As a daughter, I travel in the world of Gulong

Chapter 171 Chapter 170: Crazy Black Hand

Chapter 171 Chapter 170: Crazy Black Hand
This was not a good weather for a decisive battle. There was no light from the stars and the moon, and many torches were lit on the mountainside.

Compared with people in the arena, it is not a good weather to watch the game.

The originally unnoticed Xiaoshan didn't know how many people wanted to see the final battle. Whether they were unknowns or well-known masters in the world, they all kept silent in a tacit understanding and waited quietly for the one they had chosen. Location, I only occasionally talk to people I know well.

The top of the mountain is almost overcrowded, and it is undoubtedly the best place to watch the battle from a high position.

Huo Xiu, who is already dead, probably could not have imagined that one day the first floor of Tsing Yi would be as eye-catching as it is today.

The pinnacle of swords!

Tonight's battle represents the pinnacle of contemporary swordsmanship.

The highest level of swordsmanship!
Anyone who wields a sword will not miss this battle.Gongsun Lan had already changed his appearance, holding his sleeves like an old man, sitting on a tree and waiting.

Fourth Master Ding, one of the great masters, was hidden among the people watching the battle, ready to send the news back to the palace as soon as possible.

The battle in the Forbidden City three years ago started almost after midnight, so no one was in a hurry.

"Who did you bet on?"

"Of course it's those two-month-old fairies. Three years ago they were able to fly out of the sky and fly to heaven. Three years later they can do the same!"

"Not necessarily. I heard that Ximen Chuixue'ao's hair has turned white. If he is not sure, he will definitely not humiliate himself."

"It's a pity there's no moon tonight."

Someone sighed.

On a full moon night, wouldn't something be missing if there was no moon?

If God doesn't do his best, there is nothing anyone can do.

With everyone in the world waiting eagerly, Lu Xiaofeng hurried towards the capital. He had never been so embarrassed, and he had never squeezed his Qinggong to such an extent.

He couldn't judge the current time, so he could only pray desperately that he could still make it in time. He hoped that Ximen Chuixue wouldn't go so soon, and that the decisive battle wouldn't start so soon.

I also pray that Sharman did not sit on the sidelines because of the decisive battle between the four swordsman masters.

Sharman did not go out.

She took a sip of water, refilled the bowl, and placed it in front of the beef soup.

Beef Soup asked: "Don't you go and take a look?" Shaman is a master of swordsmanship. It can be seen from the way she plays with the slender steel wire that she learned the sword from Gong Jiu.

There is no waste on the nameless island.

Shaman said calmly: "I want to see it, but I don't want to see it."

Beef Soup asked: "Why?"

Shaman stared at her and said, "Because you want to escape."

Beef Soup laughed, "You are still afraid, afraid that Brother Nine will catch Lu Xiaofeng and kill him."

Sharman did not deny that a life of beef soup was equivalent to a life of Lu Xiaofeng. Compared with Lu Xiaofeng, any master duel was unimportant.

She looked through the window in the direction of the Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion. The extremely splendid battle there should be about to begin.

On September [-]th, there are flying immortals in the sky.

mountain road.

Gu Changsheng remained silent, holding a sword in one hand and Jiang Yuyan's hand in the other, and walked slowly towards the mountainside.

Originally, she didn't need to care so much about the continuation of the battle at the top of the Forbidden City, but it was hard for her to calm down tonight.

It felt like someone was pointing a sword at my back.

Jiang Yuyan let her hold her hand, and walked half a step behind, scanning the mountain road for possible hiding places.

What could threaten them both?
Apart from the playful Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue who have mastered the Nine Heavens Lightning Technique, the most likely possibility is the Tang Sect's hidden weapon - the legendary peacock feather?Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle?
As she stepped halfway up the mountain, she felt a frightened feeling in her heart, as if she was stepping into death with this step.

The figure paused.

The steps stopped here and stopped moving.


Gu Changsheng's cold eyes glanced around. It should not be the hidden weapon of the Tang Sect. Even if there was a hidden weapon that could threaten them, they would only feel this chilling feeling when the hidden weapon was pointed at them.

And as soon as she set foot on the mountain road, she was targeted by a hidden weapon in the dark?

Gu Changsheng turned his head and glanced at the vague gaze from the dark, still thinking in his heart.

How heavy and big the hidden weapon must be, it could even be called a cannon.


Gu Changsheng was slightly taken aback.

After closing his eyes, Gu Changsheng held Jiang Yuyan's hand tightly. His eyes opened and closed, and she whispered: "Run!"

Jiang Yuyan only felt a strong force coming from Gu Changsheng's hand. She was slightly stunned and held Gu Changsheng's hand tightly with her backhand. She raised her energy lightly. The two figures seemed to turn into flying butterflies. They started with the double Qinggong and instantly turned into a The afterimage drifted towards the direction it came from.

Blink has exited far.At this moment, a strange whistle sounded in the forest, sharp and short, one sound in the distance, and then another sound in the other direction, echoing in the distance.

The uneasiness in Gu Changsheng's heart instantly increased to the extreme. There was a muffled explosion under his feet, and a big hole was made in the mountain road. The two speeded up again and jumped out like an arrow from a string.

The few people in the world who saw the two women going up the mountain were still wondering if they were the two mysterious masters who were about to fight, but when they saw the two of them suddenly retreating gracefully, they couldn't help but be startled.

This terrifying light skill...

How did you leave?
The short and sharp whistle did not attract anyone's attention, but the figures of the two women leaving quickly made some people feel vaguely uneasy, as if something was wrong.

Only a few breaths passed.

There was a sudden loud noise, and the ground began to shake violently. Before people could react, violent air waves and thunderous sounds swept over them.

The sky suddenly dawned, and a shining red light exploded on the mountain.

Time seemed to have slowed down countless times. The loud noises and shining fires, the shaking of the ground, and the devastating air waves were like a doomsday scene.

Countless boulders and rolling trees fell from the sky.

"This is?!"

Everyone who was still active in the capital at this time saw the bright red light.


The muffled thunder spread rapidly from far to near, and the ground began to shake.

Lu Xiaofeng, who had just entered the city gate, was shaken by the loud noise, and the ground shook uncontrollably. He fell to the ground unsteadily, and looked up feebly in the direction of the flash of red light just now.

"Crazy, a bunch of lunatics..."

He could not have imagined that someone would deal with two immortals in such a brutal way.

It is even more important to catch all the people in the world who are watching.

The thunderous noise alarmed everyone in the capital.

Shaman climbed up to the roof and looked in the direction of the fire, his expression full of disbelief.

There was a loud noise and everyone was alarmed.

The capital suddenly became chaotic. Houses were set on fire by oil lamps that had been knocked down. Some people were screaming and running around. Panic and turmoil quickly spread from the explosion site to the entire city.

Many men in black also moved at this time.

At the foot of the mountain, two figures hugging each other were swept away by huge air waves and rolled down into the distance.

Hitting a huge boulder, Gu Changsheng's throat felt sweet. He suppressed the blood in his throat and held Jiang Yuyan tightly in his arms. The rolling wood that flew close to him exploded with his hand.


Jiang Yuyan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the splash of blood dyed Gu Changsheng's cheeks red.

She forcibly brought up the chaotic zhenqi to suppress the internal injuries, and without stopping, Gu Changsheng jumped into the distance with the person in his arms, wearing white clothes with blood-stained red.

From time to time, flying stones and rolling logs fell from the sky, mixed with broken limbs and pieces of flesh. A hell-like scene unfolded at this time.

A big black dog silently jumped out from the side, approaching in front of her. A hand suddenly stretched out from the dog's belly, a human hand with a knife in it, and struck her in the back.


He stepped forward, and with the sound of bones exploding, the big black dog was stepped directly into the ground. The force was so fierce that it didn't even have time to grunt, and half of its body was spread out on the ground.

Reflecting the firelight, and amid the cries in the distance, figures in black were surrounding them.

With his cheeks stained with blood and his eyes flashing like lightning, Gu Changsheng glanced coldly in the distance and saw a man in a gray cloth robe and a basket-like bamboo hat on his head.

When their eyes met, Gu Changsheng stepped on his feet and quickly disappeared into the darkness. Several screams could be faintly heard in the distance.

The fire blazed into the sky.

the other side.

The swordsman in gray clothes covered in blood stumbled out of the sea of ​​fire. He held a long sword with an odd shape in his knuckled hand. He pushed away the flying stones. A mouthful of blood overflowed from his mouth and he knelt on one knee with the sword on the ground. On the ground, unable to support his body anymore.

In the distance, a shadowy figure quickly approached.

in the night.

Among the crying and panicked passers-by, there were people coming from all directions.

There was a flash of sword light in the darkness.

Blood, crying, screaming.

What a fast sword!

The blade of the sword was still shining in the darkness, and there seemed to be a figure in the flickering light of the sword.

The drizzle falls from the sky, which cannot extinguish the fire that reaches the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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