Begin from the original form of torture and become immortal

Chapter 722 Ye Gucheng: You really hurt me.

Chapter 722 Ye Gucheng: You really hurt me.

"Marquis Shenwu listens to the title!"

Several eunuchs were holding imperial decrees in their hands. These eunuchs were genuine eunuchs, that is, eunuchs who could be called "eunuchs."

Not all eunuchs can be called eunuchs.

"Marquis Shenwu listens to the title."

Chang Wei just held his hands and didn't bother to stand up.

This is just a formality.

Several eunuchs also knew it, so they completely ignored Chang Wei's transgression and quickly opened the imperial edict.

"The Emperor Fengtian Chengyun issued an edict:

Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth, and heroes have accomplished martial arts. Nowadays, there is a powerful and powerful Shenwuhou, whose fame spreads far and wide, and whose martial arts are unparalleled. I am filled with admiration after hearing about his heroic deeds. Chang Wei calms down the world, cleans out those who violate the prohibition with force, and maintains social peace. His contribution is to the country and benefits all people.

In the past, martial arts people who committed rape, robbery, murder, arson, committed crimes, and killed innocent people indiscriminately were rampant in the rivers and lakes, causing the people to live in dire straits.

"He is still Emperor Wanli. Doesn't that boy Ye Gucheng not want to be the emperor? He is still thinking about the way of swordsmanship. When he becomes the emperor, he can also study the way of swordsmanship. Maybe he can also realize the way of the emperor's sword!"

Moreover, it is a prosperous place like Jinling. It is a great place by the Qinhuai River.

At this time, internal and external troubles have been solved. Ye Gucheng has been reluctant to ascend the throne. Chang Wei plans to beat him up and force him to take the throne.

A eunuch carefully held the imperial edict in front of Chang Wei.

Chang Wei thought that this gesture was too big.

Chang Wei was ordered to face the danger, stepped forward, wielded his sword to cut off evil spirits, used iron and blood methods to rectify the order of the world, and restore peace to our people. I am deeply gratified that his great achievements are actually the pillars of the country.

Emperor Wanli personally sealed it with his imperial pen. "

He also gave Jinling Mansion its fiefdom, and the government was located on the bank of the Qinhuai River.

King Wu Chang Wei will enjoy the right to rule and manage the area, and will be responsible for maintaining local security and the welfare of the people. In addition, I will also give you a generous salary and mansion to show your noble status.

Chang Wei did not embarrass them and accepted the imperial edict. The eunuch breathed a sigh of relief and then left quickly.

This decree is issued and should be obeyed.

Jinling is the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. It is a prosperous place with a gathering of people and rich products.

Jinling, that’s it!

It's so exciting, but it's a pity that I haven't always been in this world.

He probably planned to use the prosperity here to corrupt him.

"Your Majesty."

In recognition of Chang Wei's achievements, I specially conferred the title of "King of Jinling Martial Arts" on Chang Wei to show his excellence in martial arts.

Chang Wei just mentioned that the Marquis was not nice to hear and wanted to be crowned king or king. The fake emperor was obviously very sensible and quickly made him a King of Wu.

I hope that King Wu Chang Wei will continue to uphold justice, defend his homeland, maintain peace in the world, and enable the people to live and work in peace and contentment. At the same time, I also hope that King Wu Chang Wei can be loyal to the court and contribute his own strength to the prosperity of the country.

"You really hurt me!"

If Ye Gucheng had to say what he regretted most in his life, it would probably be wanting to be the emperor.

Of course, this is not the thing I regret most. The thing I regret most is probably not committing suicide decisively, which resulted in being tortured by Chang Wei. Although he actually didn't want to commit suicide, after seeing such kendo, Ye Gucheng also wanted to pursue a higher kendo.

"...Lord Yecheng...No, Your Majesty, it's cold, please put on some clothes."

Chang Wei covered Ye Gucheng with an imperial robe.

Ye Gucheng was like a marionette, letting him play with it.

When you are tired, let it be what you love.

So, the next day, Emperor Wanli came to power and announced that he would abdicate in favor of others and let Emperor Pingnan's uncle Ye Gucheng take the throne.

As soon as this sentence came out, the civil and military officials in the hall were in an uproar. Fortunately, the military attachés were all replaced by our own people. At this time, it didn't matter whether they were loyal or traitorous, capable or treacherous ministers. We should capture them all if they were not our own people.

The same is true for civil servants, but because they are soft-spoken, it doesn't matter whether they change or not.

In this world of high-level martial arts, civil servants are at most eloquent.

The power of the Jianghu and the world has been firmly controlled by the Shenhou Mansion and its secret agents. Their power has penetrated into every corner and is omnipresent.

At the same time, the top ten sects are closely connected with official institutions and have deeply experienced the benefits of becoming officially recognized institutions.

The various benefits make other sects jealous.

The main reasons why other sects are jealous are as follows:

Privileges in resource acquisition: Cooperation with official organizations means that these sects can have priority access to rare resources reserved by the official.

These resources include training secrets, which often record unfathomable martial arts secrets and are treasures coveted by people in the world.

In addition, official organizations may also provide unique and rare medicinal materials to cooperative sects. These medicinal materials are crucial for refining high-level elixirs and can quickly improve the disciples' cultivation and combat effectiveness.

At the same time, high-end weapons and equipment are also resources that cooperative sects can easily obtain. These weapons and equipment are of high quality and can greatly improve the overall combat effectiveness of the sect.

Improved status and social influence: The social status of sects that cooperate with official organizations has been greatly improved.

The recognition and support of official institutions gives these sects a greater voice in the world, and their words can often influence the direction of the world.

At the same time, the influence of these sects has also been significantly enhanced, and their actions and decisions can often attract the attention of the entire world.

This improvement in status gives the cooperative sect a "golden brand" and makes it easier to attract outstanding disciples to join, and these disciples often have outstanding talents and potential, and can inject new vitality into the development of the sect.

Development opportunities and financial support: Sects that cooperate with official organizations often have more development opportunities.

Official organizations will regularly provide financial support to cooperative martial arts for the construction and development of the martial arts.

These funds can be used to build more magnificent sect buildings and enhance the overall image of the sect; they can also be used to train disciples and improve their cultivation and combat effectiveness; they can also be used to develop new martial arts and skills to enhance the competitiveness of the sect. .

In addition, official institutions may also provide cooperative sects with opportunities to communicate and cooperate with other sects, thereby further expanding the influence and sphere of influence of the sects.

Power expansion and official support: Sects that cooperate with official organizations can use official power to expand their power.

Official organizations will provide territory and resource support to cooperative sects to help them quickly occupy favorable terrain and development space.

At the same time, official organizations will also provide official support and recognition to cooperative sects, giving them an advantage in competition with other sects.

This expansion of power not only helps to increase the strength and influence of the cooperating sects, but also attracts more disciples to join their ranks.

(End of this chapter)

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