Chapter 1 Fox River Prison

'Fox River State Prison, Suburban Chicago, Illinois! '

Lying on the uncomfortable single bed on the top bunk, Ding Ze, who had been dazed for a while with his eyes open, kept repeating these words silently.

After chanting it a few more times.

There was a loud voice outside, shouting, "Let the wind go!"

follow closely.

The iron prison doors slowly opened.

'What! '

Ding Ze stopped talking, cursed fiercely, and sat up helplessly.

At this time.

Michael Scofield, who was sleeping on the lower bunk, slipped out of bed, raised his head slightly and looked at Ding Ze, "Hello, I am your new roommate, my name is Michael Scofield."

Michael had been sent to this prison about half an hour ago.

At that time, Ding Ze was lying on the upper bunk, staring at the roof and doubting life. Although he saw Michael and recognized Michael in disbelief, his mind was confused and he ignored him.

It’s basically certain that he really traveled through time, the prison is real, Michael is real too, and it’s so weird that he doesn’t seem to have a golden finger...

In order to survive and leave this hellish place, Ding Ze had no choice but to nod his head and respond, "Ding Ze."

He didn't know how he mastered English so proficiently. Anyway, he mastered it as soon as he traveled across time.

Michael's handsome face was full of melancholy, "Chinese?"


Yes, in the past half hour, Ding Ze has confirmed that he is wearing it, not Sucre. He is still himself.

He is 28 years old, a little thin, 1.7 meters tall, and handsome.

As for where Sucre went...

I don't know yet, because the cell door has been closed and was just opened.

"It seems we have to get along for a long time. Let's go out for a walk together?" Michael invited.

To be honest, if he had a choice, Ding Ze would rather stay here.


On the one hand, venting is compulsory and you must go out.On the other hand, before Goldfinger arrived, he had to have a good relationship with Michael, otherwise, he might really be locked up here forever.

"it is good."

Ding Ze got out of bed in response.

The two quickly left the prison area and arrived at the playground.

At the moment when both feet had just stepped onto the playground.


A mechanical voice suddenly rang in Ding Ze's head.

[The bigger and stronger system has been successfully bound, and the novice gift pack is being distributed... The distribution is successful, and you have obtained a 'Five Poison Gu Insect' (juvenile body). This insect has been bound to your mind and can be controlled at will. 】

[Tip, from now on, every time you successfully release a person, you will receive a skill reward. 】

The mechanical sound disappeared.

Ding Ze immediately felt as if there was an extra small insect about the size of a fly in his body, with five colors on it! !

'Goldfinger has arrived! ! ! '

'It's actually a voodoo technique! ! '

Immediately, Ding Ze was happy, with a smile on his face, and the irritability he had felt not long ago was gone.

Michael noticed and frowned slightly, "What's wrong? Did you think of something good?"

Ding Ze heard it, held back his excitement, and nodded, "Yeah."


Ding Ze ignored Michael for the time being and just thought about it while walking.

'You can get rewards by releasing others? '

'Is this release...the kind of release I understand? '

Ding Ze seriously suspected that this was the case.

Therefore, as a guy who had always been an ordinary guy before time travel, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous and embarrassed.

He is a normal person, he has never even killed a chicken...

Suddenly asking him to release others...

Apart from anything else, passing this psychological level is not impossible, but it definitely takes time. 'Don't rush, take your time! '

After thinking for a while, Ding Ze silently took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Then, like Michael, he quietly looked at the large playground and the various people in it.
Familiar faces that I had seen in the drama "Prison Break" appeared one after another...

It's so unreal.

Ding Ze looked and found the main characters one by one.

T-bag (Theodore Bagwell), John Abruzzi, DB Cooper (Charles Westmoreland), Sucre, Benjamin Franklin...and, stay alone in the independent playground of Lincoln-Bruce.

'This is a difficult start! '

Ding Ze sighed softly.

"I'll take a walk by myself," Michael said suddenly, and then left directly.

Ding Ze did not follow, hesitated for a moment, and walked towards Charles on his own.

The time has come to this moment.

He already has a general understanding, or plan, of his current situation and what will happen in the next period of time.

First of all.

Now that Goldfinger is here, he doesn't necessarily need Michael to help him escape.

He just needs to release a few more people as soon as possible and get the right skills. Then, with his understanding of the plot, he can leave this ghost place.

Moreover, he did not want to escape with Michael and his group.

By then the target will be too big and even more dangerous.


Although I have a golden finger, I still have to keep a low profile for the time being... at least, I can't mess with anyone for unnecessary things, and I have to get something in return.

There are many gangs in this prison. He is a foreigner and has not yet acquired any fighting skills. If he offends someone, he might be stabbed to death at some point, and that will be the end of the world.

At last.

Among the main characters, John Abruzzi was the most important to him.

Escape from this prison is only the first step. After you get out, you need a vehicle and plane to pick you up, and you also need a new set of real and verifiable identities...

These are things that only John Abruzzi can provide.

If John Abruzzi didn't get help, then there wouldn't be much point in escaping.

After all, he is a foreigner who has come here and knows no one on this continent.

'There are a lot of things to do, don't be reckless! '

'Today...let's release one person first and see what skills he can get. '

After thinking silently, Ding Ze came to Charles, adjusted his mentality, pointed to the seat next to Charles, and asked with a smile, "Can I sit here?"

Charles had already noticed Ding Ze, a handsome guy from the East, and smiled lightly, "As an old man, I can't help you at all."

As the words came out, Charles glanced to the side.

Ding Ze had been thinking about something just now and didn't pay attention, so he looked in the direction of Charles's gaze.

What the hell.

Bagwell was taking his young boyfriend and a group of his men, twisting their bodies and smiling evilly, clearly walking towards him.

'Ugh. '

Ding Ze had a headache and sat down next to Charles, "I'm not here to ask for your help, I just think it's quiet here,"

Charles smiled, said nothing, stood up and left calmly.

'Old man, the road is narrow! '

Ding Ze thought to himself, without thinking too much, he saw Bagwell and his group coming, and his eyes fell on Bagwell...

'This guy is a very charming villain. '

'I wonder if it will be the same as a monkey...'

Thinking that he had to take this step anyway, Ding Ze gritted his teeth and moved his eyes to one of the men behind Bagwell.

He admires Bagwell a little bit, and considering what Bagwell will do in the future, if nothing else, it may be of great use to his great cause of releasing animals...

So, I decided to kill the chicken and scare the monkey, and get rid of this little trouble in front of me. I left Bagwell alone for the time being, communicated with the five poisonous Gu insect in my mind, and gave the order, 'Kill that subordinate! '

【Dispatch. 】


Five Poison Gu emerged from Ding Ze's ankle and quickly crawled on the ground towards the subordinate behind Bagwell.

(End of this chapter)

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