After I basked in the sun, I felt amazing

Chapter 121: Classification of Extraordinary Civilizations

Chapter 121: Classification of Extraordinary Civilizations

The three of them came to Xiyuan and saw the Shi family inside crying and rushing out.

"what happened?"

Emperor Ming was so anxious that he rushed into the garden without waiting for an answer.

Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing followed in.

"Roar, roar, roar"

In the garden, the Stone Emperor was like a beast, bouncing with his limbs touching the ground, roaring like a beast, and looking around with a pair of black eyes, seemingly searching for something.

When he saw the three people coming in, he immediately instinctively felt the threat. He jumped onto the ancient tile roof with all four limbs and stared at the three people below with vigilance.

"Old Shi!" Emperor Ming did not dare to act rashly, hoping to bring back Emperor Shi's reason with his words.

"I am Sister Ling. There is only Sister Ling in the world. Don't you remember me?"

The Stone Emperor twisted his head and just stared at her warily with his blackened eyes, showing no sign of regaining consciousness.

"Emperor Ming, don't get close to him, or you may get infected."

Fang Hao activated the [Eye of the Six Paths of Samsara] and saw that the dark light emanating from the Stone Emperor and that his soul was polluted was stronger than before.

Was he possessed or possessed?
The current Stone Emperor has obviously lost his mind and self, and his body has been taken over by some weird "beast".

"He seemed to be looking for something just now." Luo Wenjing looked at the Stone Emperor on the roof and said softly.

"Maybe he's looking for that black jar." Fang Hao frowned, "You guys keep watch first and don't let him escape. I'll be right back."


Fang Hao immediately [teleported] back to the warehouse, quickly opened the alloy cabinet, and took out the black can.

Then teleported back to Xiyuan.

The Stone Emperor on the roof immediately roared and became agitated when he saw the black can in his hand, but he did not dare to rush over and fight for it because of his instinctive sense of threat.

"It seems like this." Fang Hao immediately put the black jar into the extra-dimensional pocket.


The Stone Emperor on the roof suddenly froze, his limbs went limp, and he fell from the roof.

Minghuang wanted to pick him up, but was held back by Fang Hao.

"Let me do it."

The Stone Emperor is in a very bad condition right now. He may be contagious, so don't touch him.

Therefore, he used [Earth Control] to control the hand of stone to catch the Stone Emperor.

"The connection is disconnected?" Emperor Ming looked at the unconscious Stone Emperor and asked softly.

"Probably." Fang Hao nodded.

"I went to see the black can before. Maybe the thing inside felt threatened and manipulated the Stone Emperor to take me away.

"Now that I have put him into a different dimension and lost his senses, the Stone Emperor has recovered somewhat."

"Thank you." Emperor Ming felt relieved.

Fang Hao placed the Stone Emperor in the corridor, frowned and said, "I have to go to the Western Hemisphere and ask the Queen about the situation."

"Are we waiting for you here?"

"Well, it shouldn't take long." Fang Hao looked at Luo Wenjing, "It's too far this time, so I won't take you there."

Luo Wenjing didn't know what to say, so she could only smile and say: "Bon voyage."

Even when Fang Hao took her with him, she felt that she was not worthy of this treatment.

Fang Hao closed his eyes and launched his first ultra-long-distance teleportation.

The situation is urgent and now is not the time to save ability points.

The diameter of the planet is more than 1 kilometers. It is not known whether it will go around the surface or pass directly through space.

When Luo Hao's clone appeared in the Queen's clean and fresh courtyard, the Queen was still sitting at the small white table drinking morning tea.

"I am going to have a morning meeting."

Seeing Fang Hao suddenly appear, she put down her tea cup and smiled softly.

"Let them wait." Fang Hao sat across from her, and the maid hurriedly washed the tea bowl and made him a cup of hot tea.

Fang Hao glanced at Ednas behind the Queen.

"You guys avoid it for a while."

Idenas frowned slightly and looked at the Queen.

The Queen nodded slightly.

"He is doing it for your own good. Please step aside and go to the venue to say something."

"Yes." Idenas bowed slightly, took a few steps back, and turned away.

The four maids also bowed respectfully.

Fang Hao took out the black jar and placed it on the small white table.

"what is this?"

The Queen did not answer directly, but asked: "Someone is possessed? Who is it?"

"Stone Emperor."

Fang Hao did not dare to let the black jar stay in his own plane for too long, so he picked it up and sent it back to his pocket in another dimension.

"It's a pity." The Queen sighed softly, "This black jar must be kept well. Now the life of the Stone Emperor is tied to it. If it breaks, the Stone Emperor will die."

"When your race was fleeing for your life, you still put such things in the spaceship?"

The Queen closed her eyes and said softly: "Do you think we are willing?"

Fang Hao fell into deep thought.

The Stone Emperor's life and the black pot are now bound together.

So, is there an important figure in the Queen's civilization whose life was once bound to this black jar?
If not taken away, this important person will die as soon as the black can is destroyed.

Now that important person should be dead, the black jar fell on the planet and targeted the Stone Emperor again.

"What the hell is this?"

The Queen opened her eyes and sighed: "This is a Horcrux left behind by a certain cosmic powerhouse, reserved as a backup for resurrection. Once it is bound to the soul of a certain extraordinary being, there is no solution."

No solution?Fang Hao picked up the tea cup and took a sip of hot tea.

"Since it's soul-bound, it can't be removed using soul-based powers?"

"You can try it." The Queen also picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"If you can peel off the contaminated part of your soul, you might be able to save it."

Fang Hao's heart moved: "You don't have such a power?"

The Queen shook her head slightly.

"Innate awakening abilities are full of randomness, and soul-based abilities are the rarest, and this is also true for our civilization.

“The samples are too small and it is too difficult to get started, so the research progress will be slow.

“Generally, it takes a fourth-level extraordinary civilization to conduct preliminary research on the soul, and a fifth-level extraordinary civilization to popularize soul-based abilities.

"We were destroyed before we even got to that level."

After hearing this, Fang Hao couldn't help but pick up the tea cup and take a sip, his hands trembling a little.

Soul-based abilities are indeed rare, but I can unlock all the soul-based abilities that have appeared on this planet.

Not only can I unlock it myself, but I can also unlock it for others.

"Level [-] civilization? What level of civilization are you from?"

The queen closed her eyes and sighed softly: "The third level is advanced, and it is gone when the third level reaches the fourth level."

"How are civilization levels divided?" Fang Hao asked.

"You don't even know this?" The Queen felt helpless.

Why doesn't Fang Hao know anything?
Are they really from other alien civilizations?
Or was he still young when he came out and civilization had been destroyed?

"Tell me about it, let me compare it."


Still comparing?The queen rolled her eyes inwardly, thinking that Fang Hao said this out of the little boy's pride.

Out of sympathy, she explained it in detail to Fang Hao.

There are two levels of standards for extraordinary civilization.

One is the level of the extraordinary engine, which represents the extraction level and utilization efficiency of extraordinary source matter.

The second is the type and popularity of extraordinary powers.

A first-level extraordinary civilization requires a first-level extraordinary engine, and at the same time popularizes "flesh and blood system", or "physical system" abilities.

The most basic ones are [Regeneration] and [Physical Strengthening].

"Popular" here means that it can be mass-produced and supplied in unlimited quantities. Whether individuals in a civilization can afford it is another matter.

When the research on the "physical system" abilities is almost complete, and if we continue to deepen it, we will start to study the "mental system" abilities.

After preliminary research on spiritual abilities and achieving certain results, it will be a "first-level advanced extraordinary civilization". It will only become a second-level extraordinary civilization after a breakthrough in mass production technology and the development of a second-level extraordinary engine.

Humanity on this planet has just started. It doesn’t even have a transcendent engine, and research on supernatural powers has not yielded any results. It is the lowest “first-level elementary transcendent civilization”.

It’s started, but it’s just the first step.A second-level extraordinary civilization requires a second-level extraordinary engine, and at the same time popularizes "spiritual" abilities.

In addition to the need for constant upgrading of extraordinary engines, the main difference between different levels of extraordinary civilizations lies in the deepening and upgrading of research on extraordinary powers.

A third-level extraordinary civilization needs to popularize "elemental" abilities.

A fourth-level extraordinary civilization needs to popularize "space system" abilities.

A fifth-level extraordinary civilization needs to popularize "soul-based" abilities.

Sixth-level extraordinary civilization needs to popularize "material system" abilities, that is, material transformation, material manipulation, planet transformation, etc.

Level [-] to [-] extraordinary civilizations need to popularize "rules system" abilities.It will be gradually improved according to the strength of the universe rules being studied.

Level ten and up is the "void civilization". The entire civilization enters the "void" where the extraordinary source material is located, and can create a brand new material universe.

It should be noted that the standard for classifying civilization levels is not unique, or it is just a general classification of "humanoid intelligent civilization".

Non-humanoid races and civilizations, or races and civilizations that have taken different paths, as well as those civilizations that are born with special racial talents, mostly do not meet this standard.

Moreover, there is no strong correlation between the level of extraordinary civilization and the extraordinary level of "individuals".

For example, the humans on this planet are currently only a first-level elementary extraordinary civilization, but they have more than 100 second-level extraordinary beings (emperor realm experts).

If you work harder, there will be third-level extraordinary beings (god realm) and even fourth-level extraordinary beings among these people.

However, the improvement of the extraordinary level of these "individuals" does not significantly improve the overall extraordinary level of civilization.

To sum up, the extraordinary level of civilization depends on the "lower limit", and the extraordinary level of individuals depends on the "upper limit". The gap can be infinite.

Regardless of the transcendent level of civilization, true "Chosen Ones" are rare.

Superpower potions allow extraordinary powers to be popularized by the whole people, but different individuals have different adaptability, and there is a limit to how many superpower potions they can drink.

The more advanced the power type, the fewer individuals can adapt to it.

Taking the civilization from which the Queen was born as an example, the third-level advanced extraordinary civilization has been able to initially produce space-based superpower potions, but the entire civilization cannot find many individuals who can perfectly adapt to it.

If a bottle of super S-level potion is consumed by an individual who is not used to it, the effect may be reduced to A-level or even C-level.

And once this kind of "downgrade" occurs, it means that even if this individual drinks a few more bottles of super S-level potions, it will be difficult to increase his ability level.

Because his body, mind, and soul can only adapt to this level of abilities, no matter how much he drinks, it will be a waste.

How much effect each person can exert after drinking the potion, and how much combat power is improved, also varies from person to person.

Even if they have the same power and the same level, the "Chosen Ones" can still beat others.

Because some combat-related attributes, such as soul strength, may not be manifested, but they are crucial.

After listening to this, Fang Hao fell into deep thought.

Do superpower potions also depend on adaptability?
I don't seem to have this limitation. All abilities that can be unlocked can be upgraded to super S level, and even to super SS level due to card bugs.

"Thank you for your answer." He stood up and bowed slightly to express his gratitude to the Queen. "The Stone Emperor is still waiting for me, so I will take my leave first."

"If you can cure Stone Emperor, you should be careful." The Queen nodded lightly.

"After the last target dies, the jar will select the most powerful creature nearby for soul binding. Even level four extraordinary beings will not be spared."

"Thanks for the reminder, I will pay attention."

Fang Hao nodded, activated the teleportation, twisted his body into points, and disappeared.

Return to the Xiyuan of the Stone Royal Family.

Emperor Ming looked at the Stone Emperor lying in the corridor and whispered: "The Stone Emperor woke up just now, but he soon lost consciousness again."

"I just took out the jar and showed it to the Queen." Fang Hao also whispered, for fear of waking up the Stone Emperor.

"She told me that it was a resurrection item left by a powerful person in the universe. It would be forcibly bound to the soul of an extraordinary being, causing the person to die.

"There is a fourth-level extraordinary being in the Queen's spaceship who is bound to it and can only be taken with the spacecraft. That person should be dead now, so the jar is tied to the Stone Emperor again."

He told Minghuang and Luo Wenjing the information about the jar and the rescue method that the Queen said, which shocked both of them.


For resurrection?
This is really a clever method.

Even he himself doesn't know where his Horcrux will appear. After being killed, he can resurrect his body at a random location.

Among the bound targets, even the fourth-level extraordinary beings are not immune, and only the third-level extraordinary beings in the divine realm are immune.

This must be at least a fifth-level extraordinary life, and it is also possible for a sixth- or seventh-level extraordinary life to begin to master the rules of the universe.

For this kind of cosmic-level powerhouse, it shouldn't be difficult to cross the universe, and he can return to his hometown in a new body soon.

But for those whose souls were invaded, whose bodies were taken away, as well as their relatives and friends, this is a huge tragedy.

"Can it be saved?" Emperor Ming looked at Emperor Shi, his voice hoarse.

"I can only try my best." Fang Hao was not too sure. "I still need some preparations for this matter. I need to think through the details first to avoid affecting myself."

"Thank you." Minghuang said softly, stepped forward to lift up Shihuang who was lying in the corridor, and brought him back to the house.

Before the Stone Emperor is rescued, the soul jar will not be bound to another person, and there will be no problem if he touches it.

"Let's go back first." Fang Hao looked at Luo Wenjing who was guarding the courtyard, nodded, and took her back to Song Yuanzheng's office.

"How is it?" Song Yuanzheng, who was reviewing documents, stood up awkwardly, his face full of nervousness.

"The situation is quite complicated." Fang Hao and Song Yuanzheng explained the specific situation, as well as the difficulties and risks to be faced, and let him sit down slumped.

"If you think it's not feasible after thinking about it, you must not take the risk." Song Yuanzheng wiped his face and said tiredly.

"Humans can lose him, but they can't lose you. The Stone Emperor doesn't want you to take risks for him."

If something suddenly goes wrong with Fang Hao, no one can check and balance the Queen.

I'm afraid that this great hope-filled human union will serve as a wedding dress for the Queen.

The Queen may be kind.

But I'm afraid there won't be much hesitation in sacrificing the interests of mankind for the sake of his own people.

Everything is developing in a good direction now, and humans cannot afford the consequences of Fang Hao's problems.

"I will think about it first." Fang Hao nodded to Song Yuanzheng and took Luo Wenjing back to the Mirror Project's residence.

"If it doesn't work, forget it."

After landing, Luo Wenjing held Fang Hao's hand tightly and whispered.

"Even if you can rescue the Stone Emperor, he has forgotten so many people and things, and his soul is incomplete. It is no longer complete."

"Don't worry, I won't be impulsive." Fang Hao said lightly, "I'll try it with a clone at most. It won't affect the main body."

"Yeah." Luo Wenjing raised her eyes and looked at his face.

"Speaking of which, your body shouldn't look like this, right?"

Fang Hao has been on this planet for more than ten years and must have obtained a legal identity.

But this face has no identity.


Fang Hao was silent for a moment and forced a smile: "You asked a very good question. Don't ask it next time."

"If you don't ask, don't ask. I don't have to see him." Luo Wenjing let go of his hand, hummed softly, and walked into her room.

"You are the younger brother I picked up. I don't care what you look like?"

That's good.Fang Hao sighed secretly.

It's not that he didn't want to tell.

It’s really not possible now.

The main body is still very weak and cannot be exposed.

Whether or not Stone Emperor can be saved, and how to save him, he really has to think carefully about it.

Otherwise, if he gets burned and is possessed by the soul of that beastly cosmic powerhouse, not only will he be transported, but the planet will most likely not be saved.

The owner of the soul jar is obviously a "beast" and will definitely not be polite to "people".

Think about it first.

Early the next morning, Song Yuanzheng, as a member of Parliament, together with Emperor Yan and others, submitted a proposal to the Joint Parliament on "What title should be given to Mr. Luo Hao".

As soon as this proposal was submitted, it immediately caused an uproar, and the topic on the Internet and public opinion instantly reached the top.

In the past, the world had no idea what abilities "Major Luo" had except that he could control two animal clones.

Therefore, no one had a clue as to what title should be given to him, and there was no big discussion.

The proposal launched by Song Yuanzheng this time mentioned several unique titles that contain great courage and great fortune.

First, the Taihuang, the first of the three ancient emperors, was the most majestic.

The second is, Emperor Xi.This is a title based on Fang Hao's ability to absorb sunlight and transform into the sun, and it also means bringing dawn to mankind.

The third is, the Human Emperor.This title has the most special meaning, but given his status as an "alien", it may not be appropriate.

These three titles were written in the proposal, and were selected after internal discussions overnight by Emperor Yan and other powerful emperors.

You can choose any of these three titles.

Now let’s look at the results of the Union Parliament vote.

More than 100 emperor-level experts, more than 300 king-level experts, and a total of 485 members participated in this vote.

 Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted monthly, and recommended tickets. I wish you good health and make money every day.

  (I found that these chapters of The Queen have increased the number of orders)
(End of this chapter)

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