Ye Pianran couldn't say he didn't trust Yao Anping.

When they signed the contract six months ago, they had already reached an agreement on all aspects, including how to deal with it if she was no longer in the sect.

The conclusion is that Yao Anping should maintain the frequency of reporting once a month as usual. If she is not here, the messenger will stop at the entrance of the cave, and the report status can be known based on the number.

During this period, if any urgent problems arise, you can seek help from Ye Citian.

As for what to do if both of them were away, Ye Pianran also made a plan, but she did not tell Yao Anping.

That is, after Ye Citian, the first in line is senior sister Xie Mingyao, and the second in line is second senior brother Lin Ze.

She had already told the two of them separately the last time they met, and they both agreed without hesitation, which made her feel more relieved.

She also informed Ye Citian about this matter. Generally speaking, some information only circulated between the four of them.

There is another extreme case that has to be taken into consideration.

If one day, the four of them are no longer in the sect, then reporting to the Law Enforcement Hall is the best choice.

Although Zongmenfang City is located in the outer gate, it also has a separate law enforcement hall. This law enforcement hall belongs to the same law enforcement hall system of the sect, but it is slightly different in that it introduces the content of mortal management.

These are all ways to deal with special situations. Under normal circumstances, Yao Anping only needs to deliver the communication charm on time as required.

Some time ago, Ye Pianran had a small retreat. During this period, except for the first two months when she came out to get the communication talisman, she stayed behind closed doors, which was a bit of a test.

After she finished her retreat, she came out and saw four communication talismans neatly parked outside the cave. Then she opened them one by one, looked at them, and wrote back a letter.

For now, Yao Anping is doing well, but in the long run, he cannot relax his vigilance.

Therefore, Ye Pianran did not intend to tell him that she was leaving the clan and her return date was undetermined.

Now that she is a direct disciple, her methods are many times more sophisticated, and it is not as easy as before to detect her whereabouts. This is also the reason why she acts like this.

If there is an emergency and he finds that he has not replied, he will notice something strange and go to find Ye Citian or take other measures, so as to prove his value.

To put it bluntly, this is actually still a test for Yao Anping, but everything is based on the premise that nothing will happen to his mother.

However, Ye Pianran couldn't stay in the sect all her life just because she always cared about her mother's safety.

That's why she wanted to train Yao Anping as soon as possible to the point where she could fully trust him.

She just hopes that everything will go as she wishes.

When we came to the alley again, there was no one in front of the courtyard.

She knocked on the door outside and heard her mother's voice coming from the courtyard, "Please come in."

Ye Pianran pushed the door open and walked in. When Ren Meiyu saw it was her, she hurriedly came up to greet her and asked for help.

After staying inside for half an hour, Ye Pianran said goodbye and left. She did not tell her mother that she was going to leave the clan.

Next, she sent a summons to Guan Yu and met with him at his residence.

Guan Yu was more attentive than she imagined. Not only did he often go to Lingtian to supervise the work according to her instructions, but he also kept detailed records of what he saw every time.

Ye Pianran was very satisfied. In addition to the agreed reward, he also gave her something extra, said "keep working hard" and left.

In this way, the preparations were almost completed. She drove the shuttle back to the inner gate and headed to the meeting point mentioned in the mission details.

The destination was a certain forest in Fa Feng. According to the coordinates, she found the place easily, put away the shuttle, and landed lightly.

She came neither early nor late, some people had already arrived. Most of these people were in the early stages of foundation building, with only one or two here and there in the middle stages of foundation building, and they were all faces she didn't recognize.

However, there seemed to be only a few inner disciples who knew her.

Just as she was thinking this, there was movement above her head. Someone had arrived again, and to her surprise, this time it was an acquaintance of hers.

Still an acquaintance whom I haven’t seen for many years.

The person who came was stepping on a fine cold-colored flying sword. With his clothes and sleeves flying, he showed his elegance and loneliness. He was even more pure and pure, his spirit was pure and his bones were beautiful, just like a flawless snow lotus on the top of the Tianshan Mountains, pure and proud. .

In the blink of an eye, the visitor landed on the ground, flicked his sleeves, and sheathed his sword. His movements were crisp and neat, which was pleasing to the eye.

She raised her head the next moment and looked at the female cultivator in front of her who was wearing the same uniform as a direct disciple, and a look of astonishment flashed across her delicate face.

Obviously, she also recognized Ye Pianran.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Senior Sister Gu, it's been a long time."

Their eyes met, the two said in unison, and then looked at each other and smiled.

Five years ago, Ye Pianran first entered the sect. In order to avoid Ye Xiyue's difficulties, she accepted the sect's mission and went to the Beast Forest to hunt monsters, where she met a senior sister named Gu Xueran.

The reason why she remembers it so clearly is not only because it was her first mission, but also because she owed Gu Xueran a favor at that time.

At that time in the Forest of Beasts, she made her first windfall in her life, and through the three-leaf green spirit grass, she exchanged a large amount of resources for her cultivation, which was also an important reason for her rapid growth.

As luck would have it, she also had a few broken ribs because of the three-leaf green spirit grass. It was also thanks to Gu Xueran's generosity that she got a third-grade bone-retaining pill, which prevented the disease from being caused.

Nowadays, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. A mere third-grade Bone Renewal Pill is nothing to her.

But the accounting is not based on such a calculation. What she owes Gu Xueran is nothing else, but a favor.

Favors can be big or small, but it is always right to resolve them early. Therefore, Ye Pianran has always wanted to meet Gu Xueran, but she has no chance.

Unexpectedly, fate came so quickly, and they actually accepted the mission to go to the Chen family in Huixing City together. It was true that it was better to come early than to come by chance.

After a few words to reminisce about old times, Gu Xueran said, "Actually, I have heard about your deeds. The leader of the new disciples, you built the foundation at the age of fifteen, and you worshiped at the main peak to inherit the lineage. Everything is like thunder. Now you have He is a famous figure in the inner sect.”

Ye Pianran touched her nose and said, "I haven't thought about this."

"When I heard this, although I found it unbelievable, when I thought it was you, I didn't find it unacceptable." Gu Xueran smiled lightly, "Having said that, it's impossible not to be amazed when I see you in person. Your growth rate is really shameful."

Gu Xueran also didn't expect to see Ye Pianran here.

When the two first met, the latter was just a pretty little girl, but now she has grown into such a beautiful face, with such outstanding grace, that she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Even so, she still recognized her at a glance, because even though they had been separated for many years, the latter's eyes had not changed, they were still so clear and firm, and they were still so fascinating to her.

Gu Xueran recalled her state of mind back then.

At that time, she compared Ye Pianran to a small grass, hoping to see the grass grow into a towering tree, but now she feels that this metaphor is not very appropriate.

She is more like a young eagle or a carp than Xiaocao.

Eagles soar in the sky, fish leap over the dragon gate, and one day, they will reach the sky and step on the clouds to aspire to the nine heavens.

For some reason, the girl in front of her could give her such a feeling.

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