I may have taken a fake system

Chapter 381 Good Medicine

Chapter 381 Good Medicine

"Miss, let's go into the city."

Wang Shuangquan brought his horse over and whispered to Liu Fuyun.

Scar Bear and the other three have never dared to do anything drastic since they were frightened by the three arrows that stuck into the ground with their toes.

I think they have been walking around in the world for many years and have a vicious eye, and I don't want them to be wrong today.

The daughter-in-law looked so cute and inexperienced, but she didn't expect that she turned out to be a secretive person!

Just by looking at her unchanged expression from beginning to end, coupled with her superb archery skills, you can tell that this person is not simple.

This is something they cannot afford to offend!

But the more this happened, the more determined they were to get the jade pendant Liu Fuyun was wearing.

A wealthy lady with extraordinary skills and an exquisite and unique jade pendant, which is very consistent with the characteristics of what they are looking for.

Caution, patience, skill, and brains are all necessary professional qualities for people in their profession. Generally speaking, if their plan fails, they will give up their current goal and look for the next one, leaving the opportunity to their peers. But at this moment, Scar The three Xiongs were completely obsessed with Liu Fuyun's jade pendant, and they were not willing to give up.

Just don't give up.

Scar Bear apologized to Liu Fuyun very sincerely, saying repeatedly that he failed to control the strength in his hand and almost accidentally hurt her. He was so sincere that he wanted to cut himself to express his apology!
Liu Fuyun naturally did not stop him.

Opponents and extras often did not act according to the expected script. Scar Bear was extremely entangled in holding the knife in his hand. After giving the boy and Scud a look, he fiercely slashed his own arm with the knife. Go down!

The sword that the pretty boy pulled out in an attempt to hold the knife was slowed down for some reason. Scud rushed over and tried to grab Scar Bear's arm but stumbled for some reason. The knife was struck with too much force before his companions could stop him. In a hurry, he cut it down, and Scar Bear instantly had a deep gash on his arm, with blood pouring out.

A scream escaped, and this outlaw's face changed in pain on the spot.

The expressions on Bai Lian and Scud's faces also changed.

According to the planned script, Scar Bear mutilated himself ferociously to make amends, and then the two of them grabbed the person at the right time, tried to dissuade him, and reluctantly gave the person an explanation. Even if you are the victim, you should be embarrassed to say anything more.

In this way, Scar Bear has both face and steps, showing sincerity without paying any serious price. It is simply a perfect operation!However, at the critical moment, the pretty boy and Scud who were responsible for pulling the person felt like they were caught by something under their feet, and they were unable to hold the Scar Bear who was really ruthless in order to be realistic!

The plastic bromance has since become estranged.

"Hey, it hurts." The system almost laughed like crazy.

"Oops! What are you doing, Brother Xiong?! Brothers, you don't have to be like this. My lady is kind-hearted and won't care about that little mistake at all!" Wang Shuangquan exclaimed and walked forward anxiously. He took Scar Bear's arm, took a porcelain bottle from his waist, pulled out the stopper, and poured it on the wound.

This set of actions was done in one go, without giving the other party any time to react.

A melodious, high-pitched, emotional howl came from Scar Bear's mouth, and it had a lingering effect in this open-air environment.

"What are you doing! Stop!" The boy was shocked, raised his sword and struck at Wang Shuangquan.

"Brother, calm down."

Wang Shuangquan grabbed Scar Bear's arm without letting go, and pulled the arm in front of him with force.

The white-faced sword boy paused, his eyes full of anger. "Brother, I misunderstood. I gave Brother Xiong the best wound medicine. Look, the bleeding has stopped."

Wang Shuangquan smiled very friendly. Just as he said, the long gash on Scar Bear's arm no longer continued to bleed.The white powder is spread on the wound. Although it looks a bit scary visually, the effect is really remarkable.

The powder that made Scar Bear scream in agony was really the best medicine for wounds. Wang Shuangquan’s words were not false at all!

The pretty boy looked at Scar Bear's face, which was twisted in pain, and then at the wounds on his arms. He hesitated for a moment and clasped his fists at Wang Shuangquan to apologize.

Dragging Scarbear and Scud, they quickly squeezed into the crowd and walked toward the outside of the city. The three of them disappeared in front of everyone.

"What kind of medicine is that?"

Seeing the happy expression on Wang Shuangquan's face, Liu Fuyun asked curiously.

"It's a good medicine for wounds, but it contains medicine that can double the pain."

Wang Shuangquan still subconsciously shuddered in his heart when he recalled the days of struggling under Bai Zhu and Wensong in the past few months.

It was common to get injured while dancing with swords and guns. He still remembered that the first time he fought with Wensong, he was badly injured by the harsh sparring team.Afterwards, the baby-faced Bai Zhu walked towards him with an innocent smile and gave him medicine very considerately...

After that, Wang Shuangquan practiced martial arts even more diligently. At one time, he struggled with no injuries and fewer injuries as his ultimate goal.

This medicine is really not applied by humans, it is almost as effective as adding salt to a wound!

"Okay, it's ruthless enough!"

The system finally understood why Scar Bear could howl so sadly. You can imagine the effect of the medicine just by looking at the fear on Ergou's face.

"Let's go, advance to the city."

The soldier from before ran back after Scar Bear's flying knife. The common people were also trembling and dared not speak. Seeing Liu Fuyun and his two men approaching on horseback, they subconsciously moved out of the way and stood aside to watch. she.

As early as when Scar Bear screamed, everyone inside the city gate was attracted to his attention.

"What happened outside?" Jun Mo's eyes were filled with curiosity and interest. He stopped the soldier who was running back and asked.

"Go back to this young man, there are... three knights from the world had some friction with a young lady outside..." the soldier replied, still feeling lingering fear about what had happened.

That's right. That's basically what he said.

As for children and snacks, smart people would never tell them.

"Jianghu people..." Jun Mo's eyes flashed when he heard this, and he exchanged a look with Qi Xiuyuan, who was still educating his sister and fell silent after hearing this.

"Go and take a look?" Jun Mo asked with a bit of interest on his face.

Just as Qi Xiuyuan was about to answer, he saw the crowd outside the city gate suddenly dispersed, and two figures on horseback walked out.

One of them was riding a tall white horse, with no unnecessary expression on his beautiful face, and was walking towards the city gate.

(End of this chapter)

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