Begin enlightenment from the Hong Kong fantasy world

Chapter 151 Praise for Vajra Evil Buddha Dharmakaya

Chapter 151 Praise for Vajra Evil Buddha Dharmakaya
At the entrance of the tunnel, everyone was asked to wait outside. Zheng Yun, who came to the statue of the Mother Buddha alone, opened his clairvoyance eyes and saw the evil Buddha statue. It was emitting a faint curse in all directions.

Walking up to it, reaching out his hand and touching the evil Buddha statue, Zheng Yun asked the system in his mind: "What is the use of this evil Buddha statue?"

【Five strands of Yin virtue】


[Practice to praise the Vajra, the dharma body of the eminent monk who became a demon, and the transformed dharma body of the evil Buddha
By dissolving the cursed energy above, it can be refined into a Vajra Protector Taoist Soldier. It can be refined into a demon-conquering Buddhist weapon using a special method. It can be refined into an external Dharma Body]

That's really good. You can take it to Uncle Feng and ask him to ask a professional to take a look at it and see if it can be used.

"System, how to preserve it and prevent the cursed energy from being exposed."

【Three strands of yin virtue】


[Using willow wood can prevent the curse from spreading]

After getting the answer, Zheng Yun came to the door: "Is there any willow wood around here? I need to make a willow wood box to put it in."

Chen Laoer nodded and said, "Yes, I'll chop one off right now."

"Well, let Mr. Tanzai and Mr. Chai go with you. It will be faster this way."


Because the village chief went to inform the villagers that the Buddha Mother had been eliminated, now only Zheng Yun and the three girls were left on the field.

Seeing the eyes of the three women looking at him, Zheng Yun felt relieved without the frightening feeling in his eyes, and took out three amulets: "Take them with you, and ordinary ghosts and monsters will not be able to get close to them."

After taking the amulet, Su Yuan summoned up the courage to say, "Thank you, can I ask the master your name?"

"My surname is Zheng Dan. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can go to the Hugong Temple in Taoyuan City to seek help from the masters there. If they find it difficult, they will naturally notify me.

Okay, it's too late now, you go and rest first. "

"It's not too late, we can't sleep tonight, so let's stay here with you."

While talking, Su Yuan stared closely at Zheng Yun's expression. Seeing that he didn't have any feeling for her, the disappointment in his heart became more and more intense.

Just when Su Yuan was still about to speak, a strong noise came over.

It turned out that the villagers from Chen's village were notified by the village chief, and they all crowded over excitedly.

"Master, where are you?"

"Master, where are you?"

"Am I really saved?"

"Could he be a liar? Is he really the young man in front? He looks so young!"

"You idiot, the village chief just scolded the Buddha Mother, and Xiaohua is fine, can't you tell it's true?"

"Great, really great."

Soon a group of villagers surrounded Zheng Yun, looking at him with excitement and enthusiasm.

If it hadn't been for the village chief who had been maintaining order, Zheng Yun probably would have had his clothes ripped off by this group of particularly excited villagers.

Looking at the group of villagers, Zheng Yun said in a clear voice: "Although we are no longer persecuted by the Buddha Mother, you have done some evil things in recent years, so I hope you can be good people in the future and be able to do what you have the ability to do." Help others under the premise, so that you can get real relief."

"I understand, Master, we all listen to you." "Master, can you help my dead grandfather to make a salvation?"

"And my mother, she died tragically."

Zheng Yun raised his voice and suppressed their noisy voices: "Tomorrow we will hold a salvation ceremony for your relatives. Now everyone should go to rest first. It is getting very late."

Zheng Yun obviously underestimated the enthusiasm of the villagers who were relieved in this way. Their humming and dialect sounds were almost deafening.

"Quiet, everyone, be quiet~~"

It was the village chief's continuous voice that made everyone temporarily quiet.

"Since Master doesn't need any money, we can build a temple for Master Zheng. It's called Zhenggong Temple. What do you think?"

"Okay, okay, we have the money and the strength to contribute."

"I know where the wood is."

"I have put aside my painting skills for several years, and I can still use them."

Listening to their discussion about building a temple for himself, Zheng Yun felt a headache. Fortunately, there were no gods in this world, otherwise he suspected that his life would be shortened.

"Everyone listen to me, everyone listen to me."

The villagers who got excited about the discussion completely ignored Zheng Yun's voice and were already walking towards the ancestral hall under the leadership of the village chief while discussing.

Faced with such a situation, Zheng Yunna asked the system in his mind: "If they build my temple, will it cost me my fortune?"

【A wisp of yin virtue】


[It will not affect you. Once you reach a higher level, you can sense the existence of the temple]

Since there would be no impact, Zheng Yun let them go. About ten minutes later, Chen Laoer and Tanzai came back with the cut willow boards.

Zheng Yun tied up the evil Buddha with ropes and wooden boards, and then took a few people back to rest.

The next morning, except for the three girls, the other tourists discovered that the whole village seemed to be decorating with lights for some kind of festival, and their faces were all smiling, which aroused their curiosity.

After questioning, an old man who was singing a little tune and hanging a lantern joked: "Today is the birthday of a god. Everyone is celebrating. Free food and free drinks. Don't miss it."

When the meal started at noon, they were surprised to find that the handsome guy who had been there last night and the three beauties in the group were sitting at the main table.

At the main table, facing everyone's excited toasts, Zheng Yun originally wanted to refuse, but he was too enthusiastic. The villagers who were toasting didn't say anything, and just looked at him pitifully.

There was really nothing he could do, so Zheng Yun could only express his gratitude and take a sip of wine.

Even if he took small sips and drank a glass of wine five or six times, Zheng Yun drank five bottles of local wine.

The banquet lasted until around ten o'clock at night. After drinking five bottles of wine, Zheng Yun felt dizzy. Even the eight o'clock ceremony could only be held tomorrow.

Seeing Zheng Yun's drunk and red face, the eyes of the three women almost shone. When they glanced at each other, they instantly understood what everyone was thinking.

The short-haired woman said softly: "We each rely on our own abilities."

However, their plan failed because during the time they were discussing, Zheng Yun had already returned to the room with the support of Tan Zai and Mr. Chai, and used his magic to remove the alcohol from his body.

When the three women came to find him, they saw that Zheng Yun was completely fine and could only leave in disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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