Uchiha: From imprisoning the gate

Chapter 192 Obito: There is only one person in this hell, Qing Shui

Chapter 192 Obito: In this hell, there is only Qing Shui...

Uchiha Obito stared at the markings on Uchiha Rin's arm.

He had seen similar black marks, the Flying Thunder God's Seal that only Qing Shui could use...

Carving a mark on Lin's arm?

It sounds strange at first glance, with an unsettling tauren feel to it.

But when Uchiha Obito recognized the mark of the Flying Thunder God as his own squiggle name...

That's fine.

"During the time when I was trapped by Uchiha Madara, it seems that a lot of things happened..." Uchiha Obito was analyzing with a heavy heart and murmured to himself:

"Qing Shui knew about my death, so he came here from the Kirigakure battlefield, right?"

"I placed the Seal of the Flying Thunder God on Lin's arm and used my name as the pattern..."

Uchiha Obito's heart felt warm, but also a little sour.

Qing Shui was reminding Lin not to forget him!

Don't forget the lover who gave his life for her. He used the indelible Seal of the Flying Thunder God to engrave his name on Lin's arm forever. It had an inexplicable twisted beauty.

It's a bit cruel, but it fits well with Uchiha Obito's understanding of Qing Shui...

From Uchiha Obito's point of view, Qing Shui and Uchiha Rin had no intersection at all, they only knew each other because of their friendship.

Uchiha Obito couldn't help but think——

If he really died and was not saved by Madara Uchiha...

So he hopes that the surviving Uchiha Lin will remember him, or will he want to live a new life with another man?

Just thinking of this scene, the Mangekyo Sharingan in Uchiha Obito's eyes were full of vicious and violent power, and murderous intent was everywhere!

From a rational point of view, if he is really gone, Uchiha Obito hopes that Uchiha Lin will start a new life without having to miss him all the time.

But from a perceptual point of view, if anyone bothers Uchiha Rin after his death, he will be reincarnated and kill him!

It's so confusing.

The best Uchiha Rin in the world can only be owned by him and must not be shared with anyone else!

Qing Shui carved his name on Uchiha Lin's arm, not respecting her, but it was right for Uchiha Obito's deepest dark thoughts...

All I can say is that he is indeed Qing Shui!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito couldn't help but recall that he once questioned Qing Shui's thoughts about Nohara Rin. On this empty and bloody land, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of guilt emerging from the bottom of his heart.

Why is he so damned?

What a good brother, yet he used dark thoughts to speculate before? !

"Qing Shui, Qing Shui..." Uchiha Obito muttered the name painfully, his emotions becoming more and more irritable under the strong stimulation.

"Qing Shui carved the Flying Thunder God on Lin's body, not only for me, but also to protect her in the war..."

Uchiha Obito didn't know who he was talking to, but it seemed that speaking the voice would make the pressure in his heart feel better, so much so that both Black Zetsu and Qing Shui could hear his words.

"Qing Shui must have told Lin that after encountering danger, he asked Qing Shui to use the Flying Thunder God's seal to summon him. He didn't want to see Lin die like me in the war!"

After Hei Jue heard this, he couldn't hold himself tight.

No, are you crazy? Obito!

"Oh, the logic is quite clear..."

Qing Shui's eyes were filled with pupil power, and he used the three-in-one illusion technique, dust-free confusion, magic and steaming pavilion technique to hide his own aura to the extreme. He boldly took Black Zetsu's shoulders and walked towards Uchiha Obito. go.

Black Zetsu turned his head to look at Qing Shui in horror, his eyes full of resistance but he didn't dare to resist too hard for fear of being heard by Uchiha Obito.

This bastard is having too much fun!

One moment it's a frighteningly steady and exhaustive strategy, and the next moment it's as crazy as a lunatic...

Hei Jue really didn't want to stay by Qing Shui's side any longer. Even for him, the man behind the scenes with thousands of years of experience, this kind of stimulation was too much to bear.

Brother, don't tease me, I'm having a hard time!

Qing Shui and Black Zetsu stopped a few steps away from Uchiha Obito. His low voice could be heard more clearly, and even the constantly distorted expression on Uchiha Obito's face could be clearly seen.

Black Zetsu stared at the blood scab on Uchiha Obito's face, but unintentionally he felt the feeling of being missed. What does it feel like...

"After the soul is loved, the flesh and blood grows crazily..."

Qing Shui's voice sounded at this moment, and Hei Jue turned his head suddenly in fright. What if Obito heard this?

But Qing Shui smiled at him indifferently. The eyes in his eyes were the same twin Divine Power Mangekyō Sharingan as Uchiha Obito. He continued to talk to himself: "The relationship between you and Uchiha Obito is really amazing. It’s so touching…”

"I just don't know if you have a guilty conscience when you meet again, will you be able to show him the same smile as before?"

I feel guilty...

Black Zetsu's heart trembled. It had done so many things, wasn't it just to resurrect Kaguya's mother?

Do you think I did this to fall in love with Uchiha Obito?

How superficial!

But looking at Obito being fooled, Kuroyu Qingshui's anger and resentment seemed to be like fear, and he didn't even dare to gather them together in his heart.

If Qing Shui, this lunatic, really told Obito the truth...

Then it's all over!

The resurrection of Kaguya's mother can only rely on this dangerous man, and its heart will soon be broken, and Obito will definitely go completely crazy...

But when I think of Qing Shui's pupil technique, that terrifying ability that can draw power from emotions and souls...

Hei Jue felt that Qing Shui would probably do this sooner or later!

Sooner or later...

In other words, Hei Jue, who prides himself on being able to manipulate people's hearts, is completely unable to predict what Qing Shui, who is in a chaotic and evil state, will do...

A huge sense of crisis welled up from the bottom of Hei Jue's heart and enveloped it deeply.

For Kaguya's mother, for Obito, for the ninja world, for everyone...

It has to find a way to do something!

But at this moment.

Uchiha Obito clenched his fists, and tears of blood slowly poured out of his eyes: "But Lin ran out on her own in order to find my body..."

"Those bastards from the Ninja Alliance said that Konoha has withdrawn its troops, and Qing Shui is in charge of the Kirigakure battlefield. It is already very difficult for him to come here."

"Even Qing Shui couldn't have imagined that Lin would run into the battlefield secretly. Kirigakure and Iwagakure are so far apart that even the Flying Thunder God's seal cannot be sensed..."

"Qing Shui must have properly placed Lin in the rear, but Lin ran out alone for me..."

"This world is a hell. Good people like me, Qing Shui, and Lin will always be harmed and deserve to be completely cleansed!"

Uchiha Obito was even a little worried about Qing Shui.

From Qing Shui's perspective, he died, and then Lin, whom he wanted to protect, also died. How sad would that be?

"Qing Shui, you have done a good job, don't feel guilty for me and Lin..." Uchiha Obito turned his head solemnly and looked in the direction of Konoha. At this moment, an expression that looked like crying but not smiling appeared on his face. .

In this ninja world, there is still the last trace of warmth and humanity - from his brother Uchiha Qingsui!

Since Lin's death.

The hatred in Uchiha Obito's heart is overwhelming, and he wants to surpass any ninja in the ninja world equally.

But when Qing Shui was mentioned... Uchiha Obito calmed down for a rare moment. He found that Qing Shui was really good at what he did!

There's nothing wrong with him!

Uchiha Obito resented the Uchiha clan because of Uchiha Setsuna. The sick clan elder cultivated by this damn family personally killed Uchiha Rin for his twisted selfish desires!

Uchiha Obito resented the Hokage family because of the war, from Sarutobi Hiruzen to Jiraiya, the commander of the Iwagakure battlefield, Namikaze Minato, and every Konoha ninja who participated in the war...

If they weren't so incompetent and were beaten back by Iwagakure, how could Lin die?

Let alone Lin, if Qing Shui could come to the Iwagakure battlefield, would he be chased by Ohnoki?

Qing Shui would definitely hold Onomu down and beat him violently!

Uchiha is extremely resentful of the other ninjas of the Hidden Village. It was these bastards who joined forces to attack Konoha that started the war. And they, like Uchiha Setsuna, are the murderers of Uchiha Rin!

None of these people can escape...

They will all be buried with Lin's death!

And when Uchiha Obito fell into anger against the entire ninja world...

After hearing Uchiha Obito's comments about Qing Shui, Black Zetsu felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

how so? !

At this moment, Black Jue finally understood why Qing Shui wanted to engrave the Flying Thunder God's mark on Uchiha Lin's left arm...

Qing Shui didn't just monitor it.

Instead, he used this to break away from Uchiha Obito's anger, and even used Uchiha Lin's death to elevate himself to the highest position in Obito's heart!

Hei Jue felt great fear and grievance...

Obito, why are you so stupid!

You actually think that Uchiha Qingshui is doing it for your own good and is the last good person in this ninja world! ?

Do you know that it was this man who planned this tragedy and pushed you into hell?

See this man’s true face, Obito! !

Black Zetsu shouted crazily in his heart, but the change in Uchiha Obito's expression when he mentioned Qing Shui made him panic even more...

This is really a obsession with Uchiha Qingsui...

[From the laning target Black Zetsu: You get the aura of Kaguya Otsutsuki! 】

Qing Shui glanced at Hei Jue and half-smiled.

It's not that Qing Shui is in trouble for this pair of hard-luck mandarin ducks, isn't this still able to get some gold coins?

It’s still not done well enough!

The final line hasn't even appeared yet, so it seems that we still need to increase our efforts...

When Hei Jue saw Qing Shui glance over at him, he lowered his head reflexively as if he had been tamed, not even daring to look at him head-on.

Qing Shui shrugged, thinking in his mind:

"I have to let Hei Jue relax a little. I am always forcing him like this, and his threshold has been raised..."

Black Zetsu was also thinking in his mind: "Obito actually thinks that Uchiha Qingshui is a good person. I have to make him realize the true face of this bastard early. I have to help him get on the right track..."

"Otherwise, Obito will be eaten up by that guy sooner or later!"

Pressure, so much pressure...

Hei Jue's shoulders are not broad, but they seem to bear the whole world.

After reading the diary, Uchiha Obito kept talking about "Lin", "peace" and "hate", and his eyes became more determined!

"Madara Uchiha...that guy talked about the Eye of the Moon plan that can bring final peace to the ninja world, which can just happen to eliminate all the ugly wars in this ninja world!"

Uchiha Obito clenched his fists hard: "I want to find him. Only this plan can achieve the final comprehensive peace of the ninja world!"

"Lin, as expected of you, the world you hope for is the same as Uchiha's Ninja Shura..."

Obito Uchiha picked up Uchiha Lin's body, closed her eyelids with great tenderness, and promised his lover's body in a deep voice: "I will definitely help you realize the peace you want to see!"

"When I'm done, I'll come find you."

"wait for me…!"

Obito Uchiha's right eye released a turbulent vortex and teleported into the Kamui space.

He wanted to bury Uchiha Lin as soon as possible...

"Hei Zetsu, do what you have to do."

Qing Shui smiled and patted Black Zetsu's shoulder: "You and Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito should get along well. I'm looking forward to your performance."

"I can see that you probably don't agree with the way I want to resurrect Kaguya, right?"

Qing Shui's sudden questioning made Hei Jue's heart tremble.

"I...I didn't." Hei Jue forced out a smile and whispered.

"No need to cover it up, Jue."

Qing Shui said slowly: "I don't force you to follow my path. You can just let go and do it according to your own ideas."

"I expect you to do something that pleases me."

Hei Jue still wanted to say something reluctantly, but Qing Shui blinked at him, and the place turned into smoke with a "bang".

Qing Shui, who put him under so much pressure, was actually just a shadow clone?

Hei Jue looked around, and used the Mayfly Technique to pierce into the earth, breathing heavily in the depths of the ground, as if he was surviving a disaster.

"Hey...that guy is too scary, isn't he?"

White Zetsu, who formed a body with Black Zetsu, complained: "I am afraid of going against Uchiha Qingsui..."

"What's there to be afraid of!"

When Qing Shui was not by his side, Hei Jue suddenly became much tougher: "He is just an ordinary person, he can't be considered perfect!"

"I will defeat him. I will definitely have a way to defeat him. I will find a way to save Kaguya's mother and Obito..." Black Zetsu muttered to himself, looking a little crazy, as if he was forcing himself to hypnotize himself.

Bai Jue looked at Hei Jue's appearance and shook his head helplessly.

Broken, driven crazy!

Is it so stressful?

Starting from the seemingly ordinary pursuit battle on the Iwagakure battlefield, no one paid attention.

Compared to Qing Shui's terrifying record of killing ten thousand people and two Jinchuuriki, these casualties are really not worth worrying about...

But no one knew that he had given birth to an Avenger who wanted to smash the entire ninja world to pieces!

Black Zetsu was meditating underground, Uchiha Madara rushed to Kusagakure, Uchiha Obito was erecting a grave for Uchiha Lin, and the ninja coalition was holding a war meeting...

On top of the mountain.

Qing Shui slowly opened his eyes.

It's time to prepare to deal with the Senju Tobirama inside your body.

"Qing Shui, I need to talk to you..." Qian Shu Feijian said worriedly, his eyebrows unusually serious:

"I am worried about you."

 [Recommend a friend’s book, a new work by a fine author, interested readers are welcome to taste it]

  Introduction: In the beginning, he was reincarnated as the Emperor of the Empire, but why was he on the guillotine? I really don’t want to cosplay Louis XVI!


(End of this chapter)

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