American comic muscle saiyan

Chapter 501 Super atavistic?

Chapter 501 - Super atavistic?

Until now, Huang Yuan still doesn't understand the principle of this gene accelerator.

Even in the original work of MW, Rocket, who has a strong intelligence, can't figure it out, which shows how far the supreme evolution has gone on the path of genes.

Speaking of genes, another one worth describing is the genetically modified life-Adam Warlock.

In the comics, he is a veteran member of the Guardians of the Galaxy and a cosmic hero.

Even though it was weakened in the movie, its strength still showed a strong foundation.

It can be seen that there is an upper limit to how strong it can be under genetic modification.

As his thoughts returned, Huang Yuan began to mobilize all the energy in his body.

But he was not trying to resist, otherwise he could easily break through the shackles of the supreme evolution by directly transforming into a Super Saiyan.

But he wanted to see if this genetic accelerator could work on him.

At this time, the cells in his body began to change, and Huang Yuan immediately concentrated all his energy into the cells.

He began to see genes in a deeper, more microscopic world.

At this time, the genes seemed to have been turned on to accelerate time, and began to transform at an extremely rapid rate.

At this time, Huang Yuan's body was divided into two types of genes, one was the ordinary Saiyan gene, and the other was the increasingly larger S cells.

Among them, the evolution of Saiyan genes is unremarkable, but the genetic changes in S cells are extremely rapid.
At this time, in the outside world, the supreme evolution's eyes were fixed on Huang Yuan floating in the gene accelerator.

He has used the accelerator countless times. He has thrown all kinds of creatures into it. Whether it succeeds or fails, he has seen it countless times.

However, the genes of those organisms are very inferior, so the results obtained are often not satisfactory.

And those with stronger genes simply couldn't withstand the results of genetic acceleration, and eventually their genes collapsed and died.

It can be said that until now, Supreme Evolution has not been able to find a product that can truly withstand the complete evolution of the accelerator.

Those animals before were actually just attempts.

What he really wants is the ultimate evolution of human genes, not the evolution of those experimental animals.

Because he found that no matter how he evolved, the limitations of those animal genes after evolution were too great, and few could really achieve the results he wanted.

Just as he was thinking, Huang Yuan's body suddenly changed.

Hairs suddenly began to appear on the surface of his body, and soon the hairs became thicker.


The Supreme Evolutionary's mind suddenly went blank. The gene accelerator he built was for evolution, not degradation!

Soon, Huang Yuan turned into a woolly gorilla.

But an ancient but fierce aura emanated from his body, and even the supreme evolution could clearly sense it.

"This is a complete atavism!"

At this time, the Supreme Evolution's originally confused and depressed look suddenly became excited again.

Genes indeed contain all the information about all races, blood types, pregnancy, growth, apoptosis and other processes from the birth of life.

Naturally, there is also ancient information left behind by biological evolution, and it is possible for this kind of atavism to occur.

"It's strange, even if human beings are completely atavistic, they shouldn't be like this!"

As a super authority in biology and genetics, Supreme Evolution has naturally studied this type of thing.

"It seems that the secret in this guy's genes is here!" At this time, he was able to determine that the secret in Huang Yuan's genes was in it.

It's just that he doesn't understand it yet.

It's not like he hasn't captured humans before. Among the space pirates, there are many beings whose genes are basically similar to humans.

But as long as it is put on the gene accelerator, it will turn into a pool of blood due to gene collapse in a short time, or it will become a pool of fat, which is of no use at all.

Of course, when the base number is large, special exceptions will always be seen.

But the supreme evolution has never been seen before, similar to Huang Yuan's current situation.

Just when he was lost in thought, Huang Yuan inside suddenly burst into flames, and the terrifying aura exploded rapidly.

The transparent glass surrounding him exploded instantly, turning into pieces of glass sputtering out in all directions.


The Supreme Evolution was shocked, and he immediately summoned a larger glass cylinder to surround Huang Yuan again.

At the same time, he directly raised the value of the gene accelerator to the highest level without hesitation.

In the accelerator on the other side, the arrogance that was originally surging out like a flood suddenly seemed to be restrained.

"This guy!"

The Supreme Evolution's face became slightly solemn, because the power used to restrain Huang Yuan's arrogance was a bit beyond his expectation.

However, this also made him look forward to how far Huang Yuan could evolve.

At this time, in the evolver, the hair on Huang Yuan's body began to move automatically without wind, and the fierce aura began to become stronger and stronger.

Even the Supreme Evolution began to frown. If it continued to grow infinitely, even he would not be able to bear the consumption.

But just when he was worried, he saw Huang Yuan in the evolution device. The originally thick hair on his body suddenly began to fall off, and then turned into fly ash.

Soon, in less than half a minute, all the long hair on Huang Yuan's body had fallen off and he had returned to his original figure.

However, at this time, the tail behind him has begun to appear, and at the same time, his hair has changed from the original short hair to long, light red hair hanging on his back.

The terrifying and fierce aura before has completely disappeared now.

Huang Yuan himself felt it. After the S cells were completely activated by the evolver, his own genes began to change continuously.

He was already strong enough, but now he felt that a new round of evolution had begun at the genetic level.

On the other side, the Supreme Evolution frowned as he looked at the tail growing out from behind Huang Yuan's back and above his buttocks.

However, since the phenomenon of atavism has occurred, it is normal for the tail to appear.

Hair growth is also normal and there is nothing strange about it.

But the next second, Supreme Evolution regretted it.

The boundless aura of terror suddenly erupted.

Huang Yuan directly entered the Super Saiyan transformation without any warning. The sudden surge of terrifying energy made the ground under his feet begin to tremble continuously.

The light of the entire spaceship began to fluctuate. He frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master, we have discovered that there is a huge energy source consuming the energy reserves in our spacecraft!" A subordinate's anxious voice came from the communication.

The Supreme Evolution glanced at Huang Yuan who was evolving, then gritted his teeth and said: "Turn off all unnecessary power supplies immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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