Xingyue: The protagonist I recommended died again

Chapter 131 The truth of Olga Marie

Chapter 131 The truth of Olga Marie
This unique point, the emergence of Jeanne d'Arc Alter, prevented the Hundred Years' War between England and France from ending smoothly, and was replaced by the Hundred Years' War between humans and monsters.

If left unchecked, the Middle Ages would not end when it should, and the country would remain shrouded in flames and death.

The history of mankind will be completely rewritten in the future.

Above Jian Jian's bed, Olga Marie on the screen, with her legs crossed, was earnestly giving Jian Jian a history lesson and a life... Bah, human science lesson.

"...This is for human nature, and to a lesser extent, this node (the fourth (last) stage of the Hundred Years War against France) is also of extraordinary significance to Europe.

Although on the surface it was a battle for the throne between Henry VI and Charles VII, in fact, due to the emergence of Joan of Arc and the century-long confrontation between Britain and France, this war brought with it some national liberation wars and resistance to foreign forces. The color of aggression.

Because of the emergence of Joan of Arc, France had the concept of a nation, and because Joan of Arc was captured and killed, national sentiment once again surged. After that, France was no longer the name of a kingdom, but the title of a nation.

The importance of this node to the whole of Europe is that it promoted the concept of minzu on a large scale for the first time on the European continent. Before this, due to various intermarriages between royal families in European countries, the concept of minzu was very vague... "

Just as she said this, Olga Marie suddenly heard slight snoring and frowned immediately.

Just when I wanted to see who was so bold and dared to fish during working hours and recorded it in my notebook to report back to my boss, I suddenly realized that the person who fell asleep was the simple person in the image!Even my mouth is watering!
"Director, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

The sound of gnashing teeth woke up the simple man who had fallen asleep.

For some reason, Jian Yan didn't get out of bed all morning. He kept lying on the bed and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Huh? Where did you just say that?"

If the identities were exchanged, I would definitely let this man know what cruelty is!Olga Marie gritted her teeth and thought bitterly.

But reality cannot be interchanged, so I can only hold back the anger in my heart, smile apologetically, and persuade with gritted teeth.

"Speaking of the importance of this singularity to human psychology."

"Oh, you said that, then I know."

There was a snap, and a vein popped out on Olga Marie's forehead.

But he still didn't explode, but asked patiently.

"If you know, why don't you interrupt me?"

"Because it's quite suitable to be used as a lullaby, and it makes me feel like I'm back in high school, so..."

"What the hell are you...!"

"That's enough." Jiang Jian, who felt that the pain in his butt was no longer gone, waved his hands and turned over and got out of bed, "I know you want to instill in me the importance of human ethics and a sense of responsibility. I advise you to give up as soon as possible. After all, it’s hard for you to fight for something yourself, so why do you want to convince others to do it?”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Olga Marie immediately retorted, "The long-standing wish and purpose of my family, the Animusfia family, is..."

"Don't try to trick me into changing concepts. I'm talking about you. It's better for you to talk to me about your family's tragic wish."

Curling his lips in disdain, Jian Yi, who had already arranged his clothes, sat down in front of the desk, and then moved closer to the screen in front of him.

"Miss Olga Marie, are the so-called title designations and human protection really the source of all your efforts?"

At this moment, Olga Marie had the illusion that even though the picture was blurry, there was an actual light shooting out of Jian Jian's eyes, traveling through time and space, directly hitting her soul, and penetrating her own essence.

Olga Marie, whose scalp was numb after being stared at, turned her face slightly, averted her gaze, folded her arms with both hands, and pressed harder and harder, as if she was trying to dig her nails deeply into her flesh.

That's right, the source of everything for Olga Marie is not the so-called human protection or title designation.

After the death of the old director, he was only worried about whether he could shoulder the important responsibility of human security. He didn't care at all about the meaning of the so-called future. All he had was the obsessive-compulsive disorder of having to let people know that he was talented...

This is the reality and essence of Olga Marie.

"Speaking of which, you and Sister Bazett are quite similar. All motivations are obsessive-compulsive disorder of unknown origin. However, her obsessive-compulsive disorder is not wanting to die in obscurity, while yours is..."

"People have to know that I have talent."

Olga Marie took the initiative to take over the simple words, and the hand holding her arm became harder and harder, and she continued as if talking to herself.

"Every day is very difficult, and I can't see the future every day. How can I end it all? How can I make myself happy? How can I think about my purpose when I don't even understand these things? ?”

"The devil knows." Jian Yi shrugged.

It is well known that magicians on the mystical side are prone to paranoia.

First, because he possesses powers beyond the reach of ordinary people, all kinds of strange ideas naturally pop up. For example, a more humane magician naturally thinks of how to help those Muggles.

Next, as long as you study magic, you will inevitably come into contact with another thing, which is the records of the Age of Gods.

The Age of Gods, compared to the current human society where materialism and capital consciousness are the mainstream consciousness, is really too beautiful. There is no magician who does not yearn for that era.

If the history of the Age of Gods is also included in the human history of the Muggles, then the entire history of mankind is from prosperity to complete decline (the fall of the Age of Gods). From then on, it can be said to be the history of human struggle and the history of civilization. But on the contrary, It can also be said that we are catching up with the past.

Yes, in a sense it's really just catching up with the past.

It is different from the world before I traveled. In that world, social productivity has been improving since ancient times. But in this world, if we count from the Age of Gods, from the Age of Gods to the time when the mystery has completely faded away, it is a cliff-like fall in social productivity!
The moon-shaped world has disappeared since the Age of Gods and its mystery has faded until modern times. Due to the progress of human civilization, the productivity of the entire world has risen from the bottom of the cliff little by little, catching up little by little with the vanished magnificent and splendid past.

The development of human science and technology is, in a sense, the pursuit and imitation of the magic and magic that existed in the past.

Therefore, there are many people in this world who stand from a humanistic perspective and occasionally think about the meaning of human struggle.

Jian Jian believes that, in summary, these are the fundamental reasons why all kinds of paranoia are prone to occur on the mysterious side.

Facing Olga Marie who looked like "If you can't answer, then why are you still talking about this topic?" with a hint of resentment in her eyes, Jian Yi shrugged again and helplessly spread her hands.

"I just think it will be easier for you to tell me. As a magician, I can't understand the source of your paranoia and obsessive-compulsive disorder at all, but you are different from Sister Bazett. How should you correct and treat it? , I really have no clue at all.

Moreover, as a magician, I am more like an ordinary person. The driving force behind all my efforts is just for myself and the existences I have established bonds with and care about.

As for the so-called human principles, if it goes against what I want to protect, I probably won’t hesitate at all and will immediately stand on the opposite side of human principles, precisely because I am a living person. "It's really extremely simple and intuitive..."

It literally sounded like a joke, but there was a trace of envy and emotion in Olga Marie's tone and expression.

I envy the man in front of me for having such a simple, clear, and intuitive reason for his efforts.

"The reason why a person works hard is always simple. Look at the employees here. The reason why they are working hard now is to put it bluntly, isn't it just to protect their wives and children?

For a situation like yours, I think perhaps the most important thing for you right now is to find the side of yourself as an ordinary person and clarify what you want for your essence. "

Although she was still confused and couldn't find a clue, Olga Marie, who did have the illusion of sudden enlightenment, burst out laughing.

"I originally wanted to give you a make-up lesson, but I didn't expect that you ended up teaching me a lesson."

"Remember to put the 300 million QP as tuition fee on my desk."

Olga Marie: ...

Why did I just have the illusion that this man might not be that bad after all?

In the afternoon, Jian Yi, Jeanne d'Arc Alter, and Marshal Shu, who looked at Jian Yi with a smile from beginning to end, rode Fafnir towards a certain location in France.

Looking at the grassland below, Joan of Arc Alter was full of doubts.

"Jian Yi, why do you want to have a picnic here?"

"Because this place is of great significance to me!"

Jian Yi immediately made a face of intoxication, covering her chest with her left hand, facing Jeanne Alter, kneeling on one knee, and extending her right hand at the same time, like a troubadour singing.

"Because here, I met the person of my destiny!"

The simple response was the three-piece suit of blushing, shyness and tsundere.

"Wha...what, what's so important..."

Jeanne Alter's face turned red instantly as she turned away, stumbling. The reason why she turned away seemed to be because she couldn't control the involuntary rise of the corners of her mouth, as well as the sweetness that penetrated her heart.

"How can you say that? As if being led by fate, I came here and met the only light in my life! That is you, Lord Jeanne!"

Feeling that his face was about to burn, Joan of Arc Alter turned his back and snorted: "There is no need for you, sir! Just call me Joan of Arc like Jill!"

"Isn't this against the rules?" Jian Yi was a little embarrassed.

"If you don't scream, I will never pay attention to you again!"

"Ah this..."

"Friend of the soul, you are the only one. I agree that you should call Joan of Arc by her first name!" At this time, Marshal Shu held Jian Yi's hand with excitement on his face, and tears shone in his large, prominent eyes.

Without him, it’s just because this young man is too pure!

Just like myself, maybe even worse!

"Okay… okay…"

Jian Jian scratched his head, and then showed the same nervousness and excitement as a shy and shy junior high school student who met the girl he liked on the street on weekends and was proactively greeted.

"Jane...Jane of Arc..."


Jeanne Alter lowered her head and responded in a very low voice.

As Fafnir began to slow down, the breeze blew Alter's hair, revealing her drooping eyebrows and a pretty face stained with red.

At this moment, Joan of Arc Alter is extremely beautiful.

But the CPU in his brain was occupied by the search for Matthew (Fu Fu), so he didn’t notice it at all...

After descending from the dragon, Marshal Shu took over the task (assigned by Jeanne Alter) of preparing meals and clearing out the picnic spot.

Joan of Arc Alter flew the kite with Jian Yi, or Kuanglan who was tied to the kite and kept moaning...

This afternoon, at this age, the laughter of a real girl resounded throughout the grassland.

But on the contrary, throughout the afternoon, the air pressure in Chaldea's main control room dropped to the extreme, and the atmosphere became gloomy and terrifying.

Looking at Rin, Illya, the white-haired Matou Sakura and Kallen who couldn't be described as exactly the same, but could only be described as completely identical, Olga Marie didn't dare to say a word all afternoon.


At night, Jian Yan ran away from Jeanne d'Arc Alter and Marshal Shu on the pretext of three urgent matters, and connected the communication with Chaldea.

"How's it going? Did you analyze anything? This is near the place where Matthew disappeared. Did you find anything?"

Just after he finished speaking, Jian Yi suddenly discovered something.

"What's wrong? Why do you all look so strange? Speaking of which, Olga, why are you still wearing a blanket? Is there something wrong with Gary's power system again? The air conditioner can't even be turned on?"

Olga Marie put down the steaming coffee and said righteously: "Director, I hope that from now on, you can stay away from women in the Singularity, otherwise I'm afraid I will catch a cold sooner or later!"


 Thanks for the five thousand reward given to you by singing a lamentation song!Thanks man!Thank you all for your monthly votes!
  It’s the first day of the holiday and it’s so busy giving gifts everywhere!
  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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