I may have taken a fake system

Chapter 204 There is also an unexpected gain

Chapter 204 There is also an unexpected gain

When Liu Fuyun returned to the Adventurer Bar, there were basically no major changes from before.

The gambling game in the drinking bureau is still going on, but there are just a few people missing.

Bai Qingyue and the other two had already left, and only one of the two mercenaries who had previously clamored for a duel was left, playing with something in his hand.Looking around, the red-haired woman Reina is no longer in the lobby, but the three mercenaries who mentioned Xue Zeqing are still there.

Liu Fuyun released her mental power, and the system quickly found the clues she needed.

"Reina is not here. The previous mercenaries were on the second floor. Do you want to go up?"

"Not yet, let's ask them first." Liu Fuyun said and walked towards where she was sitting before. Her target was the three mercenaries at the next table.

"Yo!" Someone at the gambling table heard the sound of the bar door being opened and looked over casually, then his eyes lit up and he whistled.

This voice immediately made many people follow his gaze, and there was a slightly surprised look on their faces when they saw Liu Fuyun's figure.

Interestingly, this girl came back alone, so brave!
"Little girl, this is not the place you should be, go back!"

Such a voice suddenly came from somewhere in the crowd. Liu Fuyun just pretended not to hear it and continued walking forward.

Seeing this, everyone shook their heads and said nothing.

It was a rare kind reminder, but this girl didn't appreciate it, so naturally they wouldn't meddle in their own business.

Now that Reina is not here, no one is willing or has the guts to offend Cheng Ge.

Many mercenaries looked at Liu Fuyun with some regret and pity, and seemed to be mocking her for sending her to her door.

Liu Fuyun walked straight to the table of the three mercenaries and sat on the empty bench.

The adventurers who saw this scene were silent for a moment.

"What are you doing? You guys don't need anyone to accompany you to drink." The fat man sitting on the left had a slightly stiff expression. He glanced at Liu Fuyun. The calculation and ill-intentions before were gone, and he was just afraid.

He didn't forget that Reina helped them before.

"Take me to see that brother Cheng." Liu Fuyun said softly.

The man sitting on the right, who was drinking to cover up his nervousness, choked, then put down his glass and looked at Liu Fuyun like a mutated monster.

Did you hear that right? This girl wants to meet Brother Cheng?

Doesn't she know that Brother Cheng is the most powerful poacher leader in Cangyuan City?

If Reina hadn't intervened just now, they would have captured these two girls as slaves!
The three mercenaries were a little dazed by this act of delivering the goods to their door after a disagreement. They exchanged looks with each other and didn't know how to deal with it for a moment.

Could it be a trap set by that woman Reina?

Just when they didn't know how to deal with it, the young waiter with tiger teeth appeared again, smiled at Liu Fuyun and said: "This little brother, Brother Cheng has invited you."

The whole world knew that Liu Fuyun was a girl, but the boy still didn't point it out directly. Instead, he turned slightly to the side and made a gesture of invitation towards the stairs.

He looked at Liu Fuyun with a bit of inquiry, and he obviously didn't understand the purpose of her coming back.

However, he is only responsible for conveying what the guests like to do.

"Thank you, please lead the way." Before looking at the mercenaries, Liu Fuyun stood up and nodded towards the young man and said. "You're welcome." The sudden thank you made the boy smile even brighter. He turned around and walked towards the second floor with the girl behind him.

"Isn't he a dim-witted person?"

"How pitiful this face is. It's really great."

"But no, if she falls into the hands of Brother Cheng, she will be half-dead or half disabled. This girl really can't bear to think about it."

Seeing the slender figure disappearing up the stairs, the adventurers on the first floor couldn't help but sigh, and then put the matter behind them and ignored it.

Once it fell into Brother Cheng's hands, the ending of the play was already determined, and there was nothing more to watch.

All the sporadic discussions coming from behind fell into Liu Fuyun's ears, but she remained calm and continued to walk forward with the young man leading the way.

At the corner of the stairs, the young man with a tiger tooth suddenly slowed down, pointed to a window on the wall and said: "Guest, you can see the top of the mercenary union from here. You want to see see?"

"Wow host, this guy is interesting." The system looked out the window and found that jumping down from here is an alley leading to the main road, which can be used to escape.

"Sister Lei Na likes the scenery here very much." The young man added.

"Thank you, no need." Liu Fuyun showed a faint smile to the young man.

"Okay, then I wish you well, beautiful lady." The young man said no more, but quickened his pace and brought Liu Fuyun to the second floor.

The second floor of the bar is also a lobby, but it is completely different from the one downstairs.

There are only a few tables. Unlike the wooden stools downstairs, the second floor is full of sofas. You can tell at a glance that they are treated like VIPs.

Although Liu Fuyun still looks very down-to-earth.

The light on the second floor was dim, but the moonlight shining in from the window made the room brighter.

"Brother Cheng, the guests are here, just call me if you need anything." Ace said with a smile to the only table near the window, and then turned and walked downstairs.

Liu Fuyun stood at the top of the stairs with cold eyes.She looked at the person sitting on the sofa, and soon she had an evaluation of this person in her mind.

Compared to Brother Zhui standing behind him, this man's figure can only be described as short and lean.But his eyes are fierce and his temperament is cold, giving people a very intuitive feeling at a glance:
It's ruthless!

At this time, Brother Cheng was leaning on the sofa, looking at the girl in front of him with sharp eyes.

Standing behind Brother Cheng, the man known as Brother Chui had a gloomy look in his eyes, looking at Liu Fuyun with a hint of revenge.

Having just been publicly humiliated by Reina, he obviously put the blame on Liu Fuyun.

"You have good courage. Do you know what I do?" Brother Cheng saw the girl slowly walking over and sitting down opposite him. A dark light flashed in his eyes and he asked without changing his expression.

"Boss Cheng, I'm here to ask you for someone." Without a word of nonsense, Liu Fuyun's first words startled the man holding the sledgehammer.

Brother Cheng seemed to have heard some big joke, looking at Liu Fuyun with a touch of disdain in his eyes.

"Interesting, have you ever heard of prey making demands of predators?"

The man sitting on the sofa waved his hand, and the mercenary behind him who was already prepared walked out with a sledgehammer in both hands and walked straight towards Liu Fuyun with a cruel smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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