

The night is hazy and the spring rain is falling.

In the early morning, the chirping of insects emerged from the grass, and there were still a few drops of water on the leaves.

There were a few more sword marks on the stone steps in front of the Taoist temple. The open space in front was already a mess after the fight, with broken grass scattered on the ground and several deep pits caused by trampling.

Early in the morning.

Gu Changsheng opened the door of the Taoist temple and stretched her muscles lazily. The morning breeze ruffled her hair, and the air after the rain was particularly fresh.


Jiang Yuyan curled up lazily in the corner, her black hair spread out like an ink painting on the straw beneath her, her shoes scattered aside, and her two beautiful feet folded together and curled up under her skirt.

I don't want to move.

I can't even move my fingers.

"The rain has stopped, does it have to stop for one more day?" Gu Changsheng looked back refreshed.

Jiang Yuyan opened her eyes and said, "Wait..."


Sensing Gu Changsheng's eyes, Jiang Yuyan turned her head to the other side, leaving a trace of the back of her head.

"Oh...Bashan is such a nice place."

Gu Changsheng moved his arms and looked at the distant jungle for a while, then turned around and picked up the water bag to drink water. Jiang Yuyan had already sat up and arranged her hair and the grass stalks on her body.

There is no one in the barren mountains. If you can stay here for a long time, it would be good to live in seclusion in the mountains and rivers.In the past, Taoist Gu lived in seclusion here, enjoying the mountains and rivers, boating and fishing on the river.

No wonder Jiang Yuyan likes this place, she likes it too.

At three o'clock in the morning, the two of them cooked a pot of snake soup and drank it together.

Jiang Yuyan regained her energy, her eyes were rippling, she hugged her legs and stared at her with a smile, which made Gu Changsheng turn his face.

I rested here for two days, and the weather cleared up completely on the third day. I led my horse slowly down the stone steps in the morning light, and the two figures with swords in their backs gradually disappeared at the end of the stone path.

The Taoist temple in the barren mountain returned to silence, leaving only a group of extinguished bonfires and a few extra sword marks.

As long as Ximen Chuixue doesn't have a decisive battle with Ye Gucheng for one day, they will have one more day of leisure.

(End of this chapter)

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