Pirates: Davy Jones is the captain of the Dread Ghost

Chapter 355 Give up the fantasy of being a pirate and build a deep sea empire like a flag

Chapter 355 Give up the fantasy of being a pirate and build a deep sea empire like a flag
"Mentioning 'pirates'..."

Davy Jones's thick voice did not even need a microphone to amplify it, but it already echoed inside the auditorium, and all the participants, whether present or not, were listening attentively at this moment.

Arrita directly grabbed her microphone to prevent her breathing from being released and affecting the captain's voice transmission.

"When it comes to pirates, people always think of gangs that rob homes and homes like bandits, but they occupy different territories."

"However, the nature of pirates has changed since the era of great pirates started by Roger."

"The frightened world government regards all those who go to sea without legal certificates and legal means as pirates."

"Some people are even persecuted just because of their special status. They live in exile at sea and are regarded as pirates."

"In order to avoid being hunted by the navy, the only way for pirates to gather is to gather together. And once the pirates become more mature, they become a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh that they cannot ignore."

"For example, the 'New and Old Shichibukai' and the 'New and Old Four Emperors' are all like this. Rather than calling them pirates, it is better to say that they are separatist forces, large and small."

"Now, we are the most powerful force on this sea."

Davy Jones' ice-blue eyes looked over everyone's faces one by one.

"If we continue to deceive ourselves and call ourselves 'pirates', thinking that the world government and the navy will let us go, we should throw away this lucky and fantasy mentality."

"In the eyes of the World Government and the Navy, our danger has long surpassed that of 'Red Hair' Shanks or the Revolutionary Army."

"They can't sit back and watch us continue to exist, and we can't let them continue to step on our heads, control the Grand Route and the four seas, and gradually strangle us."

“When we expand beyond the point of being ignored, that’s the inevitable result.”

"We will have a war with the World Government and the Navy, just like we had a war with Charlotte Lingling and Kaido in the past."

"This is a huge war that no one can escape or survive. The name of pirates can no longer describe our strength, and the name of pirates cannot bring more impact to us."

"Therefore, the establishment of a deep-sea empire is necessary."

After several breaths of silence in the spacious auditorium, Crocodile's voice came from one of the many screens projected on the white wall.

"I agree with your Majesty's idea." He said in a hoarse voice with the cigar still in his mouth, "To be honest, I wanted to become the Pirate King like Roger."

"However, many things have happened along the way, which have changed my original goal."

"I no longer want to be a king with an empty title, but a king who is entrenched and has real power."

"I believe that under His Majesty's Deep Sea Empire, it is possible to achieve this goal of mine. And currently, our biggest enemy is no longer the 'Red Hair', but the World Government."

"If we want to fight the world government and build our empire, we need to raise the flag."

"Otherwise, we will be like the revolutionary army, which seems to have overthrown many kingdoms, but fails to actually threaten the world government. In the end, we will disappoint the forces that would have defected to our side and turn to neutrality and wait-and-see."

“We should be emperors of the call.”

Crocodile never hid his ambition.

And Davy Jones never felt dissatisfied. Crocodile was his sharpest spear. If he couldn't hold it, then it was his incompetence.

As if it was agreed upon, as soon as Crocodile finished speaking, Jinbei took over the topic.

"Murlocs and merfolk have been discriminated against for hundreds of years."

"It's not like we haven't sought various solutions, Otohime's pro-friendly faction, Fisher Tiger's liberal faction, Aaron and Hody Jones' extreme faction..."

"But no matter which faction it is, it is stillborn in the end. The Celestial Dragons and the World Government have almost blocked all our roads, but they use 'hope and future' to hang us like fishing."

"And this kind of discrimination and oppression generally exists among the human race, the mermaid race, the fishman race, the giant race, the little human race, the foot chief tribe, the hand chief tribe, the snake head tribe, the fur tribe, the three-eyed tribe, and the Lunalia tribe. Wait among the races..."

"If racial equality is to be achieved, we must overthrow the rule of the Celestial Dragons and the World Government and establish a new world. I think I will be happy to do so." "I also support your Majesty in establishing a deep sea empire. There is no name for a country, only the name of a country. In the name of 'pirates', how can we unite those races and make them trust us?"

After the two giants Crocodile and Jinbe expressed their opinions, the third person who spoke was beyond everyone's expectations.

"I'll also tell you my opinion."

Kuzan spoke coldly with a frosty aura.

"The Kingdom of Dressrosa is a member of the World Government. According to the World Government Convention, it should be protected."

"Wano Country is a non-member of the World Government. According to the convention, this is a lawless land and there is no need for protection."

"However, their fates are similar. They are both under the tyranny of Doflamingo and Kaido. The former has been for ten years and the latter for 20 years."

"The boundaries between franchised countries and non-franchised countries can be broken down so easily."

"If you pay a sufficient amount of heavenly gold, the world government and navy may not protect you, but if you fail to pay, you will definitely be pursued, intercepted, and sanctioned by the world government and navy."

"The original agreement between the World Government and the participating countries has long been in vain."

"It should be said that the Tianlong people themselves are the first to trample on the convention."

"The Dragon Palace Kingdom was originally a franchising country, but have their people been protected?"

"No, they became slaves of the Celestial Dragons."

"Having paid the heavenly gold and abided by the convention will be more conducive to the circulation of fishmen and mermaids as 'commodity goods' in the Chambord Islands and other places."

"If this is the case for the franchising countries, what about the non-franchising countries? There are many who were massacred and destroyed. How many former franchising countries were forced to become non-franchising countries?"

"When the most basic fairness and justice cannot be guaranteed, I will not blame those who break the rules, as long as it allows them to survive."

"I have yet to find what true justice is, but it will never be like the Celestial Dragons and the World Government."

"I vote yes, too."

"Agree." Arrita raised her hand at the podium.

Ace also raised his hand in the audience: "Agree."




More and more people expressed their opinions, and the seven ominous commanders, five kings, one general, and one female prime minister all voted in favor for their own reasons.

No matter what you think in your heart, things have already started and the arrow has been shot. Should you surrender directly to the Celestial Dragons and the World Government and beg them to spare your life?

Then you shouldn't have been a pirate in the first place, don't resist, and let the ax hit you.Why do you have to wait until you have weapons to resist before you kneel down and surrender?

A deep-sea empire must be built, because all the ocean currents rush here, and it is impossible to be calm.

After all the votes in favor fell, everyone's eyes once again focused on the man who brought them to a height that was not originally theirs. The man who allowed them to be in the center of the whirlpool and yet remain safe and sound so far.

Davy Jones took a puff of his pipe before knocking on the board and saying at the end: "You should prepare yourself. Next month, the founding ceremony of the nation will be held on the Scary Ghost Island."

"It's time for the Celestial Dragons and the World Government to feel the fear of being hunted."

(End of this chapter)

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