Pirates: Davy Jones is the captain of the Dread Ghost

Chapter 290 Davy Jones never dreamed that I would be here

Chapter 290 Davy Jones never dreamed that I would be here

Luo thought of Rosinandi, and how this "silence fruit user" sacrificed himself to save Luo... but he did not fall into the memories for too long.

"Violet." Luo interrupted the black-haired woman, "How do you want me to believe that you are not a spy sent by Doflamingo?"

"To prove myself, I am willing to provide an important piece of information." Violet immediately replied seriously, "I am a 'glare fruit user'. With the help of specific gestures, I can understand the thoughts of the people in front of me."

Luo's expression was a little moved.

He had heard Crowe and others say that they had met a guy named Enelu.

This guy's "seeing and hearing color", combined with his "thunder fruit ability", can listen to other people's voices.

Violet only needs a gesture to do the same thing.

"I know a piece of information." Violet continued, "Doflamingo sent Diamond Diamante to contact Blackbeard Teach. As far as I know, your captain is on a crusade against 'black beard'."

"That's not much intelligence. We already know that."

"That's not what I want to say. But they have reached a 'Pirate Alliance Agreement'. The 'Blackbeard Pirates' will, under the guidance of Diamanti, withdraw from the old territory and detour into many In flamenco territory.”

This is quite new information.

It seems that our captain led more than 300 people and beat the "Blackbeard Pirates" to the point of collapse.

Luo sat up straight: "Do you know their route?"

"Yes." Violet nodded, "I also know their meeting point. As long as you ambush, you will definitely gain something. Then you will know that I am not a spy."

"What if you said that on purpose and Doflamingo set an ambush there?"

"With his current strength, he can't defeat you no matter how he ambush you. That's why he chose to join forces with 'Blackbeard' and planned to join Kaido, the 'Hundred Beasts', to form a 'Tripartite Pirate Alliance' to compete with you. "

"This is one of the reasons why I came to you. You are the only forces that Doflamingo fears and will not wantonly persecute civilians."

Ironically, when this happened, she should have gone to the Navy Headquarters as soon as possible.

However, she knew very well that the Navy Headquarters would not care about this matter.

Because Doflamingo is not only a "Shichibukai", but also a "Celestial Dragon".

The Navy Headquarters actually knows very well what has happened to the Kingdom of Dressrosa in recent years.

Both Sengoku and He came here to investigate, but everything ended up being nothing.

No matter what Doflamingo did here, the Navy Headquarters would turn a blind eye.

Violet revealed all the information she had finally collected to Luo.

"I don't ask you to trust me now." Violet's hands on the shackles were tightly clasped together, "I only hope that after I prove my worth, I can join you in revenge. "

"The Diamanti who guided 'Blackbeard' is the murderer of my sister. Therefore, I sincerely hope that you can win this ambush."

The brunette's eyes burned with fire.
It has been two days since "Yinyue" Van Oka left the Bloodthirsty Island.

However, "Blackbeard" Teach was still worried.

Because Van Oka stayed here for a while, their whereabouts in the base camp must have been exposed.

So, under the guidance of "Diamond" Diamanti, Teach led the remaining 1000 people of the "Blackbeard Pirates" and began to secretly withdraw from the Bloodthirsty Island.

He only left 100 people on the Bloodthirsty Island to create the illusion that the "Blackbeard Pirates" were still here.

It's funny to say that there are more than 1000 of them, but they are afraid of being chased and attacked by more than 300 people from Davy Jones and the "Whitebeard Remnants". This was absolutely impossible before.

However, after the Wolf, Pizarro, Badgers, Poison Q, and Butterfly died one after another, Teach also recognized the fact.

They are no match for Davy Jones yet.

They need to avoid the edge.

If he's lucky, Davy Jones misses the mark on Bloodthirsty Island, and wastes time chasing the elusive Van Oka.

And they made a safe circle, entering Doflamingo's territory, first forming an alliance with Doflamingo, and then looking for "Hundred Beasts" Kaido.This is Teach's plan.

It has been almost a week since the "Blackbeard Fleet" left Bloodthirsty Island, and everything is going well.

The wind direction was with them, the ocean current was with them, and they encountered no obstacles along the way.

Sure enough, as Doflamingo said, if you follow Diamanti, the road ahead will be clear.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the meeting point, Tiqi also swept away his previous gloom and laughed heartily for a while.

This "Blackbeard Fleet" no longer hides in a low-key manner, and is about to escape anyway.

However, when Diamanti, Shiliu, Lafayette, and Choate saw Teach laughing again, they recalled some not-so-good memories from before.

"Don't worry." When Teach turned his head and saw their expressions, he guessed what they were thinking and said with a smile, "Do you think Davy Jones is a god? How could he guess that we would be here? "

Diamanti was about to return to her home territory, and she felt much more relaxed, so she echoed:
"'Admiral Blackbeard' is right. Everyone, please relax. Dover will take care of you."

Choate was very drunk again, but he soon stopped worrying about it.

However, Shiliu and Lafayette still frowned cautiously until they saw their "Blackbeard Fleet" sailing into the territory of "Tenyasha".

Soon, they saw several ships sent by "Tian Yaksha" to join them.

There was a smiling face on the pirate flag, which seemed to be laughing wildly in the sea breeze.

When the "Blackbeard Fleet" met the flagship of the "Ama Yaksha Fleet", Diamanti saw clearly the two "Don Quixote Family" cadres who came to greet them.

One is a fat man with fan blades around his head - "Turning Fruit Power User" Buffalo.

The other is a woman wearing a maid uniform but carrying various weapons with her - "Weapon Fruit Power User" Baby-5.

Buffalo and Baby-5 first bowed to "Diamond" Diamanti, one of the top cadres, and then conveyed the welcome from the "Young Master" to "Blackbeard" Teach.

The whole joining process was still smooth sailing.

Teach, Shiliu, and Lafayette, who still had doubts, were finally able to relax a lot.

"Haha, since your 'young master' is so enthusiastic." Tiqi was obviously forced to retreat here in defeat, but he was shameless and acted as if he was just here by invitation. "When you see him in a few days, you must meet him. He drank to his heart’s content.”

Buffalo still asked with some worry: "You should have completely gotten rid of Davy Jones, right? The 'Young Master' doesn't want to start a war with him now."

Diamanti said dissatisfied: "Buffalo, didn't I make it clear to you in the phone bug? These days, there are no enemies following behind, and we are safe."

"Yes, yes." Under Diamanti's power, Buffalo nodded in confusion.

Teach laughed and said as if he was trying to save Buffalo:

"Diamandi, don't do this to your subordinates. It's always a good thing to be cautious..."

"However, as Diamanti said, Davy Jones failed to catch up with us. It should be said that he must have been slipped around by Van Oka now, right?"

Thinking of that scene and the frustration he felt during these days, Teach couldn't help but laugh happily.

"Davy Jones never dreamed that I would be here, hahaha...huh?"

Before his laughter ended, he heard something strange and familiar.


The sea surface bulged, and the waves split and splashed, first the shuttle-like bow, then the masts and sails, and finally the stern.

A ship jumped out of the water slowly like a whale and landed unexpectedly in front of their fleet.

Surrounded by them is the dilapidated black ship with sharp teeth - the Terror Ghost.

 Accounting: owe 2/5 chapters

(End of this chapter)

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