Begin from the original form of torture and become immortal

Chapter 201: Chapter 200, please give me rewards, monthly votes, recommendation votes!

Chapter 201 is two hundred chapters old. Please give me rewards, monthly votes, and recommendation votes!
Humanity is anxious. If something unexpected happens on Skull Island, will they still be able to harvest those Devil Fruits?
They attach great importance to the power of demigods and feel that this is the future development direction of mankind and the first step for mankind to understand the "power of God"!
Even those demigods didn't know how many samples had been collected from them, and even cloning technology was used.

However, these cloning technologies were naturally unsuccessful. Chang Wei designed a technical blockade. Blockade at the cellular level would prevent cloning cells from succeeding.

But humans still feel that they will be able to conquer the "power of God" sooner or later.

However, if they haven't harvested more samples yet, might something happen to Skull Island?
How do they accept it.

"So what if we don't accept it? We are powerless in front of the Titan."

They actively explained the importance of Skull Island to the big shots above, but it was a pity that the big shots above responded to them with words that humans are now powerless to do.

It cost a lot of money. It took an unknown amount of time to prepare, and an unknown amount of manpower and material resources were wasted. The mechanical Titan Soldier disappeared with the explosion. The research on the cell genes of Godzilla and Ghidorah that was valued in the early stage turned out to be out of control. This is A lot of resources were wasted again.

In addition, the territory of human beings is now shrinking, and the resources available are becoming less and less. It is impossible to make any big plans again.

All they can do is produce oxygen destroyers that have obvious effects on the Titans. As for the mass production plan of the Mechanical Titan Soldiers, they can only be shelved indefinitely.

The God Power Project is their last hope.

But now it seems that it is probably more likely than not.

The handsome boy who was bored on Skull Island suddenly felt threatened.

Ever since Chang Wei upgraded it, the handsome boy has become invincible. The skeleton reptiles are not even enough for him to kill, which makes the handsome boy so bored that he plays hide-and-seek with the humans on the island.

What seems like hide and seek to the handsome guy, but to those humans, it means stealing the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden from the guardian of God!
They felt that the original message of the mural was probably that the woman had stolen the forbidden fruit on the island, which was the Devil Fruit.

After all, all of this is correct, otherwise how could "God" expel them from Skull Island?
The handsome boy has no ill intentions towards humans unless humans first show malice. Therefore, if you hide and seek, in most cases you will not die at the hands of the handsome boy, but will only die from accidental injuries and predation by strange creatures.

This situation only got better after humans had demigods.

But it was only a drop in the bucket. At the same time, humans also discovered that one person cannot eat two Devil Fruits.

Relying on his own strength, a demigod found a second devil fruit and wanted to eat it to become stronger. However, he exploded and died in front of everyone.

After appearing several times later, everyone knew that one person cannot eat two Devil Fruits.

Although they don't know why, they have no way of knowing and solving the puzzle, so if they can't eat two, they can't eat two.

The handsome boy felt a threat, which made him angry. He punched a passing tyrannosaurus to death, and then the handsome boy ran wildly to the beach of Skull Island.


It roared at the sea and beat its chest with the fists of its four arms.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong!!!"

There was a loud noise and sound waves spread.

Godzilla, who was coming from the sea, heard this provocative sound wave and became even more angry.

It swam faster and then its head emerged from the sea.


Godzilla roared at the handsome boy, and the vibrating sound waves were like sonic bombs. The handsome boy covered his ears and roared in pain.

Chang Wei nodded, being able to generate long-distance attack shock waves through sonic vibrations. This Godzilla is getting more and more powerful.

The handsome boy was very angry, then he opened his mouth wide and spit out a light cannon!
Godzilla was caught off guard. He didn't expect that the handsome boy could fight back. He was hit directly. The scales on his body were blown to pieces and flew away, and his heavy body was staggered.His short and thick legs kicked quickly under the sea floor to regain balance and buoyancy.

This made Godzilla very angry, and he strode to the shore of Skull Island.

The handsome boy did not stop it from landing. After all, the handsome boy would not dare to go into the sea to fight Godzilla, even if Chang Wei modified it so that it could breathe underwater.

The two giant beasts faced each other. The handsome boy was more than a head shorter, but in terms of momentum, the handsome boy was not inferior to Godzilla at all.



The handsome boy's words were too unpleasant, Godzilla suddenly became furious, and Big Brother's temper got worse.

Then it stepped forward and slapped the handsome boy.

The handsome boy is not afraid of danger. Even though he is smaller than Godzilla, he has four arms, and they are still powerful and slender!

The first contact and impact between the two parties, the handsome boy roared angrily, and was slapped back by Godzilla.

It wasn't over yet. After hitting the handsome boy who was caught off guard and staggering back, Godzilla bit him on the shoulder.

The handsome boy howled in pain. Ever since his body suddenly changed, it has not felt pain for a long time and has not been injured.

But obviously Godzilla's bite force exceeds its current defense, and it breaks through the defense directly.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong!!!"

After the handsome boy howled in pain, he hit him with four crazy arms, which made Godzilla dizzy, with stars in his eyes, and he had to let go of his mouth.

After the handsome guy with four arms fought like crazy, he suppressed Godzilla. Godzilla's short hands couldn't compare to the handsome guy's arms. The handsome guy's attacks kept making him retreat, and he couldn't get close. Naturally, there was nothing he could do. Fight back.

Godzilla didn't just get beaten without fighting back. He quickly turned around and took advantage of the handsome boy's carelessness to throw out his tail, which was longer and heavier than his body.


A sonic boom cloud visible to the naked eye exploded from Pretty Boy, and Godzilla's tail slapped Pretty Boy away, causing Pretty Boy to smash into a mountain and crush countless trees.


The handsome boy fell to the ground with a heavy sound, and the ground seemed to be shaken.

Godzilla took advantage of the victory and pursued the attack, not intending to give the handsome boy a chance to breathe. His thick legs immediately stepped on the handsome boy.

This time he almost kicked out everything the handsome boy had eaten last night.


The handsome boy opened his mouth wide and fired the light cannon at full power. This luminous cannon penetrated Godzilla's abdomen, causing Godzilla to howl in agony. Then the handsome boy climbed onto Godzilla's body and held on to his feet. The bulge that lives on Godzilla's surface.

Then he raised his fists and struck randomly.

Godzilla struggled wildly, but he couldn't reach the handsome boy riding on his head.

(End of this chapter)

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