As a daughter, I travel in the world of Gulong

Chapter 7 007: Being a robber is a promising career

Chapter 7 007: Being a robber is a promising career
What kind of life should people live?

Gu Changsheng couldn't tell the answer.

But one thing is for sure, no matter whether you are beautiful or ugly, you should not hide because of your appearance.

No one in the world can refute this.

Ask Jiang Xiaoyu to answer this question. It would be difficult for him to act recklessly based on his temper, but he would admit it seriously.

Jiang Yuyan was taken away to a brothel because of her beauty. It was wrong. To correct those people's mistakes requires strength.

Gu Changsheng went out and bought two sets of men's clothes. After changing into them with Jiang Yuyan, he filled his luggage with dry food.

Taking Jiang Yuyan with you can also add an extra layer of insurance.

If you really miss out in Xuantan Temple, you can still turn around and find the Liuren Divine Dice.

However, she feels that this trip is very promising.

Except for the variable Jiang Yuyan, all the information is from the original plot.

The two of them couldn't ride a horse, so they found two donkeys to ride instead, and set off on the road.

The south of the Yangtze River is prosperous and there are many traveling merchants. If you meet a caravan on the road, you can also discuss traveling together, which greatly increases the safety factor.

Otherwise, if two women traveled thousands of miles alone, even if they escaped the bandits, they might still be buried in the belly of a tiger or a wolf.

This era is not like later generations. Once you leave the city, it is desolate and there is a world of wild beasts outside.

Traveling was difficult, and the transportation conditions in ancient times were truly hopeless.

The donkey's hooves thumped softly on the road.

Breeze blows.

The grass on the roadside is moving slightly.

Gu Changsheng now felt as if he had truly stepped into the world.

It's just that the martial arts is missing and the sword is missing.

However, the two people and the donkey were walking slowly on the road, which was quite leisurely.

The two people riding on the donkeys both wore hats to shield their heads from the scorching sun.

After traveling a few miles, Jiang Yuyan turned around and took a look in the direction of the city.

She came with hope and left with sadness.

My biological father was far from being as benevolent and righteous as my mother said before she died, and he was a great hero in the world.

"We have now entered the world." Gu Changsheng held up his bamboo hat and followed Jiang Yuyan's gaze back to look in the direction of the city.

Jiang Yuyan asked: "What are the rivers and lakes like?"

Gu Changsheng thought for a while and said, "You kill me and I kill you. When you enter the world, you are prepared to be killed."

Jiang Yuyan said: "What if you don't join the Jianghu?"

Gu Changsheng smiled and said: "It's still too late to find someone to marry and live a stable life in a small place - but you need to find someone with strength, preferably a wealthy businessman, otherwise ordinary people won't be able to protect your face, and you will end up harming others. .”

Jiang Yuyan touched her face, shook her head and asked, "What about you? Were you a Jianghu person before?"

Gu Changsheng said: "I was born as a Jianghu person."

I still don’t know if I can go back. When I come to the world of martial arts, it’s hard to avoid the right and wrong of the world.

Is it possible for her to give up the Five Ultimate Skills and go back to selling sesame seeds?Make a sesame seed cake?
What a joke.

Sitting on the donkey and wandering around, Gu Changsheng had nothing to do and recalled the plot, checking for omissions and filling in the gaps to see if there were any details that had been missed.

After thinking about it and looking at Jiang Yuyan next to him, Gu Changsheng suddenly had an idea. Could it be that Jiang Yuyan was originally in the original novel, but Jiang Xiaoyu and Hua Wuque came to Jiangnan too late, so they were killed in a brothel. Already?So he became a passerby...

It seems to be a more reasonable explanation.Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain clearly why Jiang Yuyan appears in the plot and world view of the original work.

If he hadn't suddenly intervened, would Jiang Yuyan in this world have died in a brothel?
Tsk, tsk, tsk... People just want to live a peaceful and peaceful life, but why is it so difficult? They are either forced to death, or they are forced to go crazy and criticize beauties.

Gu Changsheng sighed inwardly, and Jiang Yuyan saw her eyes scanning her body several times, feeling a little confused.

Jiang Yuyan thought for a while and said, "You don't want to sell me, do you?"

Gu Changsheng said: "This is a good idea."

Jiang Yuyan smiled and said: "Then it must be sold to a wealthy family. I don't want to sleep on hay in a broken temple anymore."

Gu Changsheng said: "Perhaps a wealthy family locks you in a woodshed?"

Jiang Yuyan was silent for a moment, rolled her eyes and stopped paying attention to her.

Gu Changsheng continued: "It is inevitable to stay in mountain temples along the way."

Jiang Yuyan looked relaxed, "As long as it's not like running away, just pick up other people's dry food and eat it."

Gu Changsheng said: "Maybe you finished eating the dry food halfway?"

Jiang Yuyan opened her eyes wide: "Have you been looking at the map for so long in vain?"

Gu Changsheng smiled and said: "Plans are meant to be disrupted. How can anything in this world be completed smoothly according to plan?"

Jiang Yuyan was speechless, and after a while she said, "Are you not sure about the future?"

Gu Changsheng said in surprise: "Have you seen all this?"

The road ahead is vast, thousands of miles long, and there are too many surprises.

Fortunately, halfway through the journey, they met a caravan going to Jiangzhou and they could go with them for a short time.

People in caravans always have a wide circle of friends, because no one knows whether someone will give you a hand and help you when you encounter difficulties in the future.

The leader of the caravan is named Wang Zhan. He also hired a small escort agency for this trip. Since the journey is only half a month, there are only five or six people to protect him. It is also a small caravan and it cannot afford to hire too many people.

Gu Changsheng and Jiang Yuyan's donkeys were following behind. During the break, they could help with the camp, pick up some dry firewood and hay, skin and wash game. These chores were always too many for the crowd.

As for when you encounter robbers, the weak ones will disperse, and the strong ones will pool money together to buy a way out. If you encounter those who kill without blinking an eye, they can only take care of their own lives. At that time, no one can care about the other.

Those are extremely bad situations. Usually there are none. At most there are some thieves. It is common for two tourists to join in. Some goods in the caravan can also be sold to them.

The two of them were ugly, but not many people paid attention to them.

Anyone who has practiced kung fu for a few times can see that the two of them have no traces of martial arts practice. Gu Changsheng's movements are more agile. As for Jiang Yuyan, she is a pure ordinary person, even compared to ordinary people. Not even close.

Sitting on the donkey for a day made her butt hurt, and Jiang Yuyan was too embarrassed to rub it. Her fidgeting look made Gu Changsheng want to laugh.

When night fell, the caravan camped in the open air on the leeward side of a hillside. Those who needed to feed the horses and those who needed to cook cooked. The big pots were set up. With a little fresh energy, Gu Changsheng and Jiang Yuyan gathered firewood to light the fire. Chat with the cook for a while and gather some information.

The cook was tall and thick, but he was also an ordinary person who was not very smart or stupid. Gu Changsheng was ugly, so he didn't want to pay attention to him. He couldn't bear it, and Gu Changsheng kept talking, and gradually he was reminded of the conversation. People also became warm.

From chatting, I learned that this caravan would take this road every two months, and it was relatively safe. A few years ago, a group of bandits were entrenched by the river, and they often wandered out to rob small caravans. Later, they were killed by a certain person. A passing hero was killed easily, and no more serious gangs were formed.

In fact, there is not much oil and water on this road. The small caravans can make a lot of money, but those who have the ability will make big money.

Gu Changsheng asked: "Is it faster to take the water route?"

The cook quickly shook his head and said: "There is a swarm of yellow wasps in Hengjiang on the waterway. How can we, a small caravan, afford the money to buy a life? If you are lucky, they will not care about you, but if you are unlucky, you will die. The big merchants will pay for them." You can only get by with money.”

A swarm of yellow wasps in Hengjiang heard another familiar name.

Gu Changsheng added a piece of firewood to the fire, listened to the crackling sound and sighed, in this world, being a bandit can be regarded as a stable career.

Looking at this person, he not only deserves to be prestigious, but also famous all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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