As a daughter, I travel in the world of Gulong

Chapter 279 278: Miss Lin, are you awake?

Chapter 279 278: Miss Lin, are you awake?

The sky is full of wind and snow.

Sun Xiaohong bought the best women's clothing from the town, knocked on the door, and handed it to the Nanhai lady at the door with her eyes closed.

Lady Nanhai took it in a daze and closed the door.

After standing at the door for a few seconds, Sun Xiaohong turned around and looked at Master. Originally, she was excited to share her experience with Master today. Huabai Feng was so soft and fragrant, and it felt so good to hold her in her arms.

But now she doesn't want to share.

In the room, incense was burning in the copper stove on the table.

When Taoist Yuxiao woke up, he stared at the falling snow outside the window. He seemed to have had a long dream, but he couldn't remember the scene clearly. He would get a headache just thinking about it.

He lowered his head to look at the embroidered skirt on his body, and then touched his cheek. At this moment, there was a soft knock on the door, and he turned around to look over.

"Are you awake? This bun is so beautiful. Who did it for you?"

"Who combed my hair?"

Taoist Yuxiao turned to look at the mirror and was stunned. In the mirror was a breathtakingly beautiful woman with a silky hair ornament and a crested hairpin on her head.


Panic suddenly arose in his heart, but he found that his voice had also become coquettish, as if a girl in her twenties was singing like an oriole.

"Miss Lin, what's wrong with you?" the other party asked with concern.

Taoist Yuxiao turned his head, and his gaze was attracted like a magnet. There seemed to be two will-o'-the-wisps in the other person's eyes, which could not be moved away as long as they met each other, and there was a look of confusion in his eyes.

"Miss Lin...?" He murmured.

"You are Lin Xian'er. I don't know what happened to you outside. Fortunately, we met you and brought you back. Don't you remember?"

The faint words seemed to be ringing in his ears, and Taoist Yuxiao could no longer concentrate.

The other person's face was full of sympathy and pity, and he said softly:

"Miss Lin may have knelt down and forgotten some things, but it doesn't matter, you will remember it. Come on, it's time for us to eat. After eating, take a good rest, and maybe you will remember it."

When she turned around, she noticed something again and said softly: "Even if she is unwell, Miss Lin is used to paying attention to her makeup, right? Please tidy it up."

Taoist Yuxiao was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then walked slowly to the dressing table, looked at the charming face in the mirror, hesitantly touched the mirror with his hand, then withdrew his hand as if being stabbed, sat down slowly, and looked at There is a pile of things for women to modify their makeup on the dressing table.

He slowly picked up the comb and combed up a strand of hair that had spread out from his temples.

A hand stretched out from beside him and handed over some lip paper. He took it in a daze, slowly brought it to his lips and pressed it.

The originally slightly pale lips of the beauty in the mirror were suddenly dyed with color, and the whole person seemed to glow from the red lips.


When they went downstairs, Jiang Yuyan and Sun Xiaohong looked over and saw the charming beauty walking with Gu Changsheng. Jiang Yuyan silently turned her head and drank from the teacup.

Hua Baifeng held Sun Xiaohong's hand tightly.

Lady Nanhai opened her mouth, closed it again, and bowed her head deeply.

"Miss Lin is awake, but she is still a little confused. She doesn't know how she was treated when she was drunk." Gu Changsheng said.

The charming beauty turned her head, and the astonishing gazes of the people eating in groups made her originally empty eyes move.

"Eat. If you're full and then go to sleep, you might be able to rest well."

I have to admit that Lady Nanhai’s disguise skills are no less than those of the ‘neither boy nor girl’ Tu Jiaojiao of yesteryear.

Twenty years later, Tie Gu and Xin Gu used the same method to deal with Ding Linglin and Ye Kai——

Gu Changsheng discovered at this time that it was really possible.

Tiegu learned a technique from Lady Nanhai to control the muscles in other people's throats to change their voices.

It's just that Tiegu and Xingu are not as proficient in soul-catching techniques as Taoist Yuxiao, and their disguise skills are not comparable to those of Nanhai Lady.

They also had to cooperate with drugs, as well as hints from the surrounding environment, and used many methods, and in the end they were deceived by Ding Linglin.

In Ye Kai's era, the only person who had truly mastered the soul-capturing technique was Taoist Yuxiao - he could actually use it in actual combat, and could defeat Guo Ding with the soul-capturing technique alone.

After eating and dispersing, Lady Nanhai watched in horror as Taoist Yuxiao took out a woman's handkerchief and wiped her mouth. She stared at the handkerchief for a moment, then got up and returned to her room.

Even her gait has the graceful appearance of a woman. The Demon Cult’s Eros Heavenly really in love now.

The Taoist priest with luxurious robes, gorgeous decorations and attention to appearance disappeared——

The Soul Captivating Technique can still be used in this way!

Lady Nanhai felt that the most terrifying thing in the world was nothing more than this. After finishing her meal in a hurry, she looked at Sun Xiaohong's hand and hesitated before quietly reaching out to take it.

"What are you doing?" Sun Xiaohong asked in surprise.

Lady Nanhai was startled and retracted her hand as fast as lightning.

She felt miserable, what kind of suffering in the world was this?

"Don't force it." Gu Changsheng saw her little move and smiled meaningfully, "The man is still pretty good."

Lady Nanhai lowered her head, she really felt so.

"Are the clothes ready?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"I bought several sets and put them in my room." Lady Nanhai said.

Gu Changsheng nodded, "It can be regarded as a gift from a fellow disciple."

She raised her hand, revealing a jade plaque with a demon engraved on it. The demon was holding a woman with a naked fruit in his hand.

It was a jade plaque that Hua Baifeng was very familiar with, representing the identity of the Demon Sect's Heavenly King——

The King of Eros.

It was found from Taoist Yuxiao.

Gu Changsheng was playing with the jade token in his hand, and was about to throw it to Sun Xiaohong. Her eyes fell on the door of Taoist Yuxiao's room, and after thinking about it, she got up and passed.

"Miss Lin, are you asleep?"

There was a knock on the door.

The beauty who was sitting in front of the dressing table looking at the mirror turned her head slightly, pursed her lips, and then said in a voice as delicate as an oriole: "The door is unlocked."

"This fell from your body when I brought you back. It looks like... the symbol of the Demon Cult - are you the King of Love of the Demon Cult?"

Sun Xiaohong stayed at the inn and restaurant, drinking tea with Hua Baifeng, and asking the waiter about what had happened in the Central Plains since she left seclusion.

Traveling through the Guandong, outside the Guan, and into the Tianshan Mountains, this road has been desolate, and now I have finally left the Great Wall, and I feel like I have returned to the human world.

It's just that this border town is a place with little information compared to the Central Plains. Many of the news are a little outdated. Only the Jianghu people who come and go occasionally talk about what happened in the Jianghu.

After drinking a pot of tea, Sun Xiaohong stretched and stood up. When she was about to go back to her room, Gu Changsheng walked out of the room.

"Here you go." Gu Changsheng raised his hand, and the Demon Sect's jade token fell into Sun Xiaohong's hand.

Sun Xiaohong took it in her hand, looked at it, and put it away without saying anything.

"Remember to sleep in your own room." Gu Changsheng said.

"Can I still run into other people's rooms?" Sun Xiaohong said matter-of-factly.

Gu Changsheng glanced at her, turned and left.

Hua Baifeng pushed the door open and returned to the house. Sun Xiaohong followed and tried to squeeze in. Hua Baifeng's eyes suddenly widened, "Don't come in with me." She whispered.

"Then where should I go?"

"Your master..."

"I'm scared." Sun Xiaohong said.

"Quick, step aside and let me in. No one will know." She whispered while still squeezing in.

Hua Baifeng couldn't resist Sun Xiaohong, so she peeked her head in before closing the door, and happened to catch Lady Nanhai's complicated eyes, and her cheeks immediately turned red.

In fact... it is quite normal for two girls to travel around the world and stay in a guest room, especially in this bitter cold place on the border outside the Great Wall.

What's there to feel guilty about?

After closing the door tightly, Hua Baifeng looked back and saw that Sun Xiaohong threw the sheepskin jacket aside. Hidden under the jacket was the girl's soft body.

"You can't bum...bum..." Hua Baifeng gritted his teeth.

"Don't you like it?" Sun Xiaohong said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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