Description of the situation
Save money: I don’t know how to be a eunuch, I can finish the book normally.

I didn’t really want to post it because I was afraid of being scolded, “How come you are the only one doing so much shit every day?”

But some book friends are asking again, so I’ll post a situation explanation and explain what’s going on.

The cause of the incident was that the author started to have a high fever on August 8. At first he thought it was just an ordinary high fever, but unexpectedly it was the beginning of a nightmare.

I had a high fever for about 3-4 days. I drank fluids every day and the fever went down. Unexpectedly, my chest started to feel tight and painful. I went to the hospital for a check-up. Oops, I had pneumonia...

The doctor directly issued a hospitalization order, and it took 3 hours from the beginning of the examination to lying on the hospital bed.

Then I continued to suffer from water, and this time I changed to targeted medicine.

I had fluids for about 13 more days, and was discharged after a re-examination and improvement.

But for pneumonia, the medicine only suppresses it, but it is not completely cured. There are still minor lesions, and you need to continue to take medicine and continue to care.

It's already the 15th at this time.

During the period of high fever and pneumonia, I still found time to update for about 10 days... The author did not save a single word of the manuscript. These were all written when I felt less uncomfortable during the illness.

After I was discharged from the hospital, I had another day of surgery. At this time, there were still some sequelae of pneumonia, that is, the lung function was not as strong as before, and people would suffer from slight hypoxia (that is, the oxygen obtained by the organs was 100% in the past, but now it is only 96%, don’t just look at such a small gap, but the impact is still significant.), it shows that people get tired easily.Especially when writing a book, you need to use your brain, which consumes a lot of energy and oxygen... and is also accompanied by some chest tightness and shortness of breath...

However, these are not big problems.These problems do not have much impact on codewords.

Another big problem occurred at this time.

It may be that due to illness, the body is too weak, and then sitting for a long time while typing, resulting in problems with the hip joint, which is commonly known as the "crotch".

Book friends who have read it before know that the author has been suffering from back pain due to sitting for a long time. This time it became serious for some unknown reason.

Starting from the 17th, whenever I sit down, my left hip joint starts to hurt for about 10 minutes.It hurt before, but it usually starts to hurt after sitting for 2-3 hours. After resting and moving, the pain will lessen.

This time is different. As long as I sit for 10 minutes, the pain is severe. Resting and moving are of little use. I need to lie down for several hours before the pain disappears, but the soreness and numbness are still there...

This made it completely impossible to sit down and type... I didn't take it seriously at first and bought some plasters, thinking it would be fine in two days.Unexpectedly, this was not the case at all. After 4 days, there was no sign of improvement at all...

At this time, I started to panic. I started searching on the Internet and found out that I had a hip joint problem, and then practiced some recovery exercises... but it didn't seem to be of much use...

Now I just found a hospital and a bone setting place, and I’m going to give it a try...

I originally thought that I would just rest for a day or two before I could start typing again, so I didn’t post an explanation before. As I said before, I was afraid of being scolded.

The result far exceeded expectations, let alone what I dare say...

The author himself finds it outrageous, how could he be so unlucky?It doesn’t look like it’s true, like it’s making excuses, like it’s a misfortune…

But it’s all so fucking true… The author is so unlucky this month!


This book is the author's first book, so it was written very slowly. Every day I wrote and published the code as I went. There was no manuscript saved at all, so I didn't save the manuscript and sent it out...

Book lovers who are following up on updates can rest assured that this book will not be eunuch, it will be completed and all the pitfalls will be filled in.


Because of some health issues, the latest update must be unstable. Even if it is an update, the number of words will definitely be relatively small...

Updates will resume once your body recovers.

The author here can only say sorry to the book friends who are following the update.

——September 9.

(End of this chapter)

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