Chapter 519 Elizabeth’s Slander

"Norrington, it's the Jormungandr!"

Will Turner was very excited, Elizabeth, he finally found Elizabeth!

As for whether Elizabeth has turned into a wide road for people after so many days, Wiltner said that he doesn't care, and he doesn't even care about this aspect, as long as Elizabeth is still alive.

All he worried about was that Elizabeth would be drained of blood and die by those bloodthirsty undead monsters.

Nowadays, the sea has the terrifying legend of Jormungandr. The bloodthirsty undead monster will suck the blood of pirates and people it encounters, and then the people who are sucked of the blood will die in pain and turn into mummies.

Will Turner was no longer worried after hearing this.

As for Norrington, he no longer had any hope that Elizabeth would still be whole. He just hoped that Elizabeth would not change from a pussy to a bow-legged one.

After all, there were so many men on that ship!

"Poseidon? There is another ship next to it, the Black Pearl?"

Then Norrington saw through the telescope that the appearance of the Jormungandr had changed. If it were not for the black sails and the patterns on the black sails were familiar patterns, he would have thought that he was chasing the wrong target.

Especially the much smaller pirate ship next to him. The name Black Pearl on the hull made his expression change greatly.

"What is the Black Pearl?"

Wiltner has never heard of the story of the Black Pearl. Norrington seems to know nothing about the Black Pearl in the original plot, but this is illogical. After all, he has become a colonel and is not just dealing with the Spanish fleet. , and has fought against pirates many times, how could he not know about the Black Pearl?
After the Black Pearl became a ghost ship, it attacked and plundered merchant ships in countless places.

"The Black Pearl is a ghost ship on the sea, a ship of the dead. How could they get together?"

Norrington was puzzled.

When two ships meet, shouldn't they fight to the death?
After all, pirates will not live in peace just because they are the same kind. On the contrary, the more powerful the pirates are, the less likely they are to get along, unless everyone is equally powerful.

But even if they were equally powerful, such a situation would not be possible.

Norrington had a vague idea in his mind, but he felt it was impossible.

So he thought it was because the Jormungandr and the Black Pearl had some kind of cooperation that they stayed together.

Norrington's flagship is the HMS Endeavor (some translations are HMS Victory). It is the only ship that can temporarily approach the Black Pearl in terms of speed. It is extremely fast, has a pointed nose and a flat tail, and belongs to the Royal Navy Fleet of Great Britain. The captain is James ·Norrington.

The Spanish felt threatened by the Royal Navy of Great Britain, so they began to try to weaken the enemy's power from factors outside the battlefield.Taking advantage of the five thousand gold pounds and Mrs. Gaspar's beauty and eloquence, the proud and hawkish British naval admirals gradually occupied a dominant position.

The navy, with its proud hawkish generals at its core, began to gradually reject the British pirates, believing them to be a source of instability. The honeymoon period between the British navy and the British pirates soon ended, and an incompatible relationship developed.

Norrington rose to prominence for this reason.

Originally, it would take some time for Norrington's fleet to arrive, but it could not withstand the strong support of Governor Swann.

The governors of this era can be said to be extremely powerful, like kings, and as rich as any country. With the energy of Governor Swann, Norrington's fleet was not only replenished at the fastest speed, but even exceeded what he, a commodore, should have. standard.In addition to the flagship Endeavor, there are five Royal Navy level four sailing battleships and twenty frigates!
Such a fleet faces two ships, one is the Poseidon, which is a Tier III battleship according to standards, and the other is the Black Pearl, which is not even a standard cruiser. It seems that the odds of winning are absolute.

However, neither the enemy nor we think so.

After reaching a certain distance, which was the range of the cannonball, Norrington immediately ordered to turn the helm and then fire!
"Elizabeth is still aboard the Jormungandr!"

Wiltner suddenly became anxious and roared at Norrington.

"I know, but do you want to fight those monsters hand-to-hand?"

Norrington said coldly, he is a commodore, so after the war begins, he will not let his personal feelings control his brain. He will only consider the gains and losses of the war and the conditions for victory. This is a qualified naval general. Things to do!
Wiltner watched as the shells hit the seawater and splashed water, but soon the shells hit the Black Pearl and the Sea Emperor.

The performance of the two ships was different. After the Poseidon was hit, it was as solid as a rock. Even a few shells were bounced away, and the remaining ones hit the ship without causing explosion or damage.

After all, the Poseidon is made of iron birch wood, and there is not a single gap between the wood, making it look like nature.

Iron birch, also known as black birch, is the hardest wood in the world and is known as the "king of wood". It can be used as pit wood, sleepers, sheets, vehicles, mine pillars, construction, etc.

It can withstand being chopped by axes and slashed by fire, and is used as metal.

According to historical records, before entering the cold weapon period, the weapons used by people were made of it, and some tribes relied on the weapons made of it to become regional rulers.

The biggest feature of iron birch is its hardness.Studies have shown that iron birch is twice as hard as steel and five times as hard as oak. It will emit sparks when struck with an axe. Even bullets hitting this wood are like hitting thick steel plates.

Not to mention the artillery of this era, it is impossible to shake the Poseidon.

When Norrington saw this scene, he immediately seemed to see those zombie monsters from before, which were also invulnerable.

"Change fuel bombs!"

Norrington issued a new order. If simple bombardment is useless, then use incendiary bombs!

A round of shelling shook the earth, leaving only the sound of cannons in the sea and sky. The Black Pearl's defense was not as good as the Poseidon, and it was almost disintegrated at this moment.

However, both ships were moving forward, charging towards the Endeavor and the Britannia fleet!

The fallen wooden planks and hull of the Black Pearl automatically returned to the Black Pearl for assembly after the artillery fire stopped.

"Stop them, quickly!"

Norrington and Wiltner were shocked to see the Black Pearl automatically recover, and then Norrington quickly ordered.

Is this a ghost ship?
Norrington has already seen the terror of the Jormungandr, so he definitely has no intention of engaging in a boarding battle with them. What era of tactics was that? Of course, now is the era of artillery.

(End of this chapter)

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