I may have taken a fake system

Chapter 348: Summoning Dafa is good

Chapter 348: Summoning Dafa is good

Fog grass!

The system was thinking about teleporting across space, and suddenly a terrifying thought came to mind.

"Host! Is the teleportation function of the magic stone only effective for the holder, or can it teleport multiple people at the same time?!"

The energy of two stones is so powerful that if it could cut through space and reach hundreds or even 800 or [-] people at once, wouldn't it be incredible!
If you parachute an army into the enemy's lair without a word of agreement, the effect will definitely turn the world upside down.

Liu Fuyun stopped immediately at the problem with the system and stood there with a serious look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Xin Yi next to him asked worriedly.

"How do you feel about that demon clan just now?" Liu Fuyun suddenly asked this question without answering Xin Yi's question.

"What does it feel like? It can be said to be a very unpleasant smell, lifeless but with a very strong pressure. In short, it is quite uncomfortable." Xin Yi expressed his feelings very honestly.

Elves are very sensitive to breath. It can be said that if Liu Fuyun's arrow hadn't directly penetrated the black mass, she might still be immersed in that uncomfortable breath.

Hearing this answer, Liu Fuyun nodded, looked at Bai Fuzhou aside, and asked with his eyes.

"Same." His Excellency Shenjun first affirmed Xin Yi's words, and then added after thinking for a while: "He is very strong, but he is far from the God of Light, and it seems incomplete."

"Lacks vitality, is not complete enough, and has no entity yet. He is either a ray of remnant soul, or a magic stone that has become an essence." The system said with certainty.

"Then why do you think the demon clan didn't come in person and only released a phantom?"

If you couldn't figure it out, everyone thought about it together, and Liu Fuyun asked the question directly.

"What, that person is just a shadow?!" Xin Yi was startled and repeated it subconsciously.

"Well, I fought him three days ago in Death Valley. His strength is no less than Bai Fuzhou or even worse. He has not taken action today and can't even dodge the sun arrow. I'm afraid it's because this phantom has nothing. Attack power.”

"But the energy he emits is terrifying."

The power of the gray mist was so terrifying. If the Temple of Light hadn't arrived in time today, they might have been wiped out.

"That gray mist is the energy entrenched in Death Valley. It has been formed since the war between gods and demons. I don't know why it was used by him."

Death Valley was originally a battlefield during the War between Gods and Demons. This gray fog has existed since then and has always been the natural protective umbrella of the valley. Its composition is unknown.

Some even say that these are the spirits of the warriors of the gods and demons, protecting this land from infringement.

At this time, this energy can be used by a demon, and the conjecture about the undead seems to be more credible.

"If it is undead energy, it is understandable that you would be afraid of the force of life, but it is impossible for Bai Fuzhou not to recognize it."

The system analysis is very reasonable.

The group of magicians in the Temple of Light are the most sensitive to dark magic, undead magic, death power and the like. If the gray mist is really undead energy, how could Bai Fuzhou, the exclusive assistant of the God of Light, not recognize it.

"Speaking of..."

Liu Fuyun thought of something again.

"Have you ever felt that the feeling of this gray mist is a little bit similar to the force of life and the force of death?" It felt strange and familiar before, but when she subconsciously used the force of life to restore her strength, she suddenly discovered the problem.This gray mist really has a feeling that can make people tremble from the depths of their souls. This is very similar to the feeling given to her by the force of life and the power of death.

It is the original power of the world.

"Impossible!" The system said that he was frightened.

If this gray fog is an original force, then wouldn't it be very terrifying to think that the demons can drive this energy!
It's natural for his host to have the power of origin. After all, the host is taking the protagonist's route, but how fat is the demon? How can he jump out and steal the show!
The system is very dissatisfied now.

"I may know the true identity of that demon."

Liu Fuyun took a deep breath and said slowly.


Bai Fuzhou and all the elves looked at her.

"The one who came to snipe us and the one who went to the Elf Forest are both phantoms. His true body is probably still in Death Valley." Liu Fuyun's tone was seventy percent certain.

The system reminded her that the demon shouldn't be able to control the original power. Let's assume that the demon can control the original power. If this was the case, she should not be able to resist that demon who only relied on Hou Yi to shoot the sun bow three days ago. Gray mist energy.Black Cloak was much stronger than her. If he could really use that terrifying energy, he would be able to kill her with just a wave of his hand.

But if he couldn't control this original power, Black Cloak shouldn't have been so cool and unrestrained just now.

But if his true body is in Death Valley, relying on the magic stone's ability to cut through space, it is not difficult to spread the gray mist here.

The energy of the gray mist taken out of the valley is not as good as before, and it can no longer cause harm to humans, but it can affect the orcs who have lived in the gray mist environment for a long time. This analysis is simply very reasonable!
With a thought, he conveyed this idea to the system, and the system was immediately shocked.

"That makes so much sense, host! I think you've analyzed it pretty well. It's really amazing!"

After being told this by the system, Liu Fuyun's idea that had seemed reasonable before suddenly cooled down.

She just said that she came to the conclusion with just a few clicks, and everyone in the system would take it seriously.

This guy is simply a flatterer.

"If the demons were not subject to any restrictions, they would have been able to snatch the sacred stone long ago. There is no need to be so roundabout." The system said. "And that day after you left the gray mist range, the demon clan stopped chasing you. Doesn't that just explain the matter?"

So it makes sense for the host to think that he might not be able to leave Death Valley.

"Death Valley." Bai Fuzhou repeated in a low voice, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Death Valley is shrouded in gray fog all year round, but the fog never drifts out of that area. I suspect that the demon used the power of magic stones to attract the gray fog and infect the orcs."

After listening to Liu Fuyun's words, Bai Fuzhou was silent for two seconds, and then suddenly said: "Go to Death Valley."

This demon clan has made such a big move on both sides. It is hiding in Death Valley to carry out conspiracy and cannot let it go.

"Yes." Liu Fuyun nodded, and took the lead in saying to Su Mu who wanted to say something after hearing this: "Death Valley is too weird, and the gray fog there will affect you."

"Fuyun and I will go, and the others will go to the Elf Forest to meet up first." Bai Fuzhou said in a tone that would not allow him to refuse.

 Thanks to Luyouyou for the sweet reward!

(End of this chapter)

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