Begin from the original form of torture and become immortal

Chapter 542: Deep Sea Monster and Vivid Seafood

Chapter 542: Deep Sea Monster and Vivid Seafood

Chang Wei knows the location of the Poseidon Trident, so there is no need for navigation charts or maps.

However, before going to find the Trident of the Sea Emperor, Chang Wei had to do his own business first.

"I have changed my mind. From today on, you are the creatures in the sea, the eternal undead!"

Chang Wei said to the group of Spanish prisoners who wasted rice.

As soon as he finished speaking, special changes appeared in these Spanish prisoners.

Although this was not the first time for everyone to see Chang Wei display such power and create incomprehensible miracles.

Then they saw, a noncommissioned officer led by this group of Spanish prisoners screamed, his arm was torn open, and the human palm turned into a huge crab claw, just like Davy Jones's crab claws, but smaller than The crab claw on his other hand was much larger.

It's like a fiddler crab with two claws, one big and one small.

This claw is very heavy, reaching almost 1/2 of the body weight; its length is sometimes more than three times the width of the crab's breastplate.

In contrast, the smaller pincer is extremely small and is called the feeding pincer, which is used for "eating".

All these Spanish prisoners turned into various types of crabs in full view of the public, including giant claw crabs, spider crabs, king crabs, etc., of different varieties.

The only thing they have in common is that their bodies are covered with brightly colored carapace, which is their crab shell. It is extremely hard. Only artillery can penetrate and hurt them. It is impossible for muskets and swords to cause any harm to them.

And the way they move is also completely different. Some have spider crab legs, so they can only move around freely, while some still have legs, so they can move freely.

However, their strength has also become very strong, and the strength of arthropods is extremely exaggerated.

Moreover, after being injured and killed, they can be reborn on the ship they are bound to.

Apart from them, there were also changes in the Royal Navy of Great Britain.


"No, Captain, don't turn me into the undead of the sea!"

"I want to be a vampire, not a seafood!"

The Royal Navy of Great Britain wailed, and they tried to beg for mercy from Chang Wei, but in the face of Chang Wei's will, they could only be twisted into lobster soldiers, Australian lobsters, sparrow-tailed mantis shrimps... and so on.

But Norrington is a bit special. Instead of turning into a lobster, he turned into a shark that walks upright, a shark-man that is similar to the shark-man in the DC universe!
At the same time, Viking pirates and Chinese pirates also changed. Some turned into octopuses, their arms turned into more than a dozen tentacles of different sizes, and some turned into killer whales and dolphin people. All of a sudden it became a variety of seafood.

Captain Jack Sparrow and Barbossa were both scared, and without any surprise, they also turned into seafood.

Manta rays, horseshoe crabs, starfish and more all appeared.

Compared to Davy Jones' group of Cthulhu's indescribably tough seafood, this group of tough seafood is stitched very well, at least not so incomprehensible and scary.

Barbossa and the crew of the Black Pearl didn't know what to say.

The good news is that the curse of the Aztec gold coins has been lifted, and they have regained all kinds of feelings, quite a sense of rebirth.Bad news, they are now under a more terrible curse. Judging from Chang Wei's divine power and divine power, this curse is countless times more terrible than the Aztec gold coins. They estimate that they will never be able to undo this curse. Then freedom was restored.

"From today on, you are the undead of the sea. As long as your ship is still there, you will be immortal. The difference is that you cannot go ashore without my permission."

Chang Wei said.

His wanton behavior and doing whatever he wanted did not arouse any dissatisfaction among these crew members. On the contrary, they became even more afraid of Chang Wei.

This captain is so terrifying that they will always obey his orders and never be free.

Then Chang Wei caught a fiddler crab and used his own power to turn the fiddler crab into a giant!
"From today on, you are the new Kraken...or the Deep Sea Kraken."

Chang Wei said to this huge fiddler crab that it must be more terrifying than the Kraken. For humans, the deep-sea monster covered with a hard carapace is not afraid of artillery fire, even the bombardment of heavy artillery. It can only rub out sparks, and it can easily destroy the largest ships and fleets of this era just by using its giant claws!

The seafood crew looked at the huge black shadow below their fleet and suddenly felt filled with a sense of security.

"We have a giant monster too!"

"The Kraken, it was created by a great captain. It must be more powerful than the Kraken!"

"Of course, the Norwegian Kraken is dead, and we will be the overlords of the sea from now on!"

"The Kraken looks like a fiddler crab, but it has two pairs of crab claws. Did the captain modify it?"

Black Mamba watched in shock as his limbs were twisted and turned into a hermit crab-like seafood. His voodoo corpses were also strengthened to an epic level.

Black Mamba is naturally happy with his own changes. How many people have no chance of immortality?

He could see that Chang Wei had modified an ordinary fiddler crab. However, the deep-sea monster had two giant claws and two small claws, which were very symmetrical.

This can no longer be said to belong to a fiddler crab, let alone the back of the deep-sea giant monster. The crab's biggest weakness is that it cannot move if it is caught behind the back. Now its back is covered with sea urchin-like spikes.

Many of his voodoo corpses turned into sea urchin voodoo corpses, with spikes all over their bodies, making people's hair stand on end.

There are also lucky ones who turn into jellyfish, which can sting people directly with their tentacles.

There are also sea snakes and the like.

Chang Wei knows that in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, there is no shortage of monsters in the sea. The monster here refers to the huge sea monster like the Kraken. Davy Jones just caught a Norwegian Kraken as a pet. After all, the sea monster While Seidon was still alive, he created countless monsters.

These monsters with the blood of gods became sea monsters.

The deep sea monster received Chang Wei's gift and became a sea monster that surpassed the Norwegian Kraken, and then felt the aura of the same kind.

But those of the same kind are all in the deep sea.

It told Chang Wei about this discovery, but Chang Wei didn't care after hearing it. It was just a group of sea monsters, not worth his troubles, and not much prestige.

(End of this chapter)

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