Begin from the original form of torture and become immortal

Chapter 590: Adjust measures to local conditions and adapt to circumstances

Chapter 590: Adjust measures to local conditions and adapt to circumstances

The orc captain watched the opponent quickly disappear from their sight, and was extremely angry.

Bastard, don't run away if you can!
What's the matter with you Rohan cavalry, aren't you always on the rampage?


The orc captain was forced to call the other party despicable.

On the Rohan cavalry side, the generals and cavalry were also puzzled by Chang Wei's order to retreat.

"Although the orcs are not afraid of sunlight during the day, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. This is the most suitable time for us."

The general couldn't help but said to Chang Wei.

"They are already on guard. If they continue to fight, it will only be a waste of arrows. Our arrows must be used sparingly."

Of course Chang Wei knew that the best time to attack was during the day. The orcs did not need to rest at night and would be more energetic. However, if they continued shooting, there would be no results and the arrows would be consumed.

"The orcs have amazing endurance. It's hard for us to attack when they are resting."

The general continued.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance. After all, they are still flesh and blood. Stay behind."

Chang Wei nodded. This is the trouble with the strong orcs, but it doesn't matter. They are not machines. Machines have metal fatigue, let alone flesh and blood. So what if the endurance is amazing? If you have the ability to wear armor and hold a shield all the way, then run wildly. Helm's Deep.

But Chang Wei doesn't plan to wait for them to get tired and relax their vigilance. This thing is as laborious as boiling an eagle.

So he chose the tactic of attacking from behind, letting the orc army focus on its head rather than its back.

If you want to slow down the marching speed of the strong orcs, this must be done.

He didn't believe that this group of strong orcs had the tactical ability to look at each other from the front and back. In that case, Chang Wei would admit it.

"Leave half of the people here. When you see them turn around, you can take the opportunity to attack them. Remember, don't be reluctant to fight."

Chang Wei said to the Rohan cavalry.

When the troops were about to be divided, the Rohan cavalry did not feel uneasy. Instead, they felt that there was no problem, because they had already tried it, and the orcs could not keep up with their speed!

If so, what is there to be afraid of?

Chang Wei led the general and the remaining half of the cavalry in a large detour in order to prevent the strong beasts from discovering their traces.

Fortunately, the Orc heavy infantry just immersed themselves in the road and paid no attention to the movements on both sides of them, which allowed them to touch the rear of the Orc.

"Be careful. The Orc army is still behind, so we are likely to be attacked from both sides. We must not be careless. Send two cavalry to our rear as scouts and probe a thousand steps back. If you don't find the Orc, don't come back. Patrolling and watching out there.”

Chang Wei was careful and arranged for the two Rohan cavalry to continue to their rear, so as not to harass the orcs' rear, but the orc army came up from behind and made dumplings without even knowing it.

With the current mobility of the Rohan cavalry, there is no need to worry that they will be caught up and entangled by the wolf cavalry and unable to return to report the news.

In this way, there is no need to worry about being attacked from both front and back. Chang Wei often sees people who engage in guerrilla tactics playing themselves into it because they cannot adapt to local conditions and adapt to changes, just like the orcs who have amazing endurance and travel day and night with very little rest. .Under such circumstances, it is difficult for guerrilla tactics to work. The enemy advances and we retreat, and the enemy is tired and harassed. This is all based on an advantageous situation. For example, when the opponent needs to rest, it is like humans cannot wear armor all the time. On the way.

The orcs are different. They basically don't wear armor all the time.

At this time, we can only find a way to go around and target the logistics of the strong orcs!
The logistics of these more than 1000 strong orcs is a lot of food. For the strong orcs, they do not need horse-drawn carriages and oxcarts to equip weapons. They only need to bring enough food, so their logistics are also very Simple and less troublesome than humans.

"There are so few logistics."

Chang Wei observed for a while and determined that the orcs were still pulling the carts, and they only had five carts, which were basically food. There were no firewood, tents, armor, weapons and the like. Naturally, there was no need for them like those in ancient times. That, the logistics of pulling out hundreds of cars.

There were five Orc vehicles piled up in the mountains, as well as the corpses of the Rohan people and the Orcs. They were not worried that these corpses would rot and stink, because the Orcs could even eat carrion very well.

They have special physical conditions. Basically, they don’t have to worry about the growth of bacteria and viruses in carrion. That means they won’t get sick. They don’t need a tent to rest. They can just sit and lie down casually.

It simply makes the generals who are fighting jealous. If there is such an army, it will be so worry-free, and it can also carry out orders very well.

In this case, Saruman can lose. It can only be said that Saruman's military level is not good, or his micro management is not good.

"These orcs are so disgusting."

The general's face was ugly. The Rohan people's corpses were used as food, which made the Rohan people feel angry from the bottom of their hearts.

"Be prepared, shoot the orcs pulling the cart with a longbow, paralyzing their ability to move, and then strike with coverage to prevent them from escaping."

Chang Wei raised his hand to give instructions, and the Rohan cavalry drew their long bows.


A strong orc couldn't hold back. He secretly broke off a piece of meat from the corpse and stuffed it into his mouth. The maggots were bitten by its fangs and sharp teeth, and the meat juice splashed into his mouth. This strong orc had just exposed his body. With an expression of satisfaction and enjoyment, a long arrow penetrated the body and nailed it to the ground!

The accuracy of the Rohan cavalry is no longer what it used to be, so except for one orc who luckily escaped, all the orcs pulling the cart were shot to death. The remaining orcs began to search for the enemy without saying a word, but the second wave The attack is coming.

At the same time, the beastman walking behind also discovered that he was being attacked from behind, and he immediately started shouting.

The strong orcs quickly wanted to return to defense, but Chang Wei and the others had already cleared out the strong orcs escorting them.

Originally, the strong orcs did not think that enemies could approach their logistics, so the strong orcs here were only responsible for transportation, and there were not many troops.

Chang Wei also specially asked them to bring kerosene, which he poured on the carriages. Along with the torches, the five carriages suddenly burst into flames and disappeared into nothing.

The orcs who rushed over screaming could only see the car and corpses that were burned to ashes. Even the corpses of the orcs were completely burned.



After the orc captain knew all this, he cursed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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