American comic muscle saiyan

Chapter 559 World Pattern

Looking at Tony's confident look, Huang Yuan couldn't help but frown and said, "You kid, you have to show this look, right?"

"When will my child use your face when he goes out?"

"Isn't my child devaluing himself by using your face?"

Tony immediately became unhappy when he heard this, price drop? what do you mean?

But when I thought that I was asking for something from someone, I could only swallow my anger and say a few words: "Okay, I just said the wrong thing."

"Anyway, I leave Pepper's affairs to you. You can't refuse this. You also know that Pepper and this child are even more important to me than my life!"

"Can you understand what I say?"

When he said this, Pepper next to him even held Tony's hand tightly, looking at him with tenderness in his eyes.

"Okay, I understand what you mean. Don't worry about leaving Pepper here."

Huang Yuan waved his hand and said: "As long as I am here, I will ensure that mother and son are safe and sound!"

"You can rest assured. I can't guarantee anything else. I, Huang Yuan, can still guarantee this."

Tony immediately beamed when he heard this, stepped forward and hugged Huang Yuan and said, "I knew you would definitely help me with this!"

Huang Yuan chuckled and said, "How could I not help with such a trivial matter? You are worried."

"Then what did you mean by those words just now?" Tony immediately pushed Huang Yuan away and asked.

"Then do you want my help?" Huang Yuan asked immediately.

"Are you threatening me?" Tony said suddenly unhappy.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Huang Yuan asked in response.

"Nothing, just thank you for being willing to help me." Tony could only lower his head.

Seeing the two men joking with each other, Kara brought a cup of coffee and handed it to Pepper and said, "These two guys just love making jokes like this!"

"Yes, Tony is like that, he will never grow up." Pepper took the coffee and shook her head helplessly.

The two sat down again and then started chatting about recent events.

Tony's Stark Industries has now been fully acquired by him with 72.5% of the shares, he owns 32.5%, and Pepper holds 40%.

The combined shares of the two people can control Stark Industries absolutely, and Huang Yuan holds 15% of the remaining shares.

At this time, Stark Industries was not squeezed by the rise of the Xingchao Saiyan Group, because he was working on pollution-free new energy projects and had no business conflicts with the Starchao Saiyan Group.

There is even good technical and project cooperation between the two parties, which has caused Stark Industries' market value to nearly triple.

They were originally the leader in composite new energy in North America. At this time, their scale in North America was only smaller than that of Xingchao Saiya Group, and it was difficult for other companies to keep up.

As the majority shareholder of Stark Industries, his net worth has skyrocketed, and he is now a super boss with a net worth of trillions.

Especially his Mark Armor, which was different from the original work where he refused to hand it over. Under the auspices of the Star Tide Saiyan Group, Stark Industries sold the technology of the Mark Armor.

However, it is not just for the North American company, but is clearly priced at US$50 billion for sale. As the world's top five, they can naturally only buy it. US$50 billion is actually not that much to them.

When the other middle countries saw this, they gritted their teeth and could only pay for it.

After all, if you are unwilling to buy it, other countries will. If you want to wait for the technology to be cracked, then the new technology will already be available.

So, relying on the technology of Mark Armor, Tony Stark made a fortune all over the world.

In fact, the core technology of the Mark Armor is not just armor, but the most critical thing is the energy core technology. Without that powerful energy support, the Mark Armor is just a coffin box.

That's why Stark can be confident and give you armor technology. If you don't have a strong enough energy core, you will never be able to compete with my armor.

Moreover, it also has the intelligent assistance of Jarvis, while other armors can only rely on their own certain intelligent assistance, which always feels awkward to use.

In fact, the Ark reactor technology on Tony's chest had already been manufactured with Fastos' technology, but due to Tony's reasons it was not directly produced after research.

After all, the Xingchao Saiyan Group was already involved in a large enough area, so there was no need to make Tony miserable just for a little money.

However, Tony is also one of the most powerful brains in the MCU. He quickly developed a new elemental energy (not Howard's, but a more powerful one), and once again became the leader in earth's energy.

Even Fastos couldn't help but admire that Tony's brain was not what a human should have after seeing the elements of new energy.

Later, this guy took nanotechnology research to a deeper level, and completely integrated the nano-armor of Avengers 4 before the Avengers 2 timeline even started.

In fact, he had already made it when he and Huang Yuan were discussing, but it was still a semi-finished product at that time, and many technologies were still in the experimental stage.

After discussions, Tony directly perfected the nano-armor technology based on the data recorded by Jarvis.

Even while watching the battle between Thor and Huang Yuan, he was inspired to invent an overload converter for these nanorobots.

Even Fastos couldn't help but exclaimed that Tony was really a perverted monster when he saw this!

Not to mention that these devices are to be installed on nano-level robots, this micro-mechanical technology has only been broken down by the Xingchao Saiyan technology team recently.

But once Tony's inspiration came, it was simply unreasonable to say that he had it.

Forget it, what's even more frightening is that these devices can actually convert part of the energy when attacked into energy storage for their own armor.

Although the technology has just been developed and is not perfect, the performance ratio of the conversion is too low, and the energy that can withstand the conversion has a fixed upper limit.

But it was enough to leave Fastos speechless.

Based on the current technological foundation of the earth, it is not impossible to develop these gadgets, but the difficulty is equivalent to asking ancient people to build a bicycle for you. It’s not that the technology at the time couldn’t build it, but it was too time-consuming and there was no concept at all.

To Fastos, Tony is the Turing, Einstein, and Tesla among the savages.

Relying on one person alone, a certain technological progress on the earth has been pushed forward for many years, and sometimes it is just because of an inspiration and idea.

Fastos naturally communicated with Tony:

"Genius is ninety-nine percent hard work and one percent inspiration, but the latter is more important."

This is what Fastos said about Tony. To put it simply: Tony is a pervert!

Tony's evaluation of Fastos is: talented and capable, with profound and comprehensive technical knowledge, and the ability to innovate and break through, impeccable.

But sometimes it’s easy to be too rigid, a little stubborn, and don’t like to change.

Huang Yuan understands this. Not everyone can be like Tony and Reed, who can have some abnormal inspirations at every turn.

The top geniuses among humans are more likely to be people like Bruce Banner, Curtis (Dr. Lizard), and Otta (Doctor Octopus).

One thing to mention here is that for the sake of world peace and security, Huang Yuan had already asked Alpha to focus on these scientists.

Whether it was DC or MW, Huang Yuan had recorded all the famous scientists who had appeared.

Naturally, everyone is happy to be able to recruit technology, resources and money. After all, when the scientific research team is strong enough, there will be no such situation as taking risks regardless of the consequences for the sake of results.

At the same time, none of these former villain scientists are mediocre, and their scientific research talents are amazing and admirable.

As for those who are unwilling to come as lone wolves, Huang Yuan can accept it if they can fund and share the experimental results.

However, those who are unwilling will all have Huang Yuan arrange for people to conduct 24-hour uninterrupted tracking. If there is any abnormal movement, Alpha will immediately warn them, and if necessary, they will directly use force to kill them.

Regarding this, Huang Yuan will not be polite. No matter how famous you are, if you dare to betray me under my nose, I will kill you!

When the construction of the third super city in North America was completed, the economy instantly surpassed all countries on the planet and once again became the undisputed hegemon of the world economy.

Every newly built big city has brought huge economic improvements to North America. Now that New Los Angeles, New New York, and New Washington have been officially established, they have formed a triangular correspondence in North America's geography and economy, and the North American economy has directly jumped to a new level. .

At this moment, other cities were instantly compared to each other, because urban development brings about comprehensive improvements.

The most obvious ones are the increase in the lower limit of wages, the increase in per capita welfare in the city, and the convenience brought by Xingchao Saiyan Group's technology. No one is not jealous.

However, it seems that this situation has been anticipated for a long time. The three super cities have almost agreed upon it. Those who do not have a household registration in the original city or do not have a residence certificate are prohibited from staying in the city for more than seven days.

In the past, they could hide in Tibet and hide in places such as city corners or sewers to act as gangsters. However, after the establishment of a new city and the lock of the Sky Eye system, these guys basically have no way to hide.

As for those wealthy people who do not own properties in the three major cities, it is very simple to pay a large donation to the local municipal government.

Of course, the only exception is that employees who hold Xingchao Saiyan Group's work certificate can stay in any super city for as long as they want, and they will also receive large discounts on real estate purchases (buildings financed by the group).

This time, many people quit!

Many people began to hold banners and take to the streets to complain, strongly demanding that the mayor carry out a super city reconstruction plan.

Looking at the scenes in various states and cities on the virtual big screen, President Ellis smiled crookedly.

Because of the North American system, cities and large states have a high degree of autonomy. Even if they really need to carry out renovation and reconstruction plans, they will not need money from the Ministry of Finance.

Unless the governor personally bows his head for help and gives up the interests of that state, Ellis can completely ignore them.

Even if we really want to build a super city, according to previous discussions with Huang Yuan, the White House in North America will be the middleman. Earning enough generous intermediary fees and discounts can make people in the White House, from the President to the janitor, A benefit of all you can eat.

There are several cities in the United States that can afford the renovation costs. Ellis has already had a detailed report made, and after reading it, he has a plan in mind.

Countries other than North America suddenly became excited after seeing the huge economic benefits of the three super cities in North America.

This kind of city must be built no matter what, even if it means selling iron and steel. Otherwise, it is not obvious now. In a few years or more, there will be a huge economic gap between them.

Because according to economists from various countries, after three to five years, the economic benefits brought by these three super cities in North America will reach the level of a state, or even surpass a state!

Because no matter from the upper limit of population capacity, convenient urban transportation, commercial layout planning, urban security, convenience of government offices, etc., they have completely surpassed the old city before.

Taking New York, the most typical largest city in North America and the third largest city in the world, the population limit has increased by 700%, from the original 12 million to the upper limit of nearly 100 million.

These are terrible disparities that are irrefutable.

No one has different opinions or questions. The only thing that may be different is the difference and controversy in the time of arrival.

But without exception, economists from all countries have given an answer. If the country's economy does not fall behind in the future, the more super cities it has, the more it can represent a country's economic strength.

The four major gangsters in addition to the five major gangsters in the world have begun to contact the Xingchao Saiyan Group to discuss plans for the establishment of a super city.

During this period, Huang Yuan, at Johnny's request, created an avatar and went to the United Nations Security Council to attend the World Economic Conference to discuss the future world economic structure.

Then there is the meeting between countries that can build megacities.

What is interesting is that among them, the Neon Kingdom is the leader, and they have joined forces with Korea, Kangaroo and Southeast Asian countries to put pressure on Huang Yuan, hoping to reduce the cost and conditions for the cooperative construction of the super city.

How could North America agree? Ellis wants you to dance as much as possible. The construction of a super city every half a month will give North America an extra economic advantage.

Huang Yuan could naturally tell what these birds were thinking, and without giving them any face, he directly announced that the construction costs of these countries would be increased by 250%, and at the same time, the ranking would be moved to the end.

This caused dissatisfaction between Neon and Gaoli, but Huang Yuan just said, if you want to build or not, I will directly ban you technically if you get angry!

Now Neon, Goryeo and other countries were panicking. They dared to do this just to take advantage of business, and they really didn't dare to offend Huang Yuan.

People may be in a good mood now and have moral constraints, but if they are in a bad mood, they won't tell you the human rules, and even if they beat you to tears, no one will speak to you.

So I could only surrender in regret and pay more money. (End of chapter)

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