My father-in-law is Lin Zhengying

Chapter 112: Studying the Spiritual Liquid, the Beginning of "The Curse Paradise" (2nd upd

Chapter 112: Studying the Spiritual Liquid, the Beginning of "The Curse Paradise" (two updates, 12600, please subscribe)

Soon, the two drove to an abandoned construction site. Hu Jiajia got out of the car and just clapped her hands. Soon, twenty or thirty stray dogs of different sizes and colors rushed out.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

"Wang Wang Wang..."

The dogs kept barking and circling around Hu Jiajia, with their tails wagging back and forth, as if they liked her very much.

"One, two, three... thirteen, fourteen."

Only the big dogs were counted, and Hu Jiajia counted them next to each other.

Then he counted again, "One, two, three... thirteen, fourteen."

Then it was confirmed that she had indeed counted correctly, there were really only fourteen big dogs.

Xia Youren asked: "Miss Jiajia, what's wrong?"

Hu Jiajia looked unhappy, "One is missing."

"One is missing?"

Xia Youren said casually: "Maybe he went out to play and hasn't come back yet."

Hu Jiajia explained: "I come to feed them at this time every day, but today there is one missing."

After that, he started counting the puppies again.

After counting the puppies, Hu Jiajia's face became even worse. There were seven missing.

After scattering the dog food on the ground, Hu Jiajia looked at Xia Youren and said, "Mr. Xia, please accompany me to search nearby. Xiao Hei is missing, and his seven newborn children are also missing."

"I suspect something happened to them."

Hu Jiajia said with a hint of uneasiness, "I want to see if they are dead or injured."

If he died, she wouldn't be able to control it.

But if he was injured, she might be able to save him.

This is the fate of stray dogs. She has seen too much.

"it is good."

Xia Youren nodded, "I'll accompany you to take a look around."

Taking out a flashlight from the car, Xia Youren accompanied Hu Jiajia to search in the abandoned construction site.

Twenty minutes later, they finally found Xiao Hei's cold body in a collapsed wall, with a pile of small briquettes larger than a fist next to it.

At first glance, it looked like they were born to the same mother, but unfortunately there was no movement at all.

Hu Jiajia rushed forward and picked up the broken bricks to see if there were any survivors.

Seeing this, Xia Youren had no choice but to go over and help.

They took out the corpses of the puppies one after another. Just when they were about to move the corpses of the big dogs, a "Woo~" sound came from below.

Hu Jiajia said in surprise: "There is still one alive."


Xia Youren also had a happy smile on his face, "This little guy is lucky."


As if sensing a familiar aura, the little black dog under the corpse arched towards Hu Jiajia.

It doesn't know that its mother and other brothers and sisters have gone to heaven.

The little mouth said "hehehehe~" and wanted to ask Hu Jiajia for food.

"If you want to adopt it, just adopt it."

Looking at this pitiful appearance, Hu Jiajia couldn't help feeling pity in her heart, "It's very well-behaved."

"That's it."

Xia Youren nodded, "A lucky little guy."

After burying the corpses of one large, six small and seven small, Xia Youren and Hu Jiajia left the construction site with the surviving puppies.

There were no polite words to send Hu Jiajia home. Of course, I was afraid that she would misunderstand.

Leaving the other party at the bus stop, Xia Youren waved his hand, "Miss Jiajia, I'm leaving. I will treat this puppy well."

Hu Jiajia smiled and said: "You should come to my store tomorrow to get a shot of vaccine, otherwise it will be bad if it has any infectious diseases."


Xia Youren nodded and added in his mind, "If it can survive tonight."

Watching Mercedes-Benz leave, Hu Jiajia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the other party had no evil intentions towards her, but really wanted to adopt a puppy.

After all, the other party had every reason to ask her for her phone number just now.

But he couldn't relax yet. If he deliberately paralyzed her, it wouldn't be impossible.

Xia Youren didn't care about Hu Jiajia's strange thoughts, but stretched out a hand to gently tease the little black dog in his arms while driving.

It can be seen that the little black dog is completely unprepared for him, just lying there and using his fingers as a toy or a hungry pacifier.

He kept sticking out his tongue and licking it, making a sound of "嘬嬬嬬~".

After returning home, Xia Youren first fed the little black dog half a bowl of milk, and then watched it look around in the new and unfamiliar environment after it had eaten and drank enough.

Finally, she seemed to have locked onto him as her master, running to his feet, struggling to climb up his insteps, then lying on top and snoring.

Without any hesitation, Xia Youren lifted it up. He was afraid that he would have feelings for her tomorrow.

"Puppy, if you can survive, congratulations, I will be your master from now on."

Looking at the other party's blank eyes, Xia Youren whispered: "But if you die accidentally, it will be your life. A family of dogs is destined to be neat."

"But don't worry, if you die, I will definitely bury you with dignity."

After saying that, regardless of the innocent look in the other person's eyes, a drop of milky white spiritual fluid dripped into the little black dog's teeth.

Next, Xia Youren carefully observed the changes in the little black dog, not wanting to miss it at all.

One minute passed, and the little black dog showed no change, and its dazed little eyes were still blank.

Five minutes later, the little black dog snored a little, and even fell asleep while being carried, drooling out.

Putting it on the sofa, Xia Youren didn't want to look at it anymore.

I'll see if it's dead tomorrow morning. If it's not dead, it means it's not poisonous.

If it dies, it will be a dead dog!


It was not yet dawn, and Xia Youren was still sleeping in a daze. Unexpectedly, he felt a warm and wet feeling on his face.

Opening his eyes, Xia Youren found that it was the little black dog he brought back yesterday.

No sleepiness at all, Xia Youren quickly checked its body.

I found that it seemed to be a little more active than yesterday, and its confused little eyes seemed to be much clearer, with a little more spirituality.

Xia Youren took out the white jade plate. There were about seven or eight drops in it.

It was obvious that the little black dog was eager for the spiritual liquid in the white jade plate, but he forcibly restrained his desire. He just looked at him eagerly, his short tail kept wagging, and he almost caught up with the electric fan.

Xia Youren saw two words in the little black dog's eyes - "tame".

This is the way a dog looks at its owner.

It seems that this little black dog has completely recognized himself.

"Since you survived, I will officially adopt you!"

Glancing at the hidden parts, Xia Youren smiled and said, "It turns out she is still a little girl."

After thinking for a while, Xia Youren looked at its dark body and said with a smile: "It's already so dark. I definitely can't call it Xiao Hei anymore. Let's just call it Xiao Xuan!"

Xuan, black.

Xuan, beautiful jade.




Xia Youren poured half a carton of milk for the little black dog, and the little black dog immediately ran over.

First, he rubbed himself on the legs of his master, Xia Youren, and then he lay down in his rice bowl and started fucking.

It is too young and does not have much memory of its mother and brothers. Even if it does, it will be forgotten in a day or two.

It will only remember to feed its owner every day.

Although it is a bit cruel, it is the fact.

Forget the troubles and sorrows of the past as soon as possible and usher in your own glory.

After eating and drinking, Xiaoxuan lay on Xia Youren's feet and took a nap.

Then he was put on the sofa by Xia Youren, who continued to study the Jade Plate Spiritual Liquid.

But as soon as he left, Xiaoxuan, who had been napping just now, followed behind him again.

Xia Youren was really afraid that he wouldn't pay attention and would step down on it and crush it to death.

There was no emotion yesterday, but today the other party survived the disaster, Xia Youren cared a lot about it, and reluctantly recognized his status as a member of the family.

If you are always so well-behaved, sensible, and lovable, your concern will definitely become deeper and deeper.

He took a look at the cactus on the balcony. He also dropped a drop of Jade Plate Spiritual Liquid on it before going to bed yesterday.

There is no change, or it may be that the time is too short and there is no time to change.

Xia Youren shook his head. He didn't dare to drink the Jade Plate Spiritual Liquid yet, so he would just put it aside for now.

After all, there is one drop every day. Feed Xiaoxuan a few more drops and see the changes.

After practicing boxing twice, the sky was completely bright.

When he was about to go out, he found the little thing coming out behind him.

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Youren did not take it back and allowed it to follow.

I went to a breakfast shop and drank a glass of soy milk and ate five big meat buns, and the little thing lay obediently on his instep.

Afraid of being accidentally trampled to death by others, Xia Youren hugged it directly in a crowded place. Looking at its cute little eyes, Xia Youren couldn't help feeling relieved.

Sure enough, some little things are born to rely on their appearance to make a living. I just hope that this little thing won’t be too ugly when he grows up.

Xia Youren, who has raised dozens of Chinese Garden Dogs, knows that the changes in the appearance of Chinese Garden Dogs from childhood to adulthood are really hard to describe.

When I went to Lin's Medical Clinic, Lin Yuzhi had already gone to work. Only Lin Zhengying and apprentice A Bing were in front to deal with the patients.

Xia Youren didn't pay much attention and went directly to the backyard to practice.

The eight-meter-long shovel, shovel after shovel, exploded the power in his body, alternating softness and strength.

After finishing the warm-up exercises, Xia Youren went to truly train the integration of strength and softness.

Still cracking walnuts.

Two walnuts are stacked on top of each other. The top walnut is not broken and the bottom one is broken.

This mastery of force has reached another level.

At present, Xia Youren has not mastered the feel yet, and is still trying again and again.

After a grueling training session, Xia Youren lay comfortably in the medicinal bath and felt the relaxation of every cell.

In front of him, a small black thing was lying on the water, pawing at the dog, and was having a lot of fun.

When it gets tired, it lies on the shoulder of its owner, Xia Youren. When it regains its strength, it goes down again and starts tossing.

When Lin Yuzhi came back from get off work and saw such a cute little guy adopted by Xia Youren, she couldn't help but feel sympathy. She grabbed it and hugged it without letting go.

Even when Xia Youren was about to leave after dinner, he still clamored to hold her and sleep with her for the night before returning her to her boyfriend tomorrow.

Xia Youren didn't care. Who could play with this little thing?
But when Xia Youren was about to leave, the little thing found that his owner didn't call him, and he immediately became anxious.

When Lin Yuzhi wasn't paying attention, he jumped to the ground with a kick and chased after him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuzhi was so angry that her teeth itched and she refused to pursue him.

Hearing the movement behind him, Xia Youren knew that it was a little thing chasing after him. He picked it up, rubbed its chubby little body, and said with a smile, "I knew you would catch up."

Happy emotions are contagious. The little thing stuck out his tongue and licked Xia Youren's thumb, making a sound of "嘬嬬嬬~" in his mouth.

In a good mood, Xia Youren drove his Mercedes straight to the Gemdale Building.

His essence and blood have recovered, and it's time to take Ashan to meet her boyfriend and then send her to the underworld. "Ashan~"

Parking the car in the parking lot, Xia Youren went to Xiaoyu's room to find Ashan who was still sleeping.


Hearing the familiar calling voice, Ashan stood up smartly and looked at Xia Youren, "'re here."

"Look at how useless you are."

Seeing the frightened expression on the other party's face, Xia Youren couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Am I that scary?"

Ashan lowered her head and did not dare to look at Xia Youren, "I am too timid."

Xia Youren asked patiently: "Tell me, apart from accidentally knocking your head off, what else have I done to hurt you?"

Ashan still didn't dare to look at Xia Youren and shook her head, "No."

She didn't know there was anything more terrifying in the world than having her head knocked off?

Seeing the other party's appearance, Xia Youren didn't want to say any more, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet your boyfriend today, and then send you to the underworld."

"Thank you~"

Ashan glanced at Xia Youren gratefully and said, "You are a good person."

Xia Youren said casually: "I am a good person, so you should thank me from the bottom of your heart."

Ashan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I must be grateful to you from the bottom of my heart."

"Where is Xiao Yu?"

Xia Youren asked, "Why didn't you see her?"

Ashan replied: "She is not here today. She went to see her brother."

Xia Youren asked: "You have lived here for so long, why don't you say goodbye to her?"

"No need."

Ashan shook her head, "I have left all my property to her."

Noticing Xia Youren's disdainful eyes, Ashan argued: "Although my entire family property is only 2000 yuan, it also represents my full heart."

Xia Youren struck: "Being poor means being poor, but it's your problem if you are so confident."

Ashan pouted, unable to refute.

She is really poor.

Xia Youren waved, "Since you don't say hello to Xiaoyu, then let's go."

After driving the car out, Xia Youren said, "Show me the way directly to your boyfriend's house."

Half an hour later, Xia Youren parked his car outside a "Tiantian Photo Studio" store.

Ashan said: "This is it."

After unbuckling his seat belt, Xia Youren asked casually: "Why are you afraid of your boyfriend's mother?"

Ashan said: "She has never seen me. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it at that time."

She was also afraid of accidental injury.

"What is unclear about this?"

Xia Youren didn't understand, "Forget it if it's someone else, but she is your boyfriend's mother."

After getting out of the car, Xia Youren walked inside, only to see a woman taking photos of a man possessed by a ghost.

I saw that the man's lips were blue and his face was purple, especially his eyes, which were all black without the whites.

"Hold him to the middle. The other people stand on both sides and don't appear in my camera."

Yu Hui holds the camera in her hand, constantly adjusting the angle and distance.

The possessed evil ghost seemed to be aware of the danger, and a hint of violence flashed in his eyes, and he was about to get up and pounce on Yu Hui.


The camera suddenly flashed, and the originally dark room was directly illuminated.


A scream that seemed to come from the void came, and the camera spit out a piece of film, and you could vaguely see a ferocious face on it.

Yu Hui just glanced at it and burned it to ashes in the brazier that had been prepared nearby.


The man possessed by the evil spirit groaned, looked at the surroundings in confusion, and fainted again before he could say anything.

Putting the camera in front of the ancestor's memorial tablet, Yu Hui said casually: "You go back and boil a bowl of grapefruit leaf water for him to drink. If you drink it for three days, he will be fine."

"Thank you."

"Thank you, Master Yu."

The family members nearby quickly thanked him and handed him a red envelope, "Master Yu, we know your rules."

After receiving the red envelope, Yu Hui showed a smile on her face, "Go back and bask in the sun more, and don't go to those unclean places again."



Family members responded one after another and carefully helped out the demon-possessed relative.

"I wonder, little brother, why do you come to Tiantian Photo Studio?"

After finishing a business, Yu Hui looked at Xia Youren, who had been waiting for a while.

Looking at the sacred tablet enshrined on the altar, "Maoshan sent disciples to the God of Light", and there is also the sacred tablet of Patriarch Sanmao on top.

Xia Youren asked: "Master Yu is from the Maoshan sect?"

The moment the camera flashed, Ashan was so frightened that she ran away.

Yu Hui heard that the person was not simple, "I am an outer disciple of the Maoshan sect. I wonder what the little brother wants to see me for?"

Xia Youren pointed to the sacred tablet enshrined on the altar, "What about Yu Guang?"

Yu Hui replied: "It's my father."

Xia Youren asked again: "I wonder how many generations of Maoshan sect your father has been a disciple of?"

Yu Hui frowned slightly, her eyes flashing with caution, "Why do you ask this?"

Xia Youren took out his own Maoshan jade pendant, "My name is Xia Youren, and I am the fifth generation direct disciple of Maoshan Sect No. 30."


Yu Hui said in surprise: "Are you the 35th generation direct disciple of the Maoshan Sect?"

Then he felt that he was being too rude, so Yu Hui quickly raised his hands and said: "Junior Yu Hui, I have met my uncle!"

Although the person in front of him is too young, the Maoshan jade pendant cannot be fake in the slightest.

She could sense that the other person's aura was connected to him.

After all, her father once had one, but it was broken when he died.

Xia Youren smiled and waved his hand, "You don't need to be polite, nephew."

It’s cool to be senior!
Offering a cup of fragrant tea, Yu Hui stood aside and asked respectfully: "I wonder what the uncle has come to see his nephew for?"

The more powerful a sect is, the more it pays attention to all kinds of rules and etiquette.

For example, when Maoshan Sect's senior brother Shi Jian appeared, the scene was countless times more majestic than Jiu Shu.

"It's nothing."

Xia Youren smiled and waved his hand, "I have a ghost friend who has something to do with your family. She wants to come over and see him one last time."

Yu Hui asked hesitantly: "You mean Ashan?"

"It's best if you know her."

Xia Youren smiled and said, "She said she had never seen you before and was very scared. She must let me accompany her."

"I didn't know that originally."

Yu Hui smiled bitterly and said: "But three months ago she committed suicide by jumping off a building. Her family was not thinking about food and tea. She was immersed in pain every day. Then I knew everything I didn't want to know."

"Where is that Lun?"

Xia Youren said: "Let's arrange a meeting between the two of them. After the meeting, I will send Ashan away."

Yu Hui nodded, "I'll call him now and tell him to come right away."

Seeing Yu Hui going to make a phone call, Xia Youren also came to the door. Seeing Ah Shan who had already hid in the car, he couldn't help but shake his head, "I don't know why you are so timid?"

Ashan said in fear: "You don't know, my soul felt a lot lighter when I was illuminated by that white light just now."

Xia Youren raised his eyebrows slightly, "So powerful?"

Ashan nodded repeatedly, "It's really amazing."

Xia Youren nodded and said nothing more.

He remembered Yu Hui explaining in the movie that her camera was special and could be tuned to capture spirits.

Not only can it capture the souls of the dead, but it can also capture the souls of living people!

He didn't believe that it was just FM, this camera should have other secrets.

However, everyone has their own cards and secrets. Although he is curious, he is not willing to find out.

"Let's go."

Xia Youren said softly: "I have already told you about you. She is now calling your boyfriend and asking him to come over."

Ashan nodded and followed Xia Youren into the Tiantian Photo Studio. Looking at the middle-aged woman in front of the altar, she said timidly: "Auntie."

"Are you Ashan?"

A trace of love flashed in Yu Hui's eyes, "I'm really sorry for you."


Ashan had long accepted the fact of her death, "I just wanted to see my family before I left."

"What a good boy."

Yu Hui sighed, "I called Tianlun just now and no one answered, and then I called home again, and it was my daughter Tianxin who answered the phone. She said that her brother had not come back from work today, so please wait a little longer. "

Afraid that Ashan would mind, Yu Hui added: "He is a reporter from Oriental Daily, and he is usually very busy at work."

His heart skipped a beat again, and Xia Youren suspected that his Conan physique was working. "I have a friend who also works at Oriental Daily and is the gold medal editor of the supernatural column."

"What a coincidence."

There was a trace of surprise on Yu Hui's face, "Tianlun told me a few days ago that he was transferred to the newly opened supernatural column. For this reason, he specifically asked me to learn a lot of relevant information in this area."

Xia Youren felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

He transferred to the paranormal column, collected relevant information, and then went to investigate the amusement park where the accident happened more than ten years ago. As a result, he himself had an accident.

Xia Youren said calmly: "Then I'll call my friend and see if Tianlun is off work. After all, it's so late."

With that said, he took out his cell phone and dialed Li Xiaoxiao's number.



The phone was quickly connected and Li Xiaoxiao's voice came through.

Xia Youren asked: "Xiao Xiao, is there a reporter named He Tianlun in your department?"

"Yes, I have."

Li Xiaoxiao nodded, "Do you know him?"

Xia Youren asked, "I'm with his mother right now. I want to ask him if he's off work."

"He's already off work, right?"

Li Xiaoxiao said with a hint of hesitation, "You know that in our line of work, you have to go out frequently to investigate information. I didn't see him this afternoon."

After a pause, Li Xiaoxiao asked: "Aren, do you have anything to do with him?"

Xia Youren nodded, "I have something to do with him."

"Then I'll call and ask other colleagues."

Li Xiaoxiao said: "I'll call you later."


(End of this chapter)

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