Pirates: Davy Jones is the captain of the Dread Ghost

Chapter 227 The battle over the ideas of the living dead generals

Chapter 227 The battle over the ideas of the living dead generals
At the critical moment, Vergo tried his best to push away Luo's demon sword, and then sided to avoid Drake's attack.

Frustrated, Derek turned his head, revealing only the whites of his eyes, which made Vergo's hair stand on end.

Now, Drake looked more and more like a wild beast. Following his hunting instinct, he rushed towards Vergo, opening his sharp teeth and biting.

The bite force of "Allosaurus" is extraordinary. Despite Vergo's "dominance", even a bite on his arm felt extremely painful.

"Are you crazy?!" Vergo kicked Drake in the chest and kicked him away.

Drake hit the wall with such force that it cracked and cracked, but he didn't even slow down, bounced to the ground, stood firm, and rushed towards Vergo again.

This was the first time that Vergo encountered such a desperate "enemy". He felt a little troublesome for a moment, so he quickly took out the bamboo stick from his waist, attached "Domineering", and stabbed Drake directly in the chest.

Pfft - "Ghost Bamboo" stabbed into the wound that Vergo had punctured with his palm knife before, and then went one step further, directly coming out of the body!

However, Derek didn't even hum. His pale eyes were fixed on Virgo, and he walked along the "Ghost Bamboo" forcefully!
The entire "Ghost Bamboo" has been dyed red with blood!
Vergo was shocked!
How can it be? !My "Ghost Bamboo" should have burst his heart!There's no way he's still alive!It’s impossible to still move!
In a state of confusion, Vergo received a heavy punch from Drake on the left side of his face!

Vergo flew backwards. He turned around neatly in mid-air, and inserted his hands like hooks into the floor, creating a deep hole, and then stabilized his body.

"Domineering"? !In that state, Drake used his "dominance"? !

He looked up and saw that Drake still had the "ghost bamboo" stuck in his chest and was still charging towards him!

This monster!

It turns out that as a rear admiral and the captain of "SWORD", Drake is a young elite in the navy headquarters.

He practiced and learned "dominance" very early, but he always deliberately hid his clumsiness and did not use it in the Chambord Islands, Fish-Man Island or even Thunder God Island.

Drake originally wanted to use "Domineering" as a dagger hidden on his body, and only use it at the most important moments to catch him by surprise.

Unexpectedly, he was attacked by Vergo and was caught off guard and died without even a chance to use it.

However, the "Davy Jones Contract" and his own resentment made him stand up again as a "living dead"!

He can finally use "Haki" without any scruples!

Drake carries the "Ghost Bamboo" embedded in his body and pursues him like a vicious wolf!

"You bastard...why can't you die?!"

Vergo gritted his teeth and was flustered. He quickly got into a boxing stance and took the initiative to move forward in small steps.

The two of them encountered each other, and were bombarded by fists and winds. The sound of explosions continued, and there was another explosion!
Drake and Vergo actually exchanged more than a dozen punches in the blink of an eye, and the phantom was like a curtain, almost covering them both.

The more Vergo fought, the more he frowned!

This guy's speed and strength have become stronger... No, his current state has completely squeezed out his original upper limit!

Drake is completely "overloaded" in attacking, and there is only offense, no defense!
When Vergo's fists and whip legs hit Drake, they had already sunk deep into his flesh.

Drake remained motionless, but took the opportunity to jab Vergo in the face.

This guy is no longer human!

Vergo narrowly dodged the jab, but was hit by another fist from Drake. With a bang, his sunglasses shattered!

His right eye socket was hit hard, and his eyeball was squeezed out in an instant!
Vergo covered his right eye and blood flowed out from between his fingers. He couldn't bear it anymore and roared like a crazy beast and rushed towards Drake!
Kill you!I am going to kill you!

He roared angrily, and at extremely fast speeds, he circled behind Drake and used his strong muscles and thick arms to tightly wrap around Drake's neck, trying to break it!
Drake didn't care whether his neck would be broken. Instead, he stabbed Vergo's temple diagonally with his palms like knives!

Vergo lowered his head to dodge, his "dominance" surged, and he forcefully pushed Drake to the ground!
"Die to me -" Vergo, who was missing an eye, stared angrily, bloody, and extremely ferocious!

However, the vision suddenly turned around!Virgo felt weightless, dizzy, but more confused, until his head hit the floor, rolled a few times, and then stopped.

His right eye was pitch black, and the vision in his left eye was also cloudy, but he could still see clearly clearly.

Drake had broken free from Vergo's body.

He tore at Vergo's flesh with his sharp claws, disemboweled him, dug out his heart, and crushed it into pieces.

Even though he had been beheaded, Vergo seemed to be able to feel the pain of his heart being crushed!
Luo stood next to Vergo's head, slowly put the demon sword "Ghost Cry" back into the scabbard, and stared at him condescendingly and coldly.

"Sure enough, the moment you catch prey is when your 'dominant defense' is at its most relaxed."

Luo raised his leg and stepped on Vergo's face.

"Do me a favor and tell Corazon that I will send Doflamingo to you soon. Tell him to wait a little longer."

Virgo thought of Corazon who died in his hands, and then thought of more people who died in his hands. He swallowed involuntarily, and his face gradually became stiff and unchanged.
Central area of ​​Punk Hassad Island.

After nearly eight days of endless fierce fighting, "Akainu" Sakaski and "Ao Pheasant" Kuzan changed the terrain and climate of this area for a long time.

A "central lake" appeared here. The seawater followed the trajectory drawn by the struggle and fell into the deep pit, and this lake was created.

On both sides of the central lake, one side is covered with howling frost, and the other side is filled with molten lava, creating a wonderful scene where ice and fire coexist.

The two naval admirals were already in a state of embarrassment. Their robes were taken off, leaving only their thin shirts, and they were talking to each other obliviously.

After the "Ice Age" collided with the "Meteor Volcano", smoke lingered around their battlefield, making their vision blurry.

However, in each other's "knowledge and sex network", they know exactly where the other person is!
Another exchange of fists and kicks, the two of them fighting each other with "dominance", each trying to overwhelm the other!
Sakaski pressed his fist toward Kuzan little by little.

"Your wavering and indecisive 'justice' should be exterminated in the Navy Headquarters!"

Kuzan resisted and used his legs to push Sakaski's fist back inch by inch.

"I will never let your unscrupulous 'justice' of killing everyone spread in the Navy Headquarters!"


Amidst the roar of the explosion, the two fell back some distance from each other.

Sakaski's peaked cap was long gone, and his eyes narrowed.

"The 'evil' represented by pirates and revolutionaries should be completely uprooted! Your existence has led some young marines astray, thinking that they can be spared!"

Kuzan shook his arm, gathered a chill, and retorted fiercely.

"I will never be soft on real villains, but there are some people who are obviously innocent, but you still attack them! If everything is handled so cruelly, the world will only turn the other way!"

"You're bringing up old things again! 'O'Hara,' you were also involved! They are not innocents!"

"Sakaski, don't you understand? Why have we conquered the pirates for so many years, but not only failed to eradicate them, but also made them stronger and stronger? Haven't you noticed? A considerable number of people in the world think that we are better than the pirates. Even more cruel!”

"'Justice' is 'justice'! Only by completely eradicating all the cancer can there be a soil for these so-called people in the world to truly live in peace and stability! You just don't understand, Kuzan, this world can't go on any longer. , otherwise it will be difficult to return!"

The two admirals' offensive and defensive battle on Punk Hassad Island lasted for eight days. It was not only a fierce physical battle, but also a mental torture of each other.

There is not much difference in strength between them, so it is not surprising who wins.

The two fought for 8 days and exchanged words for 8 days, but there was no sign of letting up.

However, if one party wavers in its own ideas, it will be defeated in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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