American comic muscle saiyan

Chapter 78 Suicide Squad

Chapter 78 - Suicide Squad
Looking at the eyeing army behind Orm, Tony Stark swallowed without leaving a trace.

Although he was wearing Mark armor, it still couldn't give him enough sense of security.

"Mr. Iron Shell, do you still want to fight with us now?" Om sat on the throne and looked at Tony with interest and asked.

[Sir, I don’t recommend taking action now, the risk factor is too high. ] Jarvis's voice sounded.

Tony shrugged helplessly and said, "Okay, just pretend I didn't show up."

After saying that, his hands and feet were sprayed with flames, and he was about to turn around and fly away from here quickly.

"Did I tell you to leave?" Om suddenly said quietly.

"What, this underwater lord, do you still want to keep me?" Tony was already on guard.

The jet nozzles on the hands and feet have begun to warm up, and they can leave the battlefield with maximum explosive power at any time.

"You think you came to my door to provoke me, and then you patted your butt and left when you wanted. Do you think this is your back garden?" Om stood up at this time.


Tony immediately sensed a huge threat, and with a roar, Jarvis immediately made the engine explode with maximum injection power at the fastest speed.

Orm's legs bent and dwarfed, as if a spring was accumulating force.

The strong body density developed under the huge pressure of the deep sea, and the muscle strength that is much beyond ordinary people, make every Atlantean as strong as a superman.

The next second, Orm was instantly ejected into the air like a bullet.

The Sea Bat spacecraft that was originally used as a foundation was directly pushed underwater by this huge reaction force, and a large amount of seawater immediately rushed into the sky under the huge pressure.

The powerful explosive force allowed Orm to instantly catch up with Tony, who had not yet reached the top speed. He stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's mecha.

Tony's eyes widened with a look of horror, but intelligent Jarvis made a choice on his behalf in an instant with calculation power beyond human beings.

Within 0.3 seconds, the armor on Mark III's arm unfolded and rose at the fastest speed, and two micro missiles hit Orm with tail flames.

The palm that was about to grab Tony paused, and then grabbed it in the air.

The two explosions caused Orm's body to stop in mid-air. Tony immediately seized this opportunity and raised his hands while turning around.

During the buzzing sound, the dazzling light from the jet port in the palm of his hand burst out, and two energy shock waves sprayed on Orm's body.

After doing all this, the engines in Tony's feet reached maximum speed and took him away from the battlefield.

"Shet!" Tony yelled in shock.

[Sir, the opponent's ejection speed just now has reached 280/S, which is close to the exit speed of pistol bullets. ] Jarvis reminded.

"Is this still a human being?" Tony, who didn't dare to stop, complained.

Orm escaped from the smoke caused by the explosion in mid-air, and then landed on the Seabat spacecraft.

"Do you want to knock him down, King?" General Muke asked at the side.

"No need." Orm replied calmly.

Then he turned to the soldiers present and shouted: "See, my people, the noble Atlanteans, look at how despicable and evil the land people are!"

"When they were still hungry and hungry, it was us Atlanteans who selflessly helped them and saved them from the darkest era."

"But now they still behave so ignorant, so barbaric, so backward, it's unbelievable!"

"They rely on backward energy methods, but they continue to pollute our oceans and destroy our home."

"They are not worthy of monopolizing this rich and vast land. They still need the guidance and teachings of us Atlanteans!" "We want the people on land to know that only by respecting and learning from us Atlanteans is the most important thing for them. The right way to live!”

"So, after three days, we will use absolute force to break their old and arrogant ideas, rule them, and judge them!"

Orm's speech immediately ignited the Atlanteans present, and they all raised their weapons and roared loudly.

As for why he had to wait three days, Orm squinted his eyes and looked towards the land.

He still remembered that his father, who was a military commander and was extremely tyrannical, once wanted to launch a war on land.

But he hasn't implemented it yet because he is worried about something.

Orm didn't know. He looked at the golden trident in his hand. If he hadn't fully controlled its power, he would have completely pushed the army inland yesterday.

Since you want to do it, you must do it successfully the first time.

Orm returned to the throne and sat down, continuing to feel the majestic and powerful energy in the trident.

This scene was also broadcast on the screens of all countries in the world.

"These damn undersea people are so arrogant!"

Ellis slammed the table angrily and said, "If he looks down on us humans, he will pay the price!"

"Sir, please calm down." Swanwick said: "Although I don't want to admit it, we are indeed no match for them now, whether it is defense or active offense."

Ellis clenched his fists so tightly that his back molars were almost broken.

This was the first time he felt so humiliated. He was slapped in the face and could only break his teeth and swallow it.

"What happened to those arms dealers?"

After Ellis took a few deep breaths to calm down, he turned to look at Swanwick and asked.

"The people under my command say that those guys do have many unexpected products, but they are still in the stage of being unable to be mass-produced, and they are not of much use to us." Swanwick shook his head.

"Not necessarily." Ellis suddenly lost his breath.

"What do you mean?" asked Swanwick in a low voice.

"Do you know Thaddeus F. Ross?" Ellis asked.

"We know each other, but we're not from the same place."

Swanwick replied without thinking: "I don't support his point of view, it is too crazy, but the equally crazy woman under him - Amanda Waller, submitted a plan that I still remember freshly. "

Ellis narrowed his eyes slightly and recalled, "You mean the plan to use death row inmates or criminals with superpowers to form a team and then handle the dirty work?"

"I remember that the name of the plan seemed to be [Suicide Squad], right?"

Swanwick nodded and said: "Sir, I feel that now is the opportunity to implement the plan. Anyway, keeping those death row prisoners and super criminals is a waste of our food. It is better to let them do something useful."

"Besides, aren't those arms dealers bragging about how powerful their stuff is? Let those guys try it on."

"I think the arms dealers would also be happy to let people experiment with these weird gadgets without having to worry about death compensation."

Ellis's eyes lit up and he said: "Okay, you will be responsible for selecting the candidates as soon as possible, and then let the arms chiefs equip them with equipment as quickly as possible. After all, we only have three days."

"Okay, sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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