Chapter 13 Hydra’s choice
Nick Fury sensed a problem.

Baron Strucker, who had returned to the island base, naturally noticed the abnormality.

Baron Strucker's face darkened after hearing the information brought back by the Winter Soldier.

More than a month wasted!
For more than a whole month!

Even the Winter Soldier's killer weapons were dispatched.

In the end, nothing was gained.

The scepter is lost!

The experimental subject is gone!
Even the base's scientific research materials were taken away!

It even completely exposed the well-hidden Hydra.

This caused SHIELD agents to rush out in droves and rush to Sokovia.


Such a scene is harmless to Hydra.

It would even be helpful for Hydra to find the scepter in the land of Sokovia.


even so!

It took more than a month, but still no news.

Not to mention the trace of the scepter.

Even the traces of the three experimental subjects were not found.

It was as if these three people had never appeared before and disappeared without a trace.

Otherwise, Baron Strucker had received the last call from the staff in this area to confirm that it was correct.

He might even doubt the existence of these people.

After adjusting his mood, Baron Strucker raised his head again and looked at Bucky, who had been re-brainwashed three times.

"You said that before you went there, there were no surviving experimental subjects in the entire experimental base."

"Then can you confirm that no one from SHIELD has obtained the information?"

Bucky said nothing, just shook his head.

Crossbones, who was standing next to Bucky, said directly.

"There is no way to confirm. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the base's information has not been obtained by them."

"Because as soon as we arrived at the destination, we directly activated the tail docking system of the base, and the data will be destroyed immediately."

"And if you want to save data, even if you have a super-powerful memory, it will take more than a day and a night."

Baron Strucker's face darkened.

"So, you can't make a guarantee?"

Hearing this, Bucky and Crossbones looked at each other and then nodded silently.

Seeing this, Baron Strucker suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

The thing that Baron Strucker was most worried about finally happened.

As for the scepter, it only needs to be exposed.

It's basically impossible to hide what Hydra is hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D.


This matter is still uncertain.


As long as it is not 100% negative, it is possible.

Baron Strucker did not want to take this risk.

Baron Strucker pushed up his glasses and looked at the Winter Soldier and Crossbones.

"Now, Crossbones will go back to SHIELD and wait for instructions. I will give you a list to hand in the mission."

"Our Winter Soldiers will continue to stay in Sokovia, continue to search for information on the scepter and experimental subjects, and wait for the next mission notification."

After saying that, Baron Strucker waved his hand, indicating for them to leave immediately.

Crossbones and the Winter Soldier didn't delay either.

After receiving the instructions, he quickly left the place.

After watching the two agents leave, Baron Strucker picked up a satellite phone and dialed.




After a busy signal, a vicissitudes of old man's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Long live Hydra, if something happens, call this emergency number."

After hearing the voice, Baron Strucker spoke slowly. "Long live Hydra, we may have been exposed, the scepter cannot be found, SHIELD agents may know about the scepter experiment."


There was a crisp sound, obviously something broke.

After a while, the voice on the other end of the phone rang again.

"Are you sure? Has this been verified? Does Nick Fury himself know about it?"

The person on the other end of the phone is not someone else.

It is Alexander Pierce, the most senior boss lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Current Minister of the World Security Council.

Also, the sole leader of all HYDRA agents hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D.

At the same time, he is also a good friend of Nick Fury, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pierce knew best how much trouble this incident would cause if leaked.

Say nothing else!

Once leaked, Hydra would no longer be able to hide from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Not only that!

It may also lead to Nick Fury making a series of operations against Hydra.

As a result, Hydra suffered heavy losses.


Pierce himself had no way to intervene.

Once you intervene, it is very likely that you will be exposed.

Baron Strucker shook his head in a tired tone and responded.

"Not sure, but we can't be sure that the other party didn't get the information."

After receiving the reply, Pierce made an instant decision.

"I see, where's the Winter Soldier?"

Upon hearing Pierce's inquiry, Baron Strucker immediately understood Pierce's plan.

Erase the threat!

Kill Nick Fury!
Only this director of S.H.I.E.L.D. who did not belong to Hydra died.

The rest of the people will naturally have no problem.

Baron Strucker replied helplessly.

"Meeted Captain America Steve, recovered some memories, re-brainwashed, and now sent to Sokovia."

In his words, Baron Strucker expressed that the Winter Soldier was not yet able to use it.

no way!
Steve is back, even within SHIELD.

For a while, the Winter Soldier needs to be brought back to his brainwashed state.

Afterwards, you can get into some missions with Captain America Steve present.

Of course Pierce could hear it, so he could only frown, change the subject, and ask.

"Is the scepter still in Sokovia?"

The Winter Soldier was stranded in a small place like Sokovia instead of performing some assassination missions, which is really a bit of a waste.


Sokovia holds something extremely important.

For example, the scepter!
Baron Strucker did not deny it and nodded.

"Well, we have a backup plan. We have sensors that can sense the energy fluctuations of the scepter."

Pierce continued to ask: "Can't pinpoint the specific location?"

Baron Strucker shook his head: "No way, the energy fluctuations of the scepter cannot be accurately captured."

After receiving an accurate answer, Pierce pondered for a moment and then spoke to the baron.

"Now that the Winter Soldier is here, send some Hydra agents there too."

"When Nick Fury is dealt with, I will also send agents from SHIELD, who should be able to help."

"Those three experimental subjects and the scepter must be found!!"

Baron Strucker solemnly said: "Definitely!"

"Long live the Hydra!"

"Long live the Hydra!"

(End of this chapter)

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