Romance of Gods

Chapter 165 Only the heart remains

Chapter 165 Only the heart remains
Maggie added: "But it's not too late."

Fei Xiong opened the window and stared at the morning view of the river port under the mist. The cold wind blew across the corners of his eyes, and there were many masts in his peripheral vision.

"If you are willing to come over and help me this time, I still want to say thank you."

Maggie looked at his back, stretched out her index finger and waved, "Hey, talking about relationships is no fun when it comes to business. I'm here mainly for the reward."

Hearing this, Feixiong turned around and relaxed: "The fees charged by the Tongpai Association are getting higher and higher. Fortunately, I still have some savings."

"Fei Xiong, you talk about yourself too pitifully."

Maggie smiled, and then her expression became more serious.

"I still can't help but want to remind you that you must handle all the grudges and grudges in this world without leakage.

After all, the enemy you are facing now is not only the first God Actor you personally recruited, but also the disciple you valued most.

If my guess is correct, there are many people in Chiguo Hall who are planning to laugh at you...

If this matter is not resolved satisfactorily, huge pressure will immediately fall on you. "

Feixiong remained calm, "Being in this position, you must be under pressure all the time. This is part of the job."

"Then I wish you good luck in advance. If you really can't survive, the Association will still open the door to you." Maggie stood up, "Where is the Jiu? That Jiu broke into the novel, are you really ready to let it go? "

Feixiong turned around and looked at the window view, "Isn't the story over yet? Everything is still going on."


Kill Cleese!Today, no matter how late it is, it will be too late!
I believe that when you see this commission, you will definitely think that the commissioned person is Chryse Shelton’s mortal enemy.

On the contrary, I am Cleese.

I was trapped in a terrible curse that would cause my body to freeze in the early hours of the morning.

And in the long period that followed, he watched helplessly as he was tortured to death by invisible forces.

Every second was spent in excruciating pain.

This situation has been going on for nearly ten years, and as the body ages, the pain becomes more and more clear.

I've broken down many times and tried to kill myself several times to end the curse.

But without exception, they all failed.

No matter what method of death I adopt, I will definitely be resurrected before dawn and continue a new round of painful reincarnation.

One day I suddenly realized that maybe it wasn't enough for me to die alone.

The source of the curse should be eradicated!
I won’t go into details here about what kind of experiences I had.

I had a foreboding before that just today, they would appear at Clays Manor at the same time.

Please kill us all, we are all in the room on the left at the end of the corridor.

If you can't find us, then I don't have to count on you.

"It turns out that this is the curse that fell on Kress."

After reading the letter, I have complete answers to everything about Clays Manor.

On the street, Chen Yan put the letter in his pocket and walked slowly towards the manor.

Although today's incident is still related to Kress, his status is more like an outsider.

When he passed Tavern Street, he happened to see Darwin and King walking out of the Nightingale Tavern.

The expressions of the two of them were not ordinary, they were about to do something big.

"Quick! Run, you idiot!"

Continuing to move forward, we encountered another pirate group running wildly.

Like an audience, he enjoyed the performances of these strangers.

The day passed quickly, and by the time Chen Yan walked through the sycamore forest and arrived at the manor, it was late at night again.

The iron door opened, and a cruel roar came faintly from the depths of the thick fog.

Chen Yan was now familiar with the road. He raised his hand to hold the Mo Dao and strode towards the castle.

The job he was responsible for this time was finishing.

In the bloody corridor, the fighting was about to end, and the captain was torn apart when he saw the uninvited guest in front of him.

The tramps had just killed the crew members who were blocking their way, but the monster brought them disaster again.

"Hey! Run away!"


The young man Zhang Longhu was standing at the top of the stairs. Just as he shouted loudly, the monster that had killed the homeless people jumped up and bit him at the same time.

At the same time, the long knife covered in flames was thrust out against his cheek like a torch, piercing directly through the chest of a monster.

Zhang Longhu got a breather, plucked green onions on dry land, and somersaulted over the stairs and landed on the platform below. He held his hands up and said, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Chen Yan ignored it, easily burned the remaining monsters to ashes, and walked quickly to the end of the corridor.

Inside the house, Molly's body was broken and lying on the white bed soaked in blood.

Boom, Chen Yan stood at the head of the bed and smashed the entire wall.

There was a pool of blood on the floor in the cubicle, Kress had a dagger stuck in his chest, and whispers came from the corner, "What happened? Let me go and take a look..."

When Darwin lifted the floor and stuck his head out, Chen Yan cut off his head with a knife without giving him a chance to continue speaking.

On the steps of the secret passage, Jin was standing behind him, and the body that suddenly fell caught him off guard.

Just as he was brewing panic, the long knife tore his chest into pieces.

Chen Yan squatted beside the exit of the secret passage. When he stood up, the blood stained on the blade drew a thin line on the stairs.

At this time, Kress woke up. He put his hands in the pool of blood and pushed himself up. When he turned his head and saw Chen Yan, his expression became relieved.



His last words flew into the air along with his severed head.

Chen Yan has heard enough about their stories, and it's time to end.

The head with round eyes fell to the ground, bounced twice like a ball, and finally faced the strong body in the air.

Although the distance between the two is less than one meter, it is already an elusive and unreachable barrier for resurrection.

Chen Yan raised his hand and looked out of the compartment. He saw broken walls and an open door. The end of the story was written in scarlet.

There should be no one coming again... As soon as this thought came to his mind, a joking voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"The real curse starts now."

He turned around and saw a dark monster with six pairs of rotting flesh wings. At some point, its terrifying body emerged from the pool of blood.

It was the angel he saw when he first came to the manor.

"Hello, friend, we meet again."

The angel was polite, his head was split open up and down, revealing a mouth of bright yellow teeth, and he smiled politely at Chen Yan.

"What does a real curse mean?"

The angel spread his hands, unwilling to say too much, "If you wake up tomorrow and are still alive, you will know."

Chen Yan raised his arm, his fingers were turning to stone, he smiled and said, "I'll take this as a blessing."

[This day of judgment is over, and the Kingdom of Thorns is about to begin]

[A total of 1 performers received eviction votes today, and 0 were eliminated]

[The current number of surviving gods: 174]

[You will be teleported in 1 minute to the place where the third night ended]

Not long after the black light appeared in front of Chen Yan's eyes, bronze light replaced it.

Wu Ming was not eliminated and death continued.


A violent falling feeling suddenly enveloped his whole body, and Chen Yan opened his eyes suddenly.

The surroundings were still pitch black, and the huge lake-like green light below the abyss was very close at hand.


Cao Chunhua stood by the river bank, thick blood flowing out of her trouser legs, forming a bead curtain and continuously hitting the river, causing dense blood-red ripples.

As soon as she woke up, her hard fist immediately landed on the rugged boulder.

Thunderous collisions erupted from beneath the fists, and surging air surged into the sky like an upside-down waterfall.

At the same time, the blood in her body boiled faster.

Under the high temperature of steaming, her skin turned into molten syrup, sticking to the rotten bones and flesh.

No one but herself knows how much pain she is suffering now.

But the corners of her mouth were raised stubbornly. She was extremely excited now, or in other words, extremely looking forward to this moment. In the haziness, an old voice sounded in her ears.

"Chunhua, grandpa can rest in peace... Qigong has been passed down for thousands of years, but the most talented of our Cao family ancestors can only touch the threshold of perfection. But you are different! With the blessing of the inheritance of the Giant Spirit God, Your Qigong attainments have suddenly become No. 1 since ancient times.

This skill will eventually be carried forward by you. No one knows how far you will exert the power of Qigong..."

to what extent?

Grandpa, I want to know too.

My body had just melted less than a third, and I felt that all my attributes had expanded more than ten times.

What if...melted some more?

Cao Chunhua thought like this and suddenly said sorry in her heart.

Sorry, everyone, I lied to you.

What dove?What kind of romance... I don't care at all, I just want to take the opportunity to have fun!
But, there should be an opportunity to throw this punch, right?
Even if, even if...

"Cao Chunhua!"

Looking at Cao Chunhua's shrinking body in the airflow, the queen joined her ten fingers together and clenched them tightly. She called out the other person's name for the first time.

No... She suddenly remembered that this was not the first time they had met. They seemed to have passed each other countless times.

Not in the Kingdom of Thorns, but in that foggy day.

She didn't seem to be a queen at that time, just a poor woman, an ordinary woman with no power.

He was caught by those wealthy and powerful men, and then locked up in a dirty room like an animal for their pleasure.

Then, she was about to die and a woman came.

The woman seemed to have a different identity every time she came, but she always did the same thing - killing everyone there from top to bottom without hesitation.

In a night ravaged by black fog, he took her and eloped.

She moved forward involuntarily, and suddenly she saw the billowing black tide, greedily sweeping towards this direction.

It's those monsters!

The divine power in Cao Chunhua's body spread rapidly with the impact of the airflow. These dove beasts smelled the smell. In order to eat the most delicious bite of meat, they rushed over and killed each other!

The queen was a little suffocated, but she quickly overcame her fear, picked up a wooden board from the cargo box on the side, and stepped forward with a bang.

Just as she was about to stand in front of Cao Chunhua, a word squeezed out from the blood foam stopped her, "Let's go! Don't hold me back...!"

The moment she looked back at Cao Chunhua, half of her tongue smashed into the blood on the ground, splashing with foam.



At the original site of London Bridge, in the lake at this moment, Wu Ming, who was standing firmly on the spot, suddenly noticed something.

He turned his head and looked to the east. There seemed to be a tornado-shaped storm blowing on the river bank in the distance.

"Unexpectedly, there are still fish that slipped through the net." Wu Ming didn't care, he looked at his fist, "After these people are crushed to death, if you haven't been torn to pieces by the dove beast, maybe we can learn from each other."


boom! boom! boom!
Under the endless darkness of the night, people falling from the sky fell like raindrops and landed on a vast platform made of bronze.

Someone shouted in surprise: "What the hell is this place? We are not dead yet?"

"Is this hell!"

The emotions of the employers are much more fragile than those of the actors. They have encountered life and death dangers one after another, causing their emotions to completely explode at this moment.

They chose to huddle together for warmth, huddled in the center of the field, and carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

Vaguely, they saw that there seemed to be unreachable mountains towering on the outside of the field.

"Are you okay?"

Chen Yan glanced at Alice beside him.

Alice shook her head and only looked at him intently, "Mr. Knight, it's nice to see you again."

Chen Yan smiled and was about to say something when Xu Wenjiu suddenly came over and looked around in surprise, "Have we entered a processing factory that mass-produces Leshan Giant Buddha?"

Chen Yan followed his line of sight and saw that the mountains around the field were actually huge stone Buddhas carved with lifelike shapes. Each Buddha statue was nearly a hundred meters high!
Suddenly, his heart sank, he stood up and stood in front of Alice, and shouted coldly: "Go to the back."

Seeing Chen Yan's solemn tone, Alice quickly ran to the center of the field to stay with her people without causing any trouble to him.

All the actors noticed the strange movement and formed a circle outside their employer, turning their backs to them and facing the darkness.

At the same time, there was a loud rumbling sound outside the field. The huge stone Buddhas came to life one after another, and with heavy steps, they came towards the small ants in the field.

Unspeakable fear and deathly silence suddenly filled everyone's chests, making them breathless.

Chen Yan's breathing was equally heavy. One of these things is enough to kill everyone... What's more, this is an army.

He looked back at Alice's warm gaze and shook his head, how could such a beautiful little girl be trampled into a pulp by these stone bumps?
When he turned his head, his eyes of punishment opened and he faced the giant Buddha approaching with indifference.

Humans, since ancient times, what they like to fight most are these big things!
[Under the gaze of the Punishing Eyes, the other party exposed a flaw]


Chen Yan was just feeling happy, but he suddenly realized that the weak point of the stone Buddha in front of him was located between the eyebrows a hundred meters high.

"Listen up, everyone! The weak point of these stone bumps is between the eyebrows! Those who have cannons, bows and arrows should greet them with all their strength!"

Chen Yan shouted sharply, and the actors looked at each other in confusion. It's already this time, is there still a need to fight to the death?

A violent gunshot broke out, shattering people's minds.

The recoil of the heavy sniper rifle caused several people around the shooter to stagger back.

Bang, the bullet accurately hit the stone Buddha's eyebrow, splashing some insignificant sparks.

It didn't work at all, and everyone was heartbroken.

"Forget it, wait to die."

Xu Wenjiu put his hands on his hips and his expression became indifferent.

He just turned to speak to Chen Yan, but found that the other person's figure shot forward like an arrow, heading straight towards the stone Buddha.

He was crazy, that was what everyone thought.

Seeing Chen Yan step forward, Alice panicked.

She quickly turned back and glanced at the faces of her people. Just when she was about to call on everyone for help, her expression suddenly froze, as if she had seen a ghost.

Chen Yan was running wildly when he suddenly heard noisy footsteps behind him.

Xu Wenjiu was faster and rushed to his side. He said excitedly: "Brother, you are good. Seriously, wear a pair of pants with our Xu family!"

Chen Yan sneered and looked around. All the actors were following him.

all crazy.

He has no such rules about surrendering in advance before the battle is even fought.

What's more, they have reinforcements, right?

From the cloud, open!

Thunder, open!

Press the good and open!

boom!Chen Yan stepped on the giant Buddha's giant feet and quickly climbed up.

Only when you get close to it in person can you realize how unattainable this giant thing is.

While hundreds of performers climbed onto the stone Buddha, Cao Chunhua was surrounded by thousands of roaring dove beasts on the banks of the Thames River.

However, the majestic air current lingering around him continued to smash the monsters that came one after another into powder and scattered it into the high sky.

The queen watched from a distance, sweating for Cao Chunhua, when suddenly everything was calm.

The restless air around Cao Chunhua suddenly became silent. The queen was suffocated and her pupils were trembling.

She wondered why she wasn't dead yet.

At this moment, where Cao Chunhua was, there was only a red heart floating in the air, and her body had completely melted.

The dove beasts became unusually quiet and carefully looked at the heart in front of them.

Suddenly, the queen seemed to hear someone whispering in her ear.

"Even if only the heart is left..."

Boom, the heart lost its strength and fell into the minced meat. It was so ordinary.

"My soul cannot be erased..."

The dove beasts roared again, their beastly nature regaining its peak, and they desperately tried to grab the remaining food.

"My martial arts will never die, and I will definitely throw this punch."

"If guns and guns don't work, then you can only try this trick of pressing the bottom of the box."

Cao Chunhua: "Whale!"

Chen Yan: "Naga!"

(End of this chapter)

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