American comic muscle saiyan

Chapter 332 Clown?Sorry, I let him evaporate long ago.

Chapter 332 - Clown?Sorry, I let him evaporate long ago.

Therefore, Huang Yuan is not unfamiliar with vibranium, a metal that is very precious in the eyes of people on earth.

Even compared to vibranium, the Uru Mijin produced in Asgard is more favored by Huang Yuan.

After all, every metal has its own special features, and Ulu Mijin has better conductivity for most energies.

Many famous artifacts are made of Uru Mijin, such as Thor's Mjolnir, Heimdall's great sword, Odin's Gangnir, etc.

Bruce suddenly asked at this time: "Then can I ask him in your name for Wakanda to agree to some necessary conditions for us?"

"What are the necessary conditions?" Huang Yuan was a little curious.

"For example, at critical moments, any member of the Guardians has the authority to enter Wakanda to handle events without the consent of the United Nations or Wakanda itself." Bruce replied.

"This critical moment for you is very meaningful." Huang Yuan revealed the key point.

If T'Chaka agrees to Bruce's condition, then as long as the members of the Guardians have the right reasons, they can enter and leave Wakanda at will.

As for the condition that the reason is correct for others, for a person with a developed brain like Batman Bruce, he can make up a lot of them at will, and they are the kind that you can't find a reason to refute.

"Then you can figure it out." Huang Yuan didn't care.

Anyway, if Bruce is not allowed to do it now, he will find another opportunity to use means to achieve this goal.

And no matter how Batman belongs to the human camp, it is impossible to design and use Wakanda to destroy the world.

As for a certain clown, Huang Yuan had already evaporated that guy in advance before letting the world know his identity.

As I said before, all the characters on the blacklist who could be eliminated in advance were directly eliminated by Huang Yuan.

As for the clown's true identity and name, it doesn't matter to Huang Yuan at all. He can easily find it by searching based on his qi reaction.

Don't tell me, this is the first time Huang Yuan has sensed such chaotic yet coexisting Qi.

Maybe doing this will slander some guys who claim to be Joker fans, but Huang Yuan will definitely kill him, and there is nothing to discuss.

The root cause of this chaos is to harm others and ourselves, and there is no room for negotiation.

Hearing that Huang Yuan agreed with his opinion, Bruce nodded and said: "Then I will discuss with him on behalf of the guardian later, and I will try to get as many favorable conditions as possible."

Huang Yuan hummed and hung up the communication.

After settling the matter, Huang Yuan flew straight back to his home in North America.

Although this battle with hell was quite fierce, it was a close call in the end.

When Huang Yuan returned home, he felt inexplicably tired.

But there is no problem whether it is physical energy or mental will.

Even the energy has remained very strong, with no signs of weakness at all.

"I think it's best for you to have a good sleep now."

Eli saw Huang Yuan coming back, so he raised his head and looked at him to persuade him.

Huang Yuan's heart perked up when he heard this, and he quickly stepped forward and asked, "Do you know what my situation is now?"

Eli nodded slightly.

"But I don't feel any signal that I need to rest, either in terms of energy or spirit, but I still feel tired. Why is this?" Huang Yuan sat down on the sofa and looked at Eli and asked curiously .

"That's because your soul is tired."

Eli seemed to be able to see through it at a glance. She said slowly: "When you fight those guys in hell, the state you enter puts a heavy burden on your soul." "So, it is normal for you to be tired."

Huang Yuan was confused and said: "No, isn't the soul the same as my spirit?"

Eli snorted and said, "Where did you hear that the soul and spirit of God belong to the same definition?"

Seeing the confused look on Huang Yuan's face, Eli waved his hand and closed the e-book and said: "The godhead is the combination of your soul and the extension of your spiritual will."

"Although your godhead does not represent your spiritual will and soul, if your godhead is damaged or your divine power is consumed too much, it will affect your soul and spiritual will."

Huang Yuan was a little confused by Monk Zhang Er's words, but he could still understand part of it.

"To put it simply, if there is a problem with the godhead, I will also have a problem, right?" Huang Yuan asked.

"On the whole, you're right."

Eli looked away, reopened the e-book and said, "You have squeezed your godhead too hard this time, just like you asked a child to accompany you for a five-kilometer cross-country trip."

"You're lucky it didn't go on strike."

Listening to Eli's complaints, Huang Yuan scratched his head and said, "How can a godhead be so pretentious?"

Eli suddenly became angry when she heard this. She said unhappily: "That's your godhead. If you don't want it, just break it down. I still dislike you."

Huang Yuan quickly scratched his head and said sheepishly: "Sorry, I just made a random complaint."

Eli's face returned to calmness and he said, "You'd better go and rest quickly, don't stop me from reading."

"By the way, before you take a break this time, you'd better tell everyone."

"After all, you have consumed too much of your divine power, and it may take a long time to wake up."

"I don't want everyone to come and ask me questions and disturb my reading mood."

Listening to Eli's instructions, Huang Yuan thought it made sense. Last time, three months went by just as soon as he closed his eyes.

So he nodded and said: "I understand. I will tell those who should know in advance before I take a break."

"Then you have to help take care of this house while I'm away."

Eli didn't speak, but raised a hand and waved it, signaling Huang Yuan to go up and rest quickly.

Huang Yuan shook his head helplessly and complained: "The period of rebellion has really arrived early."

"Believe it or not, I'll wait for you to fall asleep and draw a clown face on you?" Eli suddenly threatened.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong." Huang Yuan quickly gave up.

But he still checked the time, walked straight into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out the ingredients and started cooking.

It's almost time for Wanda and Pietro to get out of school. Let's have dinner with them before going to bed.

Soon, Wanda and Pietro returned home from school.

After seeing Huang Yuan, she happily came forward and hugged her. At this time, Wanda had already undergone tremendous changes in less than a year since she came to this home.

In the past, Wanda and Pietro were born in a war-prone area, so they were under high mental stress every day.

Her body had endocrine problems due to long-term mental anxiety, which caused problems in her physical development.

(End of this chapter)

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