People are in American dramas, American Iihe

Chapter 120: City-wide manhunt, just one word, kill!

Chapter 120: City-wide manhunt, just one word, kill!

Return to the hotel's underground parking lot.

"Are you feeling better?" Ding Ze asked with a faint smile.

Mickey heard and nodded.

It's better.

However, the infiltrating image in my mind is still extremely clear and lingering.

"That's good. It's okay once you get used to this kind of thing. When John and the others saw it, they reacted quite violently, but it got better after that," Ding Zeru said calmly.

Mickey: "????"

Good guy!
This is not the first time?
Has anyone been chopped into meat paste before?
Ah, meat sauce…

Mickey couldn't stop gagging again. He felt nauseated and wanted to vomit, and his expression became distorted.

Ding Ze looked at it, shook his head, and couldn't help but want to stimulate, "How about I let you do it next time?"

The voice fell into my ears.

Mickey was instantly shocked and couldn't hold it in any longer. He immediately opened the car door and leaned out, vomiting~ vomiting~~
"Haha," Ding Ze was very satisfied with the effect. He laughed and got out of the car. He opened the rear door and took the two large luggage bags that Mickey had taken from Buzzard out of the car one after another.

Both luggage bags are quite heavy.

One bag contained wads of cash, which looked like about ten million.

The other bag was full of goods, mostly bundles of flour, and the rest was a mess of medicine.

"The harvest is not bad," Ding Ze thought after reading it briefly. Then, he suddenly wanted to try to see if money could remove Mickey's psychological barriers. So, he bent down and took out one hundred thousand US dollars from his bag and threw it to Mickey. , "Here, here's your bonus."

Mickey heard it and was stunned.

One hundred thousand dollars, is that much?not much.

During this period of following Ding Ze, Mickey saw too much money.

However, that money belongs to Ding Ze, and this one hundred thousand US dollars belongs to him...

Meaning is different.

After looking at the money for two seconds, the oozing picture in his mind blurred silently. Without being aware of it, Mickey smiled lightly and said, "Thank you, boss."

See Mickey's reaction.

Ding dong.

The experimental results are out.

Money is truly a panacea.

If the medicine is not effective enough, there is only one reason: the money is not enough.

Ding Ze smiled and thought, "Okay, let's get out of the car."

"Okay," Mickey nodded.

Soon, the two of them each carried a luggage bag, went upstairs, returned to their respective rooms, washed and rested.

blink of an eye.

Dawn breaks, the sun rises.

this morning.

Albuquerque exploded.
Mayor Lidal Eaton was attacked in the early morning, and his house was baptized with bullets!

In two places in the city, more than 30 corpses lay in a pool of blood, which can be said to be littered with corpses!
In one of the living rooms, a black man was chopped into pieces!

In a large courtyard outside the city, there were about a dozen corpses that had been stiff for a long time.

early morning.

Of course, police cars were coming one after another, sirens blaring.

News vehicles were also speeding wildly.

It won't be long.

Television and radio are full of relevant news reports.

Residents of Albuquerque have seen or heard these things one after another.

The whole city was shaken.

Along with this shock, inside the mayor's office.

'Snapped! '

Lidal Eaton banged his desk loudly and roared angrily, "Lock the city!!! We must catch this Ding Ze at all costs!!"

Hear this.

After being summoned, the Albuquerque police chief, the head of the DEA Albuquerque branch, and the captain of the group of FBI agents who had arrived two days ago, who was sitting across from Lidal-Eaton, immediately looked at each other in tacit understanding. other side.

None of the three spoke.

After Lidal Eaton finished shouting, he lowered his voice slightly and said to the FBI agent captain with a serious face, "I hope your FBI will immediately dispatch a large number of manpower to assist in the search."

Lidall-Eaton was not consulting or requesting, but ordering, although, to be honest, he actually had no power to make such a request.

The FBI agent captain didn't pay attention and simply nodded in agreement, "Okay, I'll apply right away."

Lidal Eaton didn't hesitate and turned to the police chief and the head of the DEA branch. "You two are fully cooperating and mobilizing all personnel. We must check all hotels in the city today."

"That bastard Dingze must still be in Albuquerque. I want him to regret coming here!!"

This is already a personal grudge.

Lidal-Eaton makes this point very clear.

What could the police chief and the head of the DEA branch say? They had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, don't waste time, go take action," Lidar Eaton waved his hand and ordered.

In the parking lot in front of one of the fried chicken restaurants.

Uncle Fried Chicken was sitting in the car, listening to the radio. His face, which would hardly show any expression unless necessary, was already full of irritation.

Although it was actually expected yesterday that with Ding Ze's mass killing in Albuquerque, the situation in Albuquerque would definitely change, but it changed so quickly and so violently...

Uncle Fried Chicken is really irritable and just wants to curse.

This is so girly! ! !

What on earth does Ding Ze want to do?
It was enough to kill Buzzard's group of dozens of people and chop Buzzard into mincemeat. Why did you take the time to deal with the mayor?

are you crazy? ?

Uncle Fried Chicken got angrier as he thought about it.

At the same time, to be honest, I also felt a little more afraid of Ding Ze.

Because he knew very well that Ding Ze came here with only one subordinate, and that subordinate's right shoulder was obviously injured and he had no fighting ability.In other words, during the first half of yesterday and the first half of today, Ding Ze most likely killed five or sixty people alone, and then went to deal with the mayor single-handedly...

How fierce is this?

Even the bosses of CARTEL in Mexico can't do this...

Uncle Fried Chicken sat in the car and thought for a long time.

Inexplicably, he became worried about his own safety.

Furthermore, I thought of Ding Ze's proposal that night.

20.00% of sales…

He still has a great revenge yet to be avenged, so he cannot die yet, he must live.

Uncle Fried Chicken thought a lot.

Jesse and the four of them huddled in the dilapidated house, smoking and shivering.

"Jesse, do you really think that Johnson Freeman did all these things in the news?" Monkey couldn't accept it and asked.

Jesse nodded immediately, shaking so hard that he couldn't stop, "It's definitely him!! That Buzzard was definitely chopped into pieces by him!!"

"I shouldn't have answered your call yesterday," Kang Bao was also frightened. "If I hadn't answered your call, I wouldn't have seen him. Now, Jesse, I was killed by you."

"Speaking of this," the thin man followed up and shouted to Kangbao, "Kangbao, you idiot, why are you calling me!! I have nothing to do with this matter at all!! !Wozhi Nyima!”

"Hey, I'm the unluckiest, okay? I didn't want to come before," the monkey said again.

Jesse couldn't believe his ears as he listened, "Hey, are you two brothers? Are you talking to me like this?"

In the dilapidated house, it was extremely noisy for a while.

What happened in Albuquerque was shocking.

So much so that all major radio and TV stations in Miami are reporting frantically.

Janet Martin woke up early in the morning and was stunned when she saw the news.

After being stunned for a while, Janet came back to her senses, burst into laughter, and then took out her cell phone and called Ding Ze.


The phone can't be reached.

Hit again, still the same.

problem occurs?Not that much.

Janet was a little worried and quickly called Abruzzi again.

Abruzzi had seen the news earlier and was busy arranging various things to prevent the FBI from taking action against them. After all... In the eyes of the FBI, Dongfeng Security belongs to Ding Ze. This is not a secret.

After receiving a call from Janet Martin, Albrucci was very calm after listening to Janet Martin's question. "Nothing will happen to the boss. In the short term, no one can kill the boss... That number cannot be reached. It should be because Cell phones were thrown away and the boss had lots of numbers.”

Abruzzi knew the relationship between Janet and Dingze, so he hesitated and said, "Let's do this. I'll contact you and get back to you later."

"Okay, thank you," Janet said with a sigh of relief.

"You're welcome."

Abruzzi hung up the phone and didn't rush to call Dingze's other numbers. He called Mickey first.

Mickey's cell phone is still there.

The call was connected quickly.

"Mitch, Janet Martin has something to do with her boss, please ask her boss to call her," Abruzzi was too busy and was about to hang up the phone after saying this.

"Okay, John, I want to ask you something." In the underground parking lot of the hotel, Ding Ze said that Abruzzi had also seen Ding Ze chop people into meat paste, and Mickey wanted to call Abruzzi. Qi, talk to Abruzzi. Now, Abruzzi called, just in time.

"Huh?" Abruzzi was a little surprised, "What's the matter, tell me."

Mickey took a deep breath and said, "That's right, I heard the boss say that you were there when he chopped people into meat paste?"

When Abruzzi heard this, he reacted quickly. He immediately understood and smiled, "You vomited?"

When Mickey heard it, his cheeks immediately felt hot and he felt shy, "Yeah."

"It's normal," Abruzzi smiled back, "Most people couldn't bear the sight after seeing it. We didn't feel comfortable at the time, but gradually, as more things happened, it didn't matter anymore."

"You don't have to think too much, boss...although he is crazy, and sometimes even crazy beyond imagination, he knows it well."

Is there really a number?
Mickey was very doubtful, "Well, I keep thinking of that scene, what should I do?"

"Is this... In my opinion, there is only one way, and that is to kill more people. If you kill more people, you will soon forget the scene... Humans, from a certain point of view, are different from animals. There’s no difference.”

"????" Mickey was speechless.

Albrucci was really busy and had no time to waste. He waited for a few seconds and said, "Is there anything else? I'm quite busy here."

"No, then you are busy."

After hanging up the phone, Mickey didn't dare to delay. He went out and knocked on Ding Ze's door and told Ding Ze the matter.

"Okay," Ding Ze responded, lay back on the bed, and called Janet Martin, "It's me."

Hearing Ding Ze's voice, Janet was completely relieved, "I called you and couldn't find you. I thought you were dead."

"Hey! What nonsense are you talking about this early in the morning? Believe it or not, I'll beat you up," Ding Ze threatened with a smile.

"I don't believe it," Janet said without fear.

Ding Ze was still sleepy and wanted to sleep. He didn't have the energy to continue teasing, "Don't believe it if you don't believe it. I've only slept for a few hours and I'm so sleepy. Is there anything urgent you want to do with me?"

Janet frowned slightly and lost her temper, but she tolerated it in an instant, "It's not urgent. I just saw the news when I got up and wanted to call you to ask about the situation."

"Do you have a grudge against Lidal Eaton? Why do you suddenly bother him?"

"News?" Ding Ze heard it, forced himself to sit up, found the remote control, and turned on the TV, "Has it all reached Miami?"

"Isn't that right? You were just sleeping and haven't watched the news yet. You are making too much trouble this time. Lidal-Eton announced a lockdown not long ago, and they will soon search the whole city to find you," Janet He said in one breath, "Do you have any countermeasures?"


"Oh? A city-wide search, such a large-scale effort? Interesting," Ding Ze said happily, and couldn't help but think of the time he was in Fox River Prison.

At that time, the warden, Comrade Pope, also did similar things.

and then.

There were still prisoners dying, and Pope finally had no choice but to cancel the confinement.

"We just had a countermeasure," Ding Ze said with a smile.

Janet: "??? So fast? Is it convenient to talk about it?"

Ding Ze nodded, "It's nothing inconvenient. The countermeasure is very simple, just one word, kill. I kill them so that they don't dare to carry out any manhunt operations, and that's it."

Janet: "??????????"

Does this work too?
(End of this chapter)

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